I just wanted to post a quick thread about when and why you should have either type of showers. The benefits of cold showers heavily outweigh those of hot ones but there are times when both play their uses. In the morning i’d highly recommend in the morning to have cold showers due to fact that cold showers wake up the facial muscles but also wake up the eye area while also providing aid to the skin, harsher and hotter showers can worsen acne. In the night time though warm showers are actually more benifitial, after a cold shower your body naturally raises your core temperature in order to heat your body back up which is NOT what you want. Since many studies support the idea that the ideal core temperature to fall asleep is 18.3 degrees celsius, which can be achieved by having a warm shower before bed. The benifits of a deeper sleep include: Smoother and brighter skin, improvement to the hair, and a more alert looking eye area. Both types have their benifits but also negitives, thanks for reading