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Bigger,wider eyes without surgery?

Not even gonna bother with you boyo, I already know what to expect from retards from Lookism JFL
Lol at this autistic f****t. Big eyes are attractive you dumb cunt. David Gandy, Jordan Barret, Lucky Blue Smith, and the list goes on, all these top models have big eyes. Keep coping u abused rat.
Lol at this autistic f****t. Big eyes are attractive you dumb cunt. David Gandy, Jordan Barret, Lucky Blue Smith, and the list goes on, all these top models have big eyes. Keep coping u abused rat.
they have small hunter eyes

imagine not knowing what "big" means JFL. down syndrome level
@NickGurr do you think these are small eyes?
they have small hunter eyes

imagine not knowing what "big" means JFL. down syndrome level
They don't have small hunter eyes, you low IQ cancer victim. Their pfl is above average. You're using big eyes as a synonym of bug eyes. When I say big eyes, I mean wide eyes, not bug eyes, u illiterate f****t.