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are there any reasons to eat plants?


hello guys am incel.
Jul 22, 2019
that shit taste like shit. if your using plants as herbs then its good. i eat daily in my childhood almost no vegetables.
one good reason to eat certain plants is for their carb content. much simpler and cheaper than drinking 10 liters of milk daily

tbh plants have more downsides than benefits

i am eating potato rn tbh
I eat it everyday for fiber, my parents force me to but I can't refuse. I think i don't need fiber.
I reckon plants are consumed for the variety of nutrients in them.
Don't tell me you hate fruits.
I eat it everyday for fiber, my parents force me to but I can't refuse. I think i don't need fiber.
I reckon plants are consumed for the variety of nutrients in them.
Don't tell me you hate fruits.
its sensless to think fiber would help at all, that it would be required for us to shit JFL. people can shit very well without it

And plants dont have the right nutrients most of the time, it's just better to get them from animal food

That being said, i dont really advocate carnivore, it's not good for everything including growth and strength, I just know they're not a good source of anything really
I'm pretty sure meat gives protein and iron. But vegetables give you everything else. Carnivores sound stupid to me.
JFL @ you sikkunt

you follow what those r****d carnivores tell you blindly without looking into it yourself

youre not worthy of giving advice
sv3rige mogs this whole forum into oblivion.

-He doesn't work
-Eats raw meat all day
-Has Stacy girlfriend
-Will have a baby
-He has a cult following

I'm pretty sure meat gives protein and iron. But vegetables give you everything else. Carnivores sound stupid to me.
Name the nutrients you fucking peanut
Why can't you live like a normal human and eat everything, not making a fuss about veggies and not being so choosy?
jfl at following the masses like the sheep you are, keep degenerating your body m8
Spinach tastes bad, but i still eat it. I can't eat veggies raw tbh. I just puke then.
hes right tho john even though i dont agree with carnivore during growth years or if you want to build mass

plants are full of actually bad SERMs
they have antioxidants that slows down muscle building (you get plenty from meat alone)
plant protein lacks some amino acids that help increase muscle protein synthesis/fat oxidation
they have fats that increase the process of creating fat cells

there are other things but i forgot tbh cause idc about it anymore


TL;DR you should eat meat as base then eat whatever ngl fuck it its over for us regardless