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Advice for a youngster?


Apr 11, 2020
I turned 21 on the first of April and have committed myself to looksmaxing/ self improvement. All Im focused on at the moment is getting lean (10-8 percent body fat) staying strong(Physically) and focused(On myself, my hobbies, my goals etc..)

What advice on life could guys could offer a 21 year old who is serious about self improvement?
Thoughts on video games?
Thoughts on books/eBooks?
Thoughts on friends?

Would greatly appreciate it.
Inject Trenbolone or at the very least Testosterone, literally all you need.
I turned 21 on the first of April and have committed myself to looksmaxing/ self improvement. All Im focused on at the moment is getting lean (10-8 percent body fat) staying strong(Physically) and focused(On myself, my hobbies, my goals etc..)

What advice on life could guys could offer a 21 year old who is serious about self improvement?
Thoughts on video games?
Thoughts on books/eBooks?
Thoughts on friends?

Would greatly appreciate it.
video games are fine as long as it's in moderation (not spending 8 hours a day unless ur plan is to go professional)

redpilled and self improvement books are very good and will give u a better perspective of things in life... if u don't like reading then u can download the audiobooks and listen (when ur at the gym/driving)

find friends that push u to become better
video games are fine as long as it's in moderation (not spending 8 hours a day unless ur plan is to go professional)

redpilled and self improvement books are very good and will give u a better perspective of things in life... if u don't like reading then u can download the audiobooks and listen (when ur at the gym/driving)

find friends that push u to become better
Fuark son all your comments make me cage so hard.

OP just inject a needle full of Tren at this point I am being dead serious.
I turned 21 on the first of April and have committed myself to looksmaxing/ self improvement. All Im focused on at the moment is getting lean (10-8 percent body fat) staying strong(Physically) and focused(On myself, my hobbies, my goals etc..)

What advice on life could guys could offer a 21 year old who is serious about self improvement?
Thoughts on video games?
Thoughts on books/eBooks?
Thoughts on friends?

Would greatly appreciate it.

It’s up to you how you live your life. Just use Looksmaxxing as a self-improvement tool and don’t let it consume you.
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  • #8
video games are fine as long as it's in moderation (not spending 8 hours a day unless ur plan is to go professional)

redpilled and self improvement books are very good and will give u a better perspective of things in life... if u don't like reading then u can download the audiobooks and listen (when ur at the gym/driving)

find friends that push u to become better
Much appreciated
I turned 21 on the first of April and have committed myself to looksmaxing/ self improvement. All Im focused on at the moment is getting lean (10-8 percent body fat) staying strong(Physically) and focused(On myself, my hobbies, my goals etc..)

What advice on life could guys could offer a 21 year old who is serious about self improvement?
Thoughts on video games?
Thoughts on books/eBooks?
Thoughts on friends?

Would greatly appreciate it.

without seeing a picture of you its hard to give you info/advice such as surgeries you need to looksmax

though there are some things that everyone should be doing to looksmax

.skincare, take care of your skin, use niacinamide and a moisturiser, wear sunscreen when going out and drink lots of water

.gymcelling and diet, start going to the gym at leeast 2 times a week at first, but once you get into it try going 4 times a week and making a proper workout routine, maybe hire a personal trainer if you dont know much, in terms of dieting there are specific diets you can follow but if i was you i would just find out what foods are healthy and good for staying lean and just stick to them

.stylemaxxing, make sure you have a decent haircut, and dress properly, not only shjould you clothes suit you e.g: dont dress like some sort of edgy teenager but your clothes should be well fitting and not be too tight or hang off of you.

.hygienemaxxing, probably one of the most important ones which alot of people dont consider, make sure your hygiene is good, just do pretty basic stuff which your probably already doing such as showering every other day to make sure you dont smell bad, make sure your teeth are white and your breath doesnt smell bad, shave regularly (unless your growing a beard or like having stubble).

also probably a huge one which pretty much no one ever talks about is DONT GET TO CAUGHT UP/ OBSESSED WITH LOOKSMAXXING, many people become obsessed to the point where it consumes there life, DONT let this happen to you, looksmaxxing should just be a side thing to help you improve your life, it shouldnt become your life
without seeing a picture of you its hard to give you info/advice such as surgeries you need to looksmax

though there are some things that everyone should be doing to looksmax

.skincare, take care of your skin, use niacinamide and a moisturiser, wear sunscreen when going out and drink lots of water

.gymcelling and diet, start going to the gym at leeast 2 times a week at first, but once you get into it try going 4 times a week and making a proper workout routine, maybe hire a personal trainer if you dont know much, in terms of dieting there are specific diets you can follow but if i was you i would just find out what foods are healthy and good for staying lean and just stick to them

.stylemaxxing, make sure you have a decent haircut, and dress properly, not only shjould you clothes suit you e.g: dont dress like some sort of edgy teenager but your clothes should be well fitting and not be too tight or hang off of you.

