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Are my eyes incel?

Blatheroplasty might save you.
If you want to improve your looks do this

1. Get braids

2. Wear cooler glasses than those you are wear. They look like nerd glasses. Alternativly wear contacts.

Also no you don't have "incel eyes" but your wasting your potential by using bad looking glasses and such
yes bro...
Why bro? he has a decent hooding long medial canthus long eyes despite they could be shorter vertically no sclera show a eye color that we don't see that much neutral tilt Nice eyeball form and yes eye brow and brow ridge is fucked up and lower eyelid could be straighter but i think it's a above average eyes
Why bro? he has a decent hooding long medial canthus long eyes despite they could be shorter vertically no sclera show a eye color that we don't see that much neutral tilt Nice eyeball form and yes eye brow and brow ridge is fucked up and lower eyelid could be straighter but i think it's a above average eyes
- negatively titled round eyebrows
- receding eyebrows
- lower eyelid exposure
- big eyes
- bad eye color (can barely see pupil)

even without analyzing each part of his eye area, you can still tell it's not very good looking
- negatively titled round eyebrows
- receding eyebrows
- lower eyelid exposure
- big eyes
- bad eye color (can barely see pupil)

even without analyzing each part of his eye area, you can still tell it's not very good looking
Yes like a said brow area la fucked up But why do you consider negativly tilted eye brow a failo for the eye color i have the same a bit darker then that and yes we can't see the the pupil it's like black on black do you consider it a failo i assume that it's quiet original i'dont see it that much on people
Yes like a said brow area la fucked up But why do you consider negativly tilted eye brow a failo for the eye color i have the same a bit darker then that and yes we can't see the the pupil it's like black on black do you consider it a failo i assume that it's quiet original i'dont see it that much on people
might be unique, but it's not good. just look at st. black ops 2's eyes. disturbing tbh

and negative tilt makes him look like a bitch while a positive tilt makes you look dominant
They're normie tier.
  • Undimporhic eyebrows
  • Lack of brow ridge.
  • They could be more deepset
They mog mine to oblivion.
- negatively titled round eyebrows
- receding eyebrows
- lower eyelid exposure
- big eyes
- bad eye color (can barely see pupil)

even without analyzing each part of his eye area, you can still tell it's not very good looking
I agree with everything except for eye colour. Eye colour doesn't really matter at all. Plus, black is such a benefiting eye colour. Nobody can notice the pupils dilating, which is very good when it comes to women starring at you and crime investigation.
black is such a benefiting eye colour when it comes to crime investigation.

Jesus man, what you doing on your sparetime. You died for our sins you know, try to not die for your own
They're normie tier.
  • Undimporhic eyebrows
  • Lack of brow ridge.
  • They could be more deepset
They mog mine to oblivion.
The deepset look is caused by the brow ridge our by the zygo around the eyes?
Y’all should have better eyes then me wtf. I been wearing glasses for 14 years.
Y’all should have better eyes then me wtf. I been wearing glasses for 14 years.

Don't wear those glasses. They make you look bad. Use contact lenses or get some other ones.
Don't wear those glasses. They make you look bad. Use contact lenses or get some other ones.
Best high IQ suggestion ever given to anybody on this forum yet. Serious, good job! Contact lens are the best way to go!