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Guide Bonesmashing Guide

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
  • Start date

Deleted member 42181

Bonesmashing consists in hitting orbital rims, chin, cheekbones or nasion in order to swell the soft tissue under the skin. As you can see, every part of your body can get swollen with repeated punches.
Bonesmashing is also supposed to increase bone density according to Wolf's law which concerns bone remodeling, however there is a controvery whether bonesmashing may lead to a long-term increase in bone volume

Effective bonesmashing

Hitting bone with the back part of a hammer is the only legitimate way to induce bone hypertrophy

the reasoning is based on physics law: in order to cause a significant collision you need to hit your bone with a great momentum. A great momentum is guaranteed by a dense object like a hammer, hitting with a small surface like the back part of the hammer. If the object is not dense enought then to keep up the momentum you need increase the hitting velocity, with negative consequences on your health: hitting your face with a high velocity means dealing with potentially harmful blows to your head, analoguous to blows received by atheltes of boxing and MMA. chronic traumatic encelopathy is a disease linked with strikes occurring in theese sports.

Bonemash without risks
As mentioned above you should hit your head with little force, concentrated in the bone you want to swell. The solution is bonemashing with a pointy object.

The phisics formula for pressure is:
Pressure = Force / Surface
If you reduce the surface on contact, the force grows. Therefore if you use a small surface of contact like the back part of a hammer, you will hit your head with a small force, but the surface is small so it's enought to swell the bone.

Another important part to avoid harmful blows, is bonesmashing while your head is leaning on something to remain firm. For example you may bonesmash while you are laying on your bed, so head will not move during the blows and Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is prevented.

Bonesmashing causes long-lasting bruises on one's face. Some people succed in improving orbital rims, cheekbones, nasion, but then give up bonesmashing because they are disappointed by the bruises on their face.
Methods to reduce the bruises may include:
self tanner cream
Arnica cream
concealer (makeup)

Is Bonemashing Dangerous?
Striking an opponent's face with bare fists is painful: if you are not used to punching you will get as much pain as your opponent. This is why kung fu martial artists invented hand conditioning: the strategy of hiting hard objects in order to get harder hands.

There are also reports of few kung fu athletes who have trained to receive kicks in their testicles without feeling pain anymore

if your bone is stressed, it increases its density to become stronger so it won't be broken in future. This also happens in weight training: bones become progressivey denser in order to substain the weight.
In conclusion, if you bonemash your chin or your zygos, you won't break your facial bones. (as long as you start bonemashing with lights blows)

Before & After pictures
this is the only guy who shared his bonemashing progress online. Here we can see a big improvement in the cheekbones



  • 3638898_Full_Face_Bonesmashing_Guide.pdf
    2.4 MB · Views: 6
those people you linked in videos were diligently training for years and were very severe

you cannot achieve that kind of result quickly
not to mention nerve damage

and it is mostly temporary swelling

i am looking at the before after of this guy, he looks swollen as hell man. or it is weight loss cuz his under eye area is suddenly hollow, and thus his cheekbones look more visible. either way he does not seem like a good example

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