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  1. Jpizzy2x

    Post cut pics

    Followed the advice and got a cut, I think I went from like a 5/10 to a 6.5/10 from it.
  2. Jpizzy2x

    Any advice on what i can do to improve my looks? my eyebrows was thick but i shaved it all, i also want to know if i have the potential,im 16 nd 6'2

    I think you have a lot of potential. You need to grow your hair out a little and get a better haircut, I would also recommend trying to go to the gym and workout regularly as a start. Once the eyebrows grow back, style and trim them properly or pay a professional. I would also recommend dieting...
  3. Jpizzy2x

    3 year evolution (Started looksmaxxing in January)

    I love helping people with diet so ofc. Macros aren’t everything, except the bad ones. Just don’t eat lots of saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol. Try and avoid any food fried in seed oil because that shit stays in you and causes you to gain more weight. I ate a ton of chicken and rice...
  4. Jpizzy2x

    I've spent 6 months trying to find a haircut, but I cant. Help me out

    Sorry it took forever, Monday, 11:30 I get the cut 🙏🙏
  5. Jpizzy2x

    3 year evolution (Started looksmaxxing in January)

    Ig we only go up
  6. Jpizzy2x

    I've spent 6 months trying to find a haircut, but I cant. Help me out

    thats why i wanna cut the hair, im not a girl and i dont wanna present like one lmao
  7. Jpizzy2x

    I've spent 6 months trying to find a haircut, but I cant. Help me out

    i know they're a looksmin but im trying to fix the horrendous circles around them first. I didn't wear glasses for like a week because they broke and people were horrified of how i looked.
  8. Jpizzy2x

    Need help 13m

    you're too young to do anything crazy yet, but do the basics. Get a decent hair and face routine, make sure you brush your teeth and tongue scrape, get a decent haircut, and try to eat decently and drink less soda and more water. It sounds really basic but if you just follow all those basics for...
  9. Jpizzy2x

    I have straight hair what to do

    I used to have really awful straight reddit mod hair, showering daily, changing when you shampoo/condition, and what you use in your hair makes massive differences, how you dry also affects it. I would recommend sea salt spray after pat drying hair, then blow-dry for nice waviness and volume.
  10. Jpizzy2x

    I've spent 6 months trying to find a haircut, but I cant. Help me out

    yo these are actually kinda fire and what i was looking for, probably gonna consult a professional stylist with some inspo pics and pics of me to see if we can get a nice look. thanks for the help