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Story Proteinmaxxed


May 24, 2024
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I'm recovering trom anorexia. When I was restricting I learned how to get the most nutrients for the least amount of calories, that has helped me in this "bulking" season.. but a little too much I think? I should be eating (according to general consensus) 110g protein at the MOST per day, IVE BEEN EATING 220. I need to learn how to moderate because I'm either starving myself or absolutely going HAM on protein. I'm not too worried about putting on body fat because I'm unfortunately a pro at losing body fat in a short amount of time (I’ve maintained BMI 15 before) but Jesus Christ is hope this strain adds up to something 🥲
Most one should ever eat is 1.6 gm per kilo per kilogram of lean body mass
I'm recovering trom anorexia. When I was restricting I learned how to get the most nutrients for the least amount of calories, that has helped me in this "bulking" season.. but a little too much I think? I should be eating (according to general consensus) 110g protein at the MOST per day, IVE BEEN EATING 220. I need to learn how to moderate because I'm either starving myself or absolutely going HAM on protein. I'm not too worried about putting on body fat because I'm unfortunately a pro at losing body fat in a short amount of time (I’ve maintained BMI 15 before) but Jesus Christ is hope this strain adds up to something 🥲
Ok first of all don't overfeed and do the opposite of what you did before. Your body has a new normal which was your anorexia. This is an eating disorder and your goal should to be no longer have that bad association with food and your body. If you go the other way. You will still keep the eating disorder and start yo yoing. I was once anorexic and had the same bad relationship with food. The only cure is to do things slow and gradual and have a better relationship with your food. You should consume a well balanced diet. Don't focus on fads or anything niche. Ideally you should have a bit more carbs in your diet than your stating. It's ok to increase your protien. It won't kill you. Might even help with any body recomposition. However you should prioritize nutrients. That means getting foods that have alot in one serving. Eggs. Whole milk. Beef. Liver ( lots of this ) any veggie you enjoy and try to create a carb source that you can see yourself eating everyday. Potato's to yams are a good one. Do this slowly. Don't fad diet or go from one trend to the next. It's a pitfall most will go into. Your recovering. Treat it like your giving your body what it so dearly needed and try to recover.

Once you can do this and sustain yourself. Then specialize and move on to any diet adjustments.
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Ok first of all don't overfeed and do the opposite of what you did before. Your body has a new normal which was your anorexia. This is an eating disorder and your goal should to be no longer have that bad association with food and your body. If you go the other way. You will still keep the eating disorder and start yo yoing. I was once anorexic and had the same bad relationship with food. The only cure is to do things slow and gradual and have a better relationship with your food. You should consume a well balanced diet. Don't focus on fads or anything niche. Ideally you should have a bit more carbs in your diet than your stating. It's ok to increase your protien. It won't kill you. Might even help with any body recomposition. However you should prioritize nutrients. That means getting foods that have alot in one serving. Eggs. Whole milk. Beef. Liver ( lots of this ) any veggie you enjoy and try to create a carb source that you can see yourself eating everyday. Potato's to yams are a good one. Do this slowly. Don't fad diet or go from one trend to the next. It's a pitfall most will go into. Your recovering. Treat it like your giving your body what it so dearly needed and try to recover.

Once you can do this and sustain yourself. Then specialize and move on to any diet adjustments.
This has never been communicated to me with such genuine kindness, thank you. Moderation is really difficult for my brain type, I have ASD which makes black and white thinking pretty extreme. I think if had someone to hold me accountable In that recovery process it could make it a lot easier, i think I’ll try book a session with a sports nutritionist. I’ve been trying to reintroduce carbs slowly after long term ketosis, binge eating tendencies can get the worst of you. Definitely going to readjust my macros to be a little more balanced and focus on getting more consistent vitamin and mineral intake through food rather than supplements.

Appreciate you a lot.