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Being a femlet sucks

Fat doesnt mean ugly ..Maybe she has a good bone structure inside all that fat.
fat does equal ugly in modern society sorry tobreak it to you bucko, most poeple dont think that visible gluttony and lack of self care is attractive
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  • #66
nobody cares about height in a woman brah
wear shoe lifts. be healthy.
settle for a short-average man if u cant get chad. but chad would still fuck
Moids definetly care about height bruh. Literally my dad was about to reject my mom cuz she is a midget.
I should start wearing heels ig but i will still be a midget regardless.
Bruh i cnat even get a subhuman guy to like me so how am i supposed to get an average dude.
It's the worst shit ever. Nobody respects you , people think you are a kid and you are never taken seriously and on top you get made fun of for being short.
Most clothes are also not my size and so i end up looking even subhuman than i already am.
Even though not being able to reach the top of the shelf might be seen as cute in movies, it actually is very humiliating and reminds me of my subhuman genetics.
I am never having kids if i ever ascend becuz I cant pass on my subhuman genetics to it. My mom should never have had kids tbh. She created genetic dead ends like me and my brother who is also a manlet .
I hope things get better for you girl , i promise itll be okay im not trying to brush your feelings & stuff to the side but theres been many cases of insanely “chopped” people growing into their looks, or finding ways to improve their looks and i highly doubt its impossible for you to atleast improve js a lil to where you are considered desirable to someone, dont lose hope in yourself or your looks, everyone needs to start somewhere & im not even js saying that js to make you feel better or out of pity, im js letting you know there IS hope since i used to not be the best looking, i was VERY chubby, my hair was damaged asf, my eyebrows were bushy as hell and so much more😭. I promise itll be okay you js need to find somewhere to start & someone to support you in starting somewhere . I wish you the best in your journey & im sure youll find someone who desires you , and people that respect you for who you are as a person regardless of your looks, height, weight, etc. 1726444828192.png
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  • #75
I hope things get better for you girl , i promise itll be okay im not trying to brush your feelings & stuff to the side but theres been many cases of insanely “chopped” people growing into their looks, or finding ways to improve their looks and i highly doubt its impossible for you to atleast improve js a lil to where you are considered desirable to someone, dont lose hope in yourself or your looks, everyone needs to start somewhere & im not even js saying that js to make you feel better or out of pity, im js letting you know there IS hope since i used to not be the best looking, i was VERY chubby, my hair was damaged asf, my eyebrows were bushy as hell and so much more😭. I promise itll be okay you js need to find somewhere to start & to support you in starting somewhere . I wish you the best in your journey & im sure youll find someone who desires you View attachment 40859
Thanks for the kind words . I appreciate it .
Yes it must suck when Chad doesn't deem her fit for procreation and only pumps and dumps her.
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  • #79
fat does equal ugly in modern society sorry tobreak it to you bucko, most poeple dont think that visible gluttony and lack of self care is attractive
What i meant is maybe he could see her mogger bones underneath all that fat . Ugly means having a deformed tier face . I have deformed face .
People always say femcels can't exist and they just want Chad, but I have seen some girls that are beyond fucked, and wouldn't get ltns tbh. If you are not larping then I'm sorry.
I’m Real Life Pilled as fuck.. there’s no such thing as a femcel bro can’t even lie
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  • #82
What planet are you on? Fat = Unattractive.
Oh lord, i meant maybe she has mogger bones underneath the fat. ONly reccessed, bug eyed, big nosed people are ugly . Fat people can loose weigth and they will be good to go but an ugly person will stay ugly unless they harrdmaxx.
Would you date a 5'1 Indian janitor though? Yeah, thought not. You're not different to these other foids pal.
no i wasnt trynna seem different of course i regretted it i never said i enjoyed dating him he ended up cheating on me too and was very lustful towards random celebrities and females like ice spice and shit, i just meant that 5’11 isnt bad AT ALL 😭
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  • #95
no i wasnt trynna seem different of course i regretted it i never said i enjoyed dating him he ended up cheating on me too and was very lustful towards random celebrities and females like ice spice and shit, i just meant that 5’11 isnt bad AT ALL 😭
Damn girl, that must suck. I hope you are doing good.
