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News Calories don't matter, hormones do

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  • #2
This is like fundamental stuff but guys like 666 and buddy boys don't seem to get it
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  • #4
dn watched ,but u mean T3??

@Buddy Boyo u should take t3 25mcg ED
No omg like you don't get it either it looks like.
This videos scientifically explain how and why calories are king. Copers like @buddyboyo think calories are not that important and hormones are everything buy really its calories more than anything else. Hormones play more of a role in body composition than in total aggregate weight loss gain or maintainence.
Eat nothing but animal products and calories become a non-factor.
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  • #6
Eat nothing but animal products and calories become a non-factor.
Calories are like always present it's just like hard to be in a large energy calorie surplus on pure animal products so you don't usually become obese
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  • #8
Ur title says- "calories don't matter hormones do"
this is like all the more reason why you should watch the videos before commenting like a r****d, tldr it's a clickbait title copied from the title of the video I linked which addresses a common cope propogated by retards like @Buddy Boyo
the common retarded cope that retards like buddy boyo spread is: "CaLoRiEs dOn'T mAtTeR mUh HoRmOnEs Do"

this is the coping thread made by the r****d @Buddy Boyo like a while back
Say's the guy on roids. Calories matter, and so does eating frequency.
