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Discussion Aesthetics-Personality Connection In People With High Prenatal And Pubertal Testosterone

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Deleted member 304

So I have found an insane number of people with a very specific aesthetics-personality connection, more than I can call a coincidence.
Let me know if you have noticed this yourselves:

Face Aesthetics:
- Short Face
- Straight Mandible
- Long Chin (Not necessarily a sharp square)
- Thin lips
- Long Mouth/Palate
- Hunter Eyes
- Bushy Eyebrows
- Clear Skin
- Good Hairline and Hair Density

Body Aesthetics:
- Not Tall but not Short
- Average or Above Frame
- Muscular Without Training
- Android Fat Distribution

- I have noticed they tend to be uninhibited in certain cases and act somewhat awkward in others, maybe relating to their comfort zone.
- Calm, not like most people picture people with high testosterone. A lot of research also shows people with high testosterone are more calm rather than loud and obnoxious like we picture them.
- High attention span. I have found all of them to be able to easily cancel everything else out when focusing on a certain thing
- High intelligence
- No depression. This can be tied to the fact that a higher testosterone would also result in slightly higher Estrogen, but which is not disproportional to the Testosterone. Research shows Estrogen has anti-depressant effects trough Serotonin regulation and other ways as well.


I believe this could be related to their high Prenatal and Pubertal Testosterone levels. It all ties in perfectly.
Not sure I've noticed this.
Btw what do you mean by long chin? And long palate? Lol wtf?
Do you mean tall chin or chin that proceeds past the lips. And wide palate instead of long
Not sure I've noticed this.
Btw what do you mean by long chin? And long palate? Lol wtf?
Do you mean tall chin or chin that proceeds past the lips. And wide palate instead of long
yup i meant wide palate
and wide chin as well
So I have found an insane number of people with a very specific aesthetics-personality connection, more than I can call a coincidence.
Let me know if you have noticed this yourselves:

Face Aesthetics:
- Short Face
- Straight Mandible
- Long Chin (Not necessarily a sharp square)
- Thin lips
- Long Mouth/Palate
- Hunter Eyes
- Bushy Eyebrows
- Clear Skin
- Good Hairline and Hair Density

Body Aesthetics:
- Not Tall but not Short
- Average or Above Frame
- Muscular Without Training
- Android Fat Distribution

- I have noticed they tend to be uninhibited in certain cases and act somewhat awkward in others, maybe relating to their comfort zone.
- Calm, not like most people picture people with high testosterone. A lot of research also shows people with high testosterone are more calm rather than loud and obnoxious like we picture them.
- High attention span. I have found all of them to be able to easily cancel everything else out when focusing on a certain thing
- High intelligence
- No depression. This can be tied to the fact that a higher testosterone would also result in slightly higher Estrogen, but which is not disproportional to the Testosterone. Research shows Estrogen has anti-depressant effects trough Serotonin regulation and other ways as well.


I believe this could be related to their high Prenatal and Pubertal Testosterone levels. It all ties in perfectly.
Legit thread

My high prenatal T friend is low inhib as fuck and does whatever he wants
Also just realized I didn't sleep today