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Being a femlet sucks

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  • #109
Confirmed my theories.
This forum is called looksmaxxing. If you want that go and dm @sigmhe won't doxx you. If you want to be a fake femcel do it I don't care.
No i would rather be called a fake femcel than show my subhuman face to a rando
It was likely your choice to never have a relationship with a man or you actively avoid them
no i dont avoid them its and its not mu choice, every guy ie ever been intrested has friendzoned me/treated me like garbage/ignored me…like im legit a virgin i cant even get a man to want to have sex with me let alone date me
all the guys I’VE ever been intrested in, keword here is I’VE just because i have feelings doesnt mean those feelings are resiprocated
Doesn’t make you a femcel still, sure that sucks but ye
Idc if you hate ugly women. Everyone hates ugly people .
Moid, I know how your kind speaks about us ugly women.
I hate all women. The prettier they are the more I hate them. Sometimes I want to punch their face when I know they trying to use their pretty face to get a better grade than me in front of the simp teacher.
No matter how ugly you are, you can and you do attract males. That's another reason I hate you. You choose to be alone and try to convince me you are as miserable as me. You are not. You are mocking me. And that's why I hate you.
Yes, I’m open to hearing your thoughts though
This site likely has the same faults but for some reason i don’t Mind new gens being on here comparatively since it’s different. I think some major aspects of the blackpill are fallacious and org was just a big Echo chamber for that. If you aren’t using it to gain information that you actually apply to your life there is no use for it. Dead dopamine that’ll be more of a hinderance to your life than anything
This site likely has the same faults but for some reason i don’t Mind new gens being on here comparatively since it’s different. I think some major aspects of the blackpill are fallacious and org was just a big Echo chamber for that. If you aren’t using it to gain information that you actually apply to your life there is no use for it. Dead dopamine that’ll be more of a hinderance to your life than anything
Sounds accurate, I’ve heard many people replacing social media with forums. It’s all a big dopamine thing and I’m definitely a victim of it. The ecochamber thing is completely accurate too. So did you find all the stuff to ascend then?
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  • #130
I hate all women. The prettier they are the more I hate them. Sometimes I want to punch their face when I know they trying to use their pretty face to get a better grade than me in front of the simp teacher.
No matter how ugly you are, you can and you do attract males. That's another reason I hate you. You choose to be alone and try to convince me you are as miserable as me. You are not. You are mocking me. And that's why I hate you.
I also wanna puch a moids face tbh.
After seeing how they talk about ugly women ,, i have hated your kind 100000 times than i already did.
Also yes i choose to be alone cuz aint no way i wanna have a moid partner who hates me for my ugly face.
I also wanna puch a moids face tbh.
After seeing how they talk about ugly women ,, i have hated your kind 100000 times than i already did.
Also yes i choose to be alone cuz aint no way i wanna have a moid partner who hates me for my ugly face.
Confirmed what I said. You choose to be alone.
I also wanna puch a moids face tbh.
After seeing how they talk about ugly women ,, i have hated your kind 100000 times than i already did.
Also yes i choose to be alone cuz aint no way i wanna have a moid partner who hates me for my ugly face.
It's the worst shit ever. Nobody respects you , people think you are a kid and you are never taken seriously and on top you get made fun of for being short.
Most clothes are also not my size and so i end up looking even subhuman than i already am.
Even though not being able to reach the top of the shelf might be seen as cute in movies, it actually is very humiliating and reminds me of my subhuman genetics.
I am never having kids if i ever ascend becuz I cant pass on my subhuman genetics to it. My mom should never have had kids tbh. She created genetic dead ends like me and my brother who is also a manlet .
You're exaggerating. I had a shorter girl in my class who had all the boys wrapped around her finger. Being 5 feet isn’t overly short.
i had a midget shes around 4'10 rude girl in my class last year, everyone was simp orbiting her, she had a ton of guy bestfriends and guys added on snap but she was chad only
no i wasnt trynna seem different of course i regretted it i never said i enjoyed dating him he ended up cheating on me too and was very lustful towards random celebrities and females like ice spice and shit, i just meant that 5’11 isnt bad AT ALL 😭
Location pill is brutal. Where I live I am extremely average in height. Get height mogged frequently in school.
