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Info Brutal blackpilled website dedicated to the "penis size dun matter" argument

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
This Website is by far the most based, blackpilled and well written site About the whole "DoEs SiZe MaTtR???" dilemma

He precisely discusses the importance of male dimorphism and thus the importance of the penis size for the psychological and phyiscal Stimulation to a woman

He also exposes all the bluepilled hypocritical "sexual experts" who all say "muh size dun matter"

It's SO FUCKING OVER if you have a small penis

Seriously it's not even funny anymore, failing at your secondary dimorphism (Angular strong jaw, big skull, Hands, Body hair, Deep voice, Frame, height etc.) is one thing

But totally failing at YOUR PRIMARILY SEXUAL DIMORPHISM is just death, as a homo sapiens you are supposed to Show your gender specific dimorphism through your genitals

Having a small penis is the most direct sign that you're not meant to reproduce, you're an genetically fuckup, nature has made you to be Nothing else than cannonfodder and the Bottom of every mating hierarchy

Jelqing is a cope (it ONLY effectively works for few People), penis surgeries are scams (the only halfway decent Thing is PMMA, but it's actually also a stupid procedure), penis transplants are complicated and risky as fuck

So as you see theres Nothing you can do About having a small penis….

Men who are cursed with a small penis can be thankful if they also received a naturally low sex drive, otherwise

…..Kill yourself
you got your Infos About jelqing from autistic Forums like thundersplace etc. Right?
Yh I partly collected information from a number of forums like thundersplace and I understand that people can lie about self-reported results. However you called hackforums autistic which indicates a bias against forums. I disagree with when there is little scientific literature testimonies are needed to start it off.
Yh I partly collected information from a number of forums like thundersplace and I understand that people can lie about self-reported results. However you called hackforums autistic which indicates a bias against forums. I disagree with when there is little scientific literature testimonies are needed to start it off.

hackforums have a lot of Genius members, but most members there are frauders and scammers (from my experience)

I was very active in several german PE sites within 3-4 years, they are way more down to earth than most american PE Forums, and almost everyone there only had gains in the 1-2cm range, even the ones who did pe for over 10 years

you Need to be genetically gifted to receive significant permanent gains, in my opinion it has something to do with your igf and somatropin receptors

the guys on the Forum who had big gains also reported that they are generally easy gainers in everything

the guys with the most dissapointing results usually reported that they suffered from growth Hormone or testosterone deficiency during development
  • Wow
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it's beyond over, is this even a life worth living tbh