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Being a femlet sucks


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2024
It's the worst shit ever. Nobody respects you , people think you are a kid and you are never taken seriously and on top you get made fun of for being short.
Most clothes are also not my size and so i end up looking even subhuman than i already am.
Even though not being able to reach the top of the shelf might be seen as cute in movies, it actually is very humiliating and reminds me of my subhuman genetics.
I am never having kids if i ever ascend becuz I cant pass on my subhuman genetics to it. My mom should never have had kids tbh. She created genetic dead ends like me and my brother who is also a manlet .
It's the worst shit ever. Nobody respects you , people think you are a kid and you are never taken seriously and on top you get made fun of for being short.
Most clothes are also not my size and so i end up looking even subhuman than i already am.
Even though not being able to reach the top of the shelf might be seen as cute in movies, it actually is very humiliating and reminds me of my subhuman genetics.
I am never having kids if i ever ascend becuz I cant pass on my subhuman genetics to it. My mom should never have had kids tbh. She created genetic dead ends like me and my brother who is also a manlet .
Believe it or not. Many n*****s think that it's kinky.
It's the worst shit ever. Nobody respects you , people think you are a kid and you are never taken seriously and on top you get made fun of for being short.
Most clothes are also not my size and so i end up looking even subhuman than i already am.
Even though not being able to reach the top of the shelf might be seen as cute in movies, it actually is very humiliating and reminds me of my subhuman genetics.
I am never having kids if i ever ascend becuz I cant pass on my subhuman genetics to it. My mom should never have had kids tbh. She created genetic dead ends like me and my brother who is also a manlet .
I wish you luck in life and somebody finds you one day. :(
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  • #23
People always say femcels can't exist and they just want Chad, but I have seen some girls that are beyond fucked, and wouldn't get ltns tbh. If you are not larping then I'm sorry.
Thanks for understanding .Femcels exist and its a fact.
People always say femcels can't exist and they just want Chad, but I have seen some girls that are beyond fucked, and wouldn't get ltns tbh. If you are not larping then I'm sorry.
w take bhai loneliness is unisex
Unironically. Idk what you saw but i also saw bad looking girls. They were having success
I'm not saying ltbs who think its over. I mean literal femcels. Brutal to look at, overweight, horrible face and body, skin quality, whatnot, and these women will have an extremely hard time. All I'm saying is that I've seen girls that have 0 male interaction. So by my definition a femcel. Rare, but possible.
U could actually have someone, but I think you probably self sabotage yourself. Oh wait! Just remembered you want Aryan Chad... hmmm....
i dont want aryan CHAD i just want aryan, besides thats a pipe dream anyway even ltn dont want me
I'm not saying ltbs who think its over. I mean literal femcels. Brutal to look at, overweight, horrible face and body, skin quality, whatnot, and these women will have an extremely hard time. All I'm saying is that I've seen girls that have 0 male interaction. So by my definition a femcel. Rare, but possible.
I know a fat woman with bad skin. She has a boyfriend.
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  • #41
I'm not saying ltbs who think its over. I mean literal femcels. Brutal to look at, overweight, horrible face and body, skin quality, whatnot, and these women will have an extremely hard time. All I'm saying is that I've seen girls that have 0 male interaction. So by my definition a femcel. Rare, but possible.
Exactly, I have been called ugly even by my own parents when i was a kid.
