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Experience Biggest cope terms (don’t listen to people who use these terms)


Another Day, Another Opportunity
Established Member
Jun 14, 2024
Harmony/Facial Harmony: Anyone who uses this when eating people doesn’t know shit about looksmaxxing or blackpill. These are the same people who repost edits of Chico and Lima ships. You can’t measure someone’s harmony lol, saying that someone’s ugly because you think they’re ugly isn’t a way of rating.

Gonions: I’ve heard this term a million times in the past 2 years and yet, not a single perosn has actually explained what it is or how to measure it. “Outward Gonions is what makes your jaw angular and wide bro!” great f*****g explanation idiot, you still didn’t tell me how to measure it. also what’s funny is on org there’s 2 threads about gonions, and the same guy was used for examples of inward and outward. Just lol at those idiots.

Low Set Cheekbones on men: It’s practically impossible to have low set cheekbones on men. Your cheekbones can’t really grow past your lateral canthus so if you have bigger cheekbones, they will grow downwards hence making it look low set, but it actually isn’t low set. I notice that people with “low set cheekbones” have insnae cheekbone mass, as where people with “high set cheekbones” are completley boneless.

Masseter insertions: Once again, just like gonions i’ve heard this term a million times and yet no one has actually shown how to measure it.

So what is the real reason for all these terms?

Facial Harmony is a term used for attractiveness and unattractive ness. People use Johan Drumev (tik toker) as an example for bad harmony, but that’s because they’re idiots. They say he’s ugly despite having hunter eyes and hollow cheeks but he really doesn’t, his eyes are actually shit and his hollow cheeks is just him clenching and cheek sucking in good lightning. + he has some shit ratios and an insane upper lip failo. The point of harmony is that you can look ugly with good features and good with ugly features, but that’s simply not true and never will be.

Gonions are a term used to discuss jaw angularity and width, however no one knows what they are. It’s a simple as, it’s a part of the ramus. Your gonion is the lower part of your ramus, so your gonion has to be wider than the top of your ramus in order to have outward gonions whcih mind you:is incredibly f*****g rare. From the side your ramus will look straight and parallel if you have outward gonions. Which doesn’t matter because like I said, it’s incredibly rare.

Low set cheekbones on men doesn’t exist simply because of the way cheekbones grow, I practically explained it alreayd just scroll up.

Masseter insertions don’t exist either, it’s entirely based on your ramus length. If you have a short ramus you’ll have bad “masseter insertions” and vice versa, because your ramus is directly connected to the masseter. Thea longer your ramus, the lower and more aesthetic your masseter will be.

End of thread.
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  • #6
Everything wrong except for harmony part

I also don't know what harmony is @Nihilus told me that harmony is ratios
Everything is right, you idiots say this everytime but don’t explain it. Explain what outward gonions are then huh? And don’t see “it makes your jaw angular and wide bro!” I want an actual scientific way to measure if you have outward gonions, like how you would measure canthal tilt. Otherwise you’re wrong and don’t even reply, because i’m right and I know I am.
Everything is right, you idiots say this everytime but don’t explain it. Explain what outward gonions are then huh? And don’t see “it makes your jaw angular and wide bro!” I want an actual scientific way to measure if you have outward gonions, like how you would measure canthal tilt. Otherwise you’re wrong and don’t even reply, because i’m right and I know I am.
Read .org shit
Everything is right, you idiots say this everytime but don’t explain it. Explain what outward gonions are then huh? And don’t see “it makes your jaw angular and wide bro!” I want an actual scientific way to measure if you have outward gonions, like how you would measure canthal tilt. Otherwise you’re wrong and don’t even reply, because i’m right and I know I am. is this accurate?
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  • #13
You guys didn’t read shit I said, I said in my post that on org there’s 2 different threads about gonions and they both share opposite views. Both threads used the same guy, I think his names is Matthew Nozak??? One thread said he had inward gonions, and the other said he had outward. That’s all I needed to see in order to know it’s a buzz word and people who unironically use gonions when rating don’t know shit.
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  • #14
You guys didn’t read shit I said, I said in my post that on org there’s 2 different threads about gonions and they both share opposite views. Both threads used the same guy, I think his names is Matthew Nozak??? One thread said he had inward gonions, and the other said he had outward. That’s all I needed to see in order to know it’s a buzz word and people who unironically use gonions when rating don’t know shit.
Matthew Noszka*
You guys didn’t read shit I said, I said in my post that on org there’s 2 different threads about gonions and they both share opposite views. Both threads used the same guy, I think his names is Matthew Nozak??? One thread said he had inward gonions, and the other said he had outward. That’s all I needed to see in order to know it’s a buzz word and people who unironically use gonions when rating don’t know shit.
It also seems like its a .org only term. no term should have looksmax popping up first on google jfl
And ur masseter insertion should be like brad pitt

