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Experience Brutal Black Pill Treatment on My last Internship.


Well-known member
Established ★
Jan 29, 2024
So, when i started this internship i used a formal social shirt, pants and shoes, had a straight hair, skinny face and a bit of mustache.

As time passed, some 3 people from another place told me that i looked gay, so i got bald. Also, i got sick and had to extract one wisdom teeth and it made my face verry assimetrical.

Before this downgrade on looks, i used to do the normal writing and shit on the place, actually, they used to praise my writing and eficiency. But then they started to be assholes when i got ugly.
I was commanded to clean the ground, chairs, move objects..., they would say that i had to do extra hours even when there was no job at all to do, and said that i should not wear social cloths anymore but rather a new uniform.

Then i would arrive in the right time and they would say that i arrived late somehow.

I would complete the job and give to my supervisor, he would take it but then act as if he had forgotten (he had ADH, however).

It started nice but got like SUPER UPER shit once i got ugly. And i did not have time to eat correctly so i ate processed shit. The people who really got in my ass were the fucking women. I swear, in classes, street and oficces, the men are nothing, it is always the fucking women bellow 40 or the old fat ones that try to make life super miserable. Fuck it.

Eventually, this only made my situation only worse, i was getting bad grades in university and simply quiet quitt without even knowing what that is, it was not intentional, i just couldn't get out of bed due to depression and other vomiting (something in my family made me fell really bad at the time).

i had seen videos like this one:

Black pill is real guys, avoid women at all costs if you are ugly. Allways take care of your appearance or they will punish you.