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14 yrs old, 6’0, looking for tips to improve my looks.

no negative overexaggerated features from what i can tell. where is ur upper lip bro 💀get some lip balm and lip scrubs as well as putting vaseline on it, and try squintmaxxing to reduce those bug eyes. also, ur hair lays flat at the top, which happens from impurities. you can get it fluffier by blow drying it upside down, getting a perm, using hair rollers, occasional hair masks, etc. also, wash your hair more often depending on hair type and use leave in conditioner for more fluffiness. ur hair is very important for emphasizing ur face shape.
try making your face more symmetrical by sleeping straight. your right side is more defined. so try and your left look more like your right. (if this picture is reversed . do what i said but vice versa)
- squinting for more defined hunter like eyes. curl your lashes to give them a lift (w/ an eyelashes curler)
- nose shaper from amazon or hardmaxxing which i WOULD NOT really suggest get a rhinoplasty.
- lip pumper from too faced only on your top lip tho
-and what the above user said . fix your hair make it fluffier and lay less flat.
hope this helps! x

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