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Search results

  1. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    Thank you guys man, Iā€™ll just thug it out and try to softmaxx while staying alone. No point in interacting people if I know they wonā€™t reciprocate, time to lock in I guess.
  2. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    Yeah man iā€™m working on it, alreayd have decently thick eyebrows and I do wish I could get longer lashes but my mom is too bluepilled and wonā€™t let me get serums. Thank you man, iā€™ll work on it and hopefully iā€™m no longer a subhuman in a few years.
  3. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    5.5x4.5 P and 6ā€™3, waist is decent but iā€™m skinny fat non gymmaxxed. I will study hard Yeah man youā€™re right, Iā€™ll just try my best to get money and ascend with it hopefully. Thank you guys
  4. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    I appreciate it guys, but I think itā€™s genuienly over for me. Iā€™m Low LTN, borderline subhuman and as for my age I donā€™t want to say it directly but I am under 18. Iā€™ve been coping for a while saying im MTN but nah man, iā€™m LTN-subhuman and the treatment I get reflects it. Iā€™ve accepted iā€™ll...
  5. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    God damn it man. Iā€™m on the brink of tears and giving up. I used to have severe binge eating problems but even now I donā€™t feel like eating, my hearts just racing and pounding and iā€™m feeling extremely sad and unmotivated. It just randomly happened, came out of no where. In fact, thatā€™s...
  6. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    Please, iā€™m getting lonely I hope someone sees this. I canā€™t take it anymore, I havenā€™t cried in months but I can feel the tears forming. I donā€™t know what to do man, iā€™m starting to think the light at the end of my tunnel is about to fade black ā˜¹ļø @Whitepill @sigma @JohnnyCage @RAJ GHRANDHICK
  7. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    Man, Iā€™m still somewhat young but most people my age have already had SEX, iā€™ve only talked to a girl ONE f*****g TIME IN MY LIFE. She was a 5ā€™7 LTB, itā€™s so sad because sheā€™s the one who initiated everything first. She asked for my number, called me cute, asked to hang out first, asked to...
  8. Dandelions

    Discussion Gym maxxing made me half an inch taller!

    What does this mean?
  9. Dandelions

    Rage Making friends/relationships when you arenā€™t good looking

    Is so f*****g tough. I have to be interviewing people and asking questions 24/7 otherwise the convo will be dead/dry out. So f*****g gay, I see these HTNs+ easily get girls by just responding with one word. My chadlite friend showed me his DMs with girls, and itā€™s insane. He leaves so many...
  10. Dandelions

    How come

    @chadronelite post to rep ratio is in the gutters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  11. Dandelions

    How come

    At first I was likeā€¦ MMMM FEET šŸ˜© as a jokeā€¦ but bro- I donā€™t think itā€™s a joke anymore
  12. Dandelions

    Tips for binge eaters?

    So do I and Iā€™ve been eating low calories without any junk food, 0 cheat days or meals for 2 straight months now. I told you itā€™s about routine, do OMAD and eat 1500-1800 calories with 75+ grams of protein and youā€™ll be fine.
  13. Dandelions

    Would you walk 6 hours to a girls crib for head?

    No, but I will with your mom.
  14. Dandelions

    LeBron James Jr.

    Itā€™s meaningless anyway.
  15. Dandelions

    How come

    Cope. Cope.
  16. Dandelions

    LeBron James Jr.

    Got drafted to the Lakers to play with his fatherā€¦
  17. Dandelions

    How come

    Cope, both are HTB.
  18. Dandelions

    How come

    Jenna Ortega or Camila Cabello?
  19. Dandelions

    How come

    Everytime someone posts a rating we ask them to get lean and comeback, and then they return 2 weeks later with a picture in a different lighting and ask if theyā€™ve ascended yet?