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About to have an insane fucking arm PUMP!

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Deleted member 342

I am so fucking mad that I am literally going insane, which helps me release my anger at the gym.
I just missed my bus so i got so bad that I smashed my fan that i used to keep cool during summer.
On top of that the gym is going to be filled to the brim with cocky fags who all think they are bodybuilders.
I hate that I have lost so much muscle mass that some of the people I used to be bigger then are bigger then me,
Oh ill show them disgusting faggots, when I am once again bigger then them I shall laugh at them hysterically because they are so small.
All and all I am going to let go of my rage for sevral hours at the gym.
ARRRRMMSSSSS, Just got home.
I should have stayed for a few hours more.
I wanted to train them so hard it hurt for weeks and I so that I wouldnt be able to lift them.
It didnt work out but still a good workout.
2 hours and 15 minutes, 8 tricep exercises and 9 bicep exercises.
i think im feeling an arm workout today too

bicep, tricep, forearms, maybe some shoulders too

ngl hopefully i get sore as fuck
werent u and nick from looksme? got any mates there?

I dunno if I'd consider anyone there a friend, most good members there are here now, I guess I talked to Tony quite a bit. Cho and Gudru are quite good as well.