A masseter that inserts high will will make ur face rounder if they are big (people get botox to avoid this)
Its said that its next to impossible to be good looking if u have inward gonions but the guy i used for example has unlimited jb appeal so who know
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  • #23
And ur masseter insertion should be like brad pitt

A masseter that inserts high will will make ur face rounder if they are big (people get botox to avoid this)
Your masseter is almost entirely based off your ramus bud. And like I said, if you can’t prove it then it doesn’t exist. You still haven’t given me a way to measure this stuff, I said several times already. It has to be measurable like canthal tilt, we all know you just have to look into a camera at a neutral angle and measure your lateral canthus to medial canthus. You haven’t given me a way to do this with gonions or masster insertions.
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  • #24
What did u ask for i didn't understand
A measurement to measure gonions and masster insertions. Showing pictures of 2 different people is idiotic. That’s like putting a picture of Victor Wembanyama next to Kyle Lowry and saying “Tall vs Short”
Your masseter is almost entirely based off your ramus bud. And like I said, if you can’t prove it then it doesn’t exist. You still haven’t given me a way to measure this stuff, I said several times already. It has to be measurable like canthal tilt, we all know you just have to look into a camera at a neutral angle and measure your lateral canthus to medial canthus. You haven’t given me a way to do this with gonions or masster insertions.
U can see it without measuring

Measuring would make it more complicated
Your masseter is almost entirely based off your ramus bud. And like I said, if you can’t prove it then it doesn’t exist. You still haven’t given me a way to measure this stuff, I said several times already. It has to be measurable like canthal tilt, we all know you just have to look into a camera at a neutral angle and measure your lateral canthus to medial canthus. You haven’t given me a way to do this with gonions or masster insertions.
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  • #28
U can see it without measuring

Measuring would make it more complicated
So in other words it’s an anecdotal which in science, is always left as unproven?

According to CHATGPT, you are wrong.

In scientific terms, if you can only eyeball something and not measure it, it isn't proven or provable in a rigorous sense. Eyeballing can give a subjective estimate, but it lacks the precision and objectivity required for scientific validation.

For instance, if you see a picture of a person who appears tall, your perception might be influenced by various factors like perspective, background, or the presence of other objects or people in the photo. Without a precise measurement, such as the actual height in feet or meters, your judgment is merely an estimate, not proof.

Scientists rely on empirical data and measurements to make conclusions. While initial observations can suggest hypotheses, these hypotheses need to be tested and measured quantitatively to be scientifically validated. So, you might hypothesize that the person is tall based on appearance, but you cannot prove it without measuring their height directly or having reliable data.
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  • #29
The jaws are upside down
View attachment 32232

Yes this is right but it’s a literal f*****g X Ray 😂 no one is going to go that far in order to prove they have outward gonions or not, and even then if they DID have outward gonjons then they wouldn’t need to do all this X Ray shit since their jaw is visibly appealing, or at the very least it should be.
So in other words it’s an anecdotal which in science, is always left as unproven?

According to CHATGPT, you are wrong.

