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Basic Acne Minimizing/Cleansing guide


New member
Jul 5, 2019
As we all know acne can ruin your whole appearance this is a basic 2 week routine/guide to cleanse/minimize it

Routine to minimize/cleanse acne in 2 weeks

Eat no sugar <10g / day

no milk or dairy products

wash your hands with soap more often (every time you eat and go to the washroom)

Do not touch your face (not once, if you need to scratch your hair, take a clean towel)

Drink at least 5 liters of water a day preferably 7 liters. Drink 1L per hour as more can cause headache

Wash your pillow once every two weeks

Synthetic supplements/Copes

Vitamin A / Zinc is said to help

Vitamin C serum is said to help

Raw meat diet can help

Do this for 2 weeks if you still have acne go to a dermatologist

If nothing works then take Accutane (death sentence if your under 21)
As we all know acne can ruin your whole appearance this is a basic 2 week routine/guide to cleanse/minimize it

Routine to minimize/cleanse acne in 2 weeks

Eat no sugar <10g / day

no milk or dairy products

wash your hands with soap more often (every time you eat and go to the washroom)

Do not touch your face (not once, if you need to scratch your hair, take a clean towel)

Drink at least 5 liters of water a day preferably 7 liters. Drink 1L per hour as more can cause headache

Wash your pillow once every two weeks

Synthetic supplements/Copes

Vitamin A / Zinc is said to help

Vitamin C serum is said to help

Raw meat diet can help

Do this for 2 weeks if you still have acne go to a dermatologist

If nothing works then take Accutane (death sentence if your under 21)
good list, thank you