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Search results

  1. Isaacmoon

    Progress update

    Still skinnyfat but lean bulking for mass, increasing frame. It’s prolly masochistic to post it here but whatever. [it’s not gyno I’m trans]
  2. Isaacmoon

    Discussion Ops on “balloon fit” trousers?

    True I was tryna find something to fit my body type that has wide inseams but doesn’t make me look wider than I am altogether, idk shit about fashion
  3. Isaacmoon

    Discussion Ops on “balloon fit” trousers?

    Wide taper small waistline tapered ankles - examples here
  4. Isaacmoon

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    This has never been communicated to me with such genuine kindness, thank you. Moderation is really difficult for my brain type, I have ASD which makes black and white thinking pretty extreme. I think if had someone to hold me accountable In that recovery process it could make it a lot easier, i...
  5. Isaacmoon

    Rate the fit

    Keep forgetting to check my undertones thank you for the reminder- the coat is heirloom, UK military ww2. Way too big but good for the weather here lol
  6. Isaacmoon

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    I knew that logically my brain just hates me and pushes me to extremes
  7. Isaacmoon

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    That sounds more reasonable
  8. Isaacmoon

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    Already on it :3 helps with endurance mostly
  9. Isaacmoon

    News Opportunity: Documentary About Male Cosmetic Surgery & Looksmaxxing

    Sounds great. Don’t know if I’d qualify as a new member but I’ll throw my hat in the ring
  10. Isaacmoon

    School Project/Podcast

    Sure, drop a message
  11. Isaacmoon

    Poll How Many Friends Do You Have?

    I think most people have varying definitions of friends. I have a lot of acquaintances but less than 10 true friends
  12. Isaacmoon

    Story Proteinmaxxed

    I'm recovering trom anorexia. When I was restricting I learned how to get the most nutrients for the least amount of calories, that has helped me in this "bulking" season.. but a little too much I think? I should be eating (according to general consensus) 110g protein at the MOST per day, IVE...
  13. Isaacmoon

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    I KNOW I’m spooked to post now
  14. Isaacmoon

    Rate the fit

    Currently bulking, considering insoles. Definitely in need of style advice tho
  15. Isaacmoon

    Rate the fit

    Getting a new closet asap, nothing fits me right
  16. Isaacmoon

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    Nah I was born with female chromosomes and body, but have a mental complex called dysphoria, it means that looking like a girl makes me kinda suicidal. I wish I could just be a girl, I would do really well, but my brain chemistry is male. I know other trans men who started off worse than me so...
  17. Isaacmoon

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    Just a normal transgender male. Nothing fruity just coping with the cards I’ve been dealt
  18. Isaacmoon

    JFL Small details make a mad difference

    I was born female yeah