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Anyone here experienced seduction ?


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
i want to hear some of yall stories
anyone here was seduced by a girl who is his friend or smthng ( no gfs or situationships )
Only when I was younger. As an adult its a GHOST TOWN, incel hell.

A lot of people seem to think escaping inceldom gets easier as you get older, bizarre. At most maybe because the 50 year old male phenomenon where 50 year old males seem to escape being virgins. Or because by then they've gained exp and become level 99 redpill.
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No, have you ?
Only when I was younger. As an adult its a GHOST TOWN, incel hell.

A lot of people seem to think escaping inceldom gets easier as you get older, bizarre. At most maybe because the 50 year old male phenomenon where 50 year old males seem to escape being virgins. Or because by then they've gained exp and become level 99 redpill.
I think its your enviroment you dont hang around many women try to expand social circle.
i want to hear some of yall stories
anyone here was seduced by a girl who is his friend or smthng ( no gfs or situationships )
kind of, in a party, some girl was drunk and she kept telling everyone that I was interesting, not handsome or pretty, just interesting. She started talking to me about why she loved to be drunk because it was something like liquid confidence, she said that she wanted to spit drink on my mouth but I said I don’t like drinking, I was rolling a doobie and I made her grind my weed.
I don’t know what I was talking about with her, something about playing drums, I just thought that would be funny If I sit her on my leg and start shaking it to turn her on, she started rubbing herself on my leg, after that we make out laying in the grass and It was kind of cool but she was just trying to get some blow from me so I don’t know if that is some kind of seduction.
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kind of, in a party, some girl was drunk and she kept telling everyone that I was interesting, not handsome or pretty, just interesting. She started talking to me about why she loved to be drunk because it was something like liquid confidence, she said that she wanted to spit drink on my mouth but I said I don’t like drinking, I was rolling a doobie and I made her grind my weed.
I don’t know what I was talking about with her, something about playing drums, I just thought that would be funny If I sit her on my leg and start shaking it to turn her on, she started rubbing herself on my leg, after that we make out laying in the grass and It was kind of cool but she was just trying to get some blow from me so I don’t know if that is some kind of seduction.
Well she was drunk tho , did you see her after she got sober , if yes how was the interaction
Well she was drunk tho , did you see her after she got sober , if yes how was the interaction
She look up for me in class and I wasn’t there, I didn’t had a phone on that time so she tried to contact me thru my classmates, she wanted to know if one guy (friend of mine) knew about what happened cuz he wanted something serious with her, so basically she was struggling to know which one she liked the most to get into a relationship, I said I wasn’t looking for that so she stopped talking to me for a while, eventually she started a relationship but I was always kind of there (I was her plug) so when she broke up with her bf I hook up with her after a shesh.
Actually, I haven’t read a text from her cuz I don’t sell no more
I’m still in contact with her and we hook up occasionally but I don’t like her, she isn’t really ugly but I think she’s kind of codependent like the first time looking for a relationship and I only hook up with her because it’s easy when I’m high.
how old are you bruh

as males get older they age like wine , the white hair and beard and being mature and like you said lvl 99 redpill , they can get some young pussy
