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Experience Ashwaganda and nofap is the holy grail of ntmaxxing


MM’s makes MM’s | Ϫ Saint of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Apr 8, 2024
Mom's basement
This is not a cope! I’ve been megadosing Ashwaganda and doing NoFap and I am MUCH more assertive and NT. You will take more risks, but they will pay off trust me. You will act much more alpha, and not be afraid to f**k with people. I’ve been much less passive aggressive, and much more assertive. Ashwaganda works by reducing cortisol, and in turn lowers anxiety, raises testosterone and increases sex drive. If you megadose and combine with nofap, you will be MUCH more alpha, less insecure, and less likely to constantly want to seek validation from foids. Instead you will just want sex.
i can agree with ashwaganda but tbh no fap is retarded
you dont need to hold your cum is nature
This is not a cope! I’ve been megadosing Ashwaganda and doing NoFap and I am MUCH more assertive and NT. You will take more risks, but they will pay off trust me. You will act much more alpha, and not be afraid to f**k with people. I’ve been much less passive aggressive, and much more assertive. Ashwaganda works by reducing cortisol, and in turn lowers anxiety, raises testosterone and increases sex drive. If you megadose and combine with nofap, you will be MUCH more alpha, less insecure, and less likely to constantly want to seek validation from foids. Instead you will just want sex.
I agree no fap works for increasing aggression and assertiveness speaking from experience
you will be MUCH more alpha, less insecure, and less likely to constantly want to seek validation from foids. Instead you will just want sex.
this is just being normal.

and doesn't sound like it makes dating easier, if anything it makes dating harder and more likely to get rejected.
i be fapping and then post nut clarity hits, and i remember that im ugly and im not a 6'3 chad with a 7 inch cock and i hate myself
Lock in blud
I haven’t jacked off in so long I don’t even remember when last I did it

It’s been great for inhib
It’s been even longer since I did it regularly
sounds like placebo why would a toxic plant extract do anything good
yup its hard everyday but im trying my best, i always feel horny but i only give in when im stressed so im trying to not be stressed. also cleanliness is next to godliness, when i take a shower and feel clean i dont wanna fap bc fapping makes me dirty
yup its hard everyday but im trying my best, i always feel horny but i only give in when im stressed so im trying to not be stressed. also cleanliness is next to godliness, when i take a shower and feel clean i dont wanna fap bc fapping makes me dirty
real tho
whenever i am tired i end up fapping or sum chit

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