.hygienemaxxing, probably one of the most important ones which alot of people dont consider, make sure your hygiene is good, just do pretty basic stuff which your probably already doing such as showering every other day to make sure you dont smell bad, make sure your teeth are white and your breath doesnt smell bad, shave regularly (unless your growing a beard or like having stubble).

also probably a huge one which pretty much no one ever talks about is DONT GET TO CAUGHT UP/ OBSESSED WITH LOOKSMAXXING, many people become obsessed to the point where it consumes there life, DONT let this happen to you, looksmaxxing should just be a side thing to help you improve your life, it shouldnt become your life
in terms of video games its fine to play them, just dont play them too much or talk about them to much otherwise people may think your a no life who just plays video games all day

same kinda goes for books but its ok to talk about them more

in terms of friends just dont put too much trust in them, friends are usually just as backstabbing and talk just as much shit about you behind your back as the bitchy girls at your college/uni, im not saying dont be friends with them or trust them, just be careful about what you tell your friends and what you entrust them with.
without seeing a picture of you its hard to give you info/advice such as surgeries you need to looksmax

though there are some things that everyone should be doing to looksmax

.skincare, take care of your skin, use niacinamide and a moisturiser, wear sunscreen when going out and drink lots of water

.gymcelling and diet, start going to the gym at leeast 2 times a week at first, but once you get into it try going 4 times a week and making a proper workout routine, maybe hire a personal trainer if you dont know much, in terms of dieting there are specific diets you can follow but if i was you i would just find out what foods are healthy and good for staying lean and just stick to them

.stylemaxxing, make sure you have a decent haircut, and dress properly, not only shjould you clothes suit you e.g: dont dress like some sort of edgy teenager but your clothes should be well fitting and not be too tight or hang off of you.

.hygienemaxxing, probably one of the most important ones which alot of people dont consider, make sure your hygiene is good, just do pretty basic stuff which your probably already doing such as showering every other day to make sure you dont smell bad, make sure your teeth are white and your breath doesnt smell bad, shave regularly (unless your growing a beard or like having stubble).

also probably a huge one which pretty much no one ever talks about is DONT GET TO CAUGHT UP/ OBSESSED WITH LOOKSMAXXING, many people become obsessed to the point where it consumes there life, DONT let this happen to you, looksmaxxing should just be a side thing to help you improve your life, it shouldnt become your life
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Inject Trenbolone or at the very least Testosterone, literally all you need.
This is not good advice there are the cases where I think roids are worth it. I personally would have an absolute machine of a body on them but it’s not worth the side effects

1. 6’4/5+ in height, let’s be honest at that height you won’t be filling out your body natty
2. You have a masculine face good bones you don’t worry so much about aging or losing your hair or bloat, A pretty boy shouldn’t be taking roids
3. If you are or consider yourself a framelet and it bothers you a lot

Furthermore I hope you aren’t going to hop on tren, you’re probably just shitposting but if you want roids just hope on test, Anavar or both
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  • #16
This is not good advice there are the cases where I think roids are worth it. I personally would have an absolute machine of a body on them but it’s not worth the side effects

1. 6’4/5+ in height, let’s be honest at that height you won’t be filling out your body natty
2. You have a masculine face good bones you don’t worry so much about aging or losing your hair or bloat, A pretty boy shouldn’t be taking roids
3. If you are or consider yourself a framelet and it bothers you a lot

Furthermore I hope you aren’t going to hop on tren, you’re probably just shitposting but if you want roids just hope on test, Anavar or both
I have never nor will i ever take steroids , and as for Reis shit post. It seems to me that hes very keen on disliking most of my comments and my opinions(his choice) and being bitter towards me.., I dont know why but my guess is that him purposely giving shit advice and constanly trying to provoke me is a sign of insecurity and low self esteem, just dont know why hes taking it out on me instead of trying to be serious and help people.
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I have never nor will i ever take steroids , and as for Reis shit post. It seems to me that hes very keen on disliking most of my comments and my opinions(his choice) and being bitter towards me.., I dont know why but my guess is that him purposely giving shit advice and constanly trying to provoke me is a sign of insecurity and low self esteem, just dont know why hes taking it out on me instead of trying to be serious and help people.
I don’t know, who cares about what people’s intentions are you can never be sure. Just filter through what you think is useful and ignore the rest
I have never nor will i ever take steroids , and as for Reis shit post. It seems to me that hes very keen on disliking most of my comments and my opinions(his choice) and being bitter towards me.., I dont know why but my guess is that him purposely giving shit advice and constanly trying to provoke me is a sign of insecurity and low self esteem, just dont know why hes taking it out on me instead of trying to be serious and help people.
I am short.
I have never nor will i ever take steroids , and as for Reis shit post. It seems to me that hes very keen on disliking most of my comments and my opinions(his choice) and being bitter towards me.., I dont know why but my guess is that him purposely giving shit advice and constanly trying to provoke me is a sign of insecurity and low self esteem, just dont know why hes taking it out on me instead of trying to be serious and help people.
ignore the haters
  • JFL
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