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  1. Harvey929


    I mog all of these no bodies, honestly its a question of wheter they would feel attractive around me
  2. Harvey929

    Discussion Controversial looksmaxxing opinon

    But there are some people (who just aren’t lean enough) who actually look good biting cheeks only issue is the lip area gets smaller and smaller the more you bite leading to a fairly uncanny look like whitepill said
  3. Harvey929

    how to debloat face

  4. Harvey929

    Discussion Controversial looksmaxxing opinon

    Yeah valid, a lot of people don’t understand the whole hollow cheek concept and there are some fairly good threads on here about the subject but i’m not bothered to go link them you’ve probably seen them anyways, but there’s some people who look fairly good with cheek biting but those are people...
  5. Harvey929

    how to debloat face

    Doesn’t matter the time frame
  6. Harvey929

    Discussion Controversial looksmaxxing opinon

    cheek biting is honestly the weirdest thing someone can do it’s so obviously and looks nothing like real hollow cheeks
  7. Harvey929

    Discussion Controversial looksmaxxing opinon

    honestly not a bad take Chico has the most desirable face to females but would only rank a low 8 however, post plastic surgery jordan mogs (could be debated whether the PSL alien look actually sooted him) Post Jordan could be a low 9 but would appeal more to the male gaze
  8. Harvey929

    how to debloat face

    It's not so much the amount of times you pissed after drinking that the whole point of drinking a shit ton of water daily is to train your body to automatically put all the water in your bladder bc its like im just gonna piss this out anyways so theres no point of storing it anywhere
  9. Harvey929

    how to debloat face

    bro i need to get rid of my face bloating dawg 😭
  10. Harvey929

    Cold showers vs Hot showers

    high asl rn also writing on my phone ill redo this later tn
  11. Harvey929

    Cold showers vs Hot showers

    my mistake sir 🙏🏻
  12. Harvey929

    Cold showers vs Hot showers

    cheers mate 😭
  13. Harvey929

    Discussion Sub5s cold approach vs psl god 🥶

    I knew this but I was referring to beating your meat less can make your voice deeper, because i’ve always heard that nutting only temporarily lowers test
  14. Harvey929

    Discussion Sub5s cold approach vs psl god 🥶

    Does this actually work? I know testosterone makes voices deeper but testosterone levels are only temporarily lowered right?
  15. Harvey929

    Cold showers vs Hot showers

    I just wanted to post a quick thread about when and why you should have either type of showers. The benefits of cold showers heavily outweigh those of hot ones but there are times when both play their uses. In the morning i’d highly recommend in the morning to have cold showers due to fact that...
  16. Harvey929

    How can I naturally improve my eye/eyebrow area? I'm looking for almond not hunter eyes tho (14 y.o)

    You reckon I should use minoxidil or some other type of hair growth oil for my eyebrows?
  17. Harvey929

    My morning routine

    Ice is good however personally I feel that a cold shower not only does the same role as Ice but also helps me feel more refreshed in the morning
  18. Harvey929

    My morning routine

    Imma be honest it's only painful for the first like two weeks of doing it, after that it doesn't really hurt its just slightly uncomfortable. I used to ice my face but the shower just works better imo especially since my eye area almost always looks tired for about two hours after I wake up...
  19. Harvey929

    My morning routine

    I honestly prefer having ice cold showers, personally feel there easier to do but also wake me up not just my facial muscl;es