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  1. Ibn

    You guys don’t realize how weird and crazy looksmax forums are to nt normies

    How are you replying constantly throughout the day 😭 Whatever job you do for a living I need to do myself cause that's way to much freedom
  2. Ibn

    You guys don’t realize how weird and crazy looksmax forums are to nt normies

    Tbh, it's actually good, i've changed my mind. Good info mixed with weird posts
  3. Ibn

    You guys don’t realize how weird and crazy looksmax forums are to nt normies

    lmao, basically me a couple hours ago, going through this website confused thinking its some abandoned crazy website
  4. Ibn

    Announcement What would you like to see changed on the forum?

    Maybe make it more modern the layout Maybe It's just me, but this feels like it's 1995 😭😭 and add a guide with terms and stuff for new people joining the website (cheat sheet)
  5. Ibn

    Info Lifestyle is cope

    I mean, some people may be looking to improve health rather then looks (although yeah this forum website is more so for people wanting to look better
  6. Ibn

    JFL Elliot Rodger had a negative post to rep ratio

    Was he on this looksmaxxing website?