In scientific terms, if you can only eyeball something and not measure it, it isn't proven or provable in a rigorous sense. Eyeballing can give a subjective estimate, but it lacks the precision and objectivity required for scientific validation.

For instance, if you see a picture of a person who appears tall, your perception might be influenced by various factors like perspective, background, or the presence of other objects or people in the photo. Without a precise measurement, such as the actual height in feet or meters, your judgment is merely an estimate, not proof.

Scientists rely on empirical data and measurements to make conclusions. While initial observations can suggest hypotheses, these hypotheses need to be tested and measured quantitatively to be scientifically validated. So, you might hypothesize that the person is tall based on appearance, but you cannot prove it without measuring their height directly or having reliable data.
Can u MEASURE hunter eyes and bug eyes pls i dont understand them

Measure them pls

Also chatgpt 🤣🤣🤣
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  • #31
Also you still can’t read, I take it? Did you even read the thread, because the guy used for inward gonions was also used as an example for outward gonions in another thread. If you’re just taking the word of random org people youre wrong since even those idiots can’t prove their own statements right.
Yes this is right but it’s a literal f*****g X Ray 😂 no one is going to go that far in order to prove they have outward gonions or not, and even then if they DID have outward gonjons then they wouldn’t need to do all this X Ray shit since their jaw is visibly appealing, or at the very least it should be.
Then why all the fuss if u know u can literally see that shit
Also you still can’t read, I take it? Did you even read the thread, because the guy used for inward gonions was also used as an example for outward gonions in another thread. If you’re just taking the word of random org people youre wrong since even those idiots can’t prove their own statements right.
The other thread was shit then i wouldn't take it into account
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  • #34
Can u MEASURE hunter eyes and bug eyes pls i dont understand them

Measure them pls

Also chatgpt 🤣🤣🤣
You can’t really measure something subjective, hunter eyes is a subjective term. You’re putting billions of eyes into one category, like you could say Johan Drumev and Sens O’Pry have hunter eyes yeah? But one clearly has a way better eye area than the other and you can PROVE THAT!! O’pry has better PFL for starters, we can use that. You just used 2 pictures of different people without any measurements.
You can’t really measure something subjective, hunter eyes is a subjective term. You’re putting billions of eyes into one category, like you could say Johan Drumev and Sens O’Pry have hunter eyes yeah? But one clearly has a way better eye area than the other and you can PROVE THAT!! O’pry has better PFL for starters, we can use that. You just used 2 pictures of different people without any measurements.
Flared and non flared gonions are also subjective terms
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  • #36
Then why all the fuss if u know u can literally see that shit
Because you can’t prove someone has outward gonions without an X Ray is what i’m saying so when people used these buzz words then I know they’re idiots, and you’re proving my point. All this arguing and you still haven’t given me a measurement 😂 . Like it’s not that hard, is there some angle going from mandible to ramus that if below 100 degrees means outward gonions or soemthing like that? If you can’t give me something like that then it simply doesn’t exist. You can measure canthal tilt, you can measure PFL/PFH, you can measure ESR, so that’s how you decide if someone has hunter eyes or not. You can’t measure a gonion buddy, it’s also super subjective because facial leanness also plays a big role.
U can only measure the eversion of gonions from beneath the jaw and u have to have a very good submental region for it too
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  • #48
Hunter eyes also don't exist then
It doesn’t because I don’t give a f**k, I was gonna say that too in my original post that people who use “hunter, almond, and bug eyes” are idiotic newgens. They don’t exist because everyone has different eyes! I’ve already said a million f*****g times if you had reading comprehension that johan drumev and o’pry both have “hunter eyes” but o’pry clearly has a better eye area.

An example is people claim Chalamet has PCT, but his eye area is still shit because of scleral show and ptosis. It doenst f*****g mather if he has PCT or not because his eye area looks shit to the human eye, so whether he has PCT and almond eyes or NCT and bug eyes i don’t care because his eye area sucks.
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