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Are molars tipping necessarily a bad thing ?

Pretty vague question. Excessive tipping of the teeth, possibly caused by a dysfunctional swallowing pattern, can contribute to dental crowding. Also if the teeth tip too far it can make them very susceptible to periodontal problems. I do however understand that in orthodontics slight tipping might be necessary to help achieve a better bite between the upper and lower jaw.
What makes you ask this?
Pretty vague question. Excessive tipping of the teeth, possibly caused by a dysfunctional swallowing pattern, can contribute to dental crowding. Also if the teeth tip too far it can make them very susceptible to periodontal problems. I do however understand that in orthodontics slight tipping might be necessary to help achieve a better bite between the upper and lower jaw.
What makes you ask this?
I'm wearing a toothborne palate expander rn.
I'm afraid it will tip my teeth too far out and put them in a weak position
I'm wearing a toothborne palate expander rn.
I'm afraid it will tip my teeth too far out and put them in a weak position
Yeah thats definitely a possibility. Regularly see an ortho who can oversee your treatment so they can tell you if the teeth are tipping too much. As i said earlier bone borne expansion like marpe is the most reliable method for post adolescents