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Can I really improve my looks?

Buried Alive

New member
Jan 7, 2021
I had a consultation with Raffaini about my lizard mouth, and he said that no invasive surgery is needed.
He said that i am the only one who sees the creases around my mouth, for then making a letter where he gave indications to the ortho (the one i will go) about my treatment, for then saying indeed that with invasilign I could fix the before-non-existent-creases.

What makes me crazy is that before this I argued on a discord surgery channel about how increasing my looks, with people calling me mental ill because I'm good looking. After an entire day of fighting about this, it turns out that, when they say "good looking", they meant that i'm average, which is the f*****g problem I was complaining about from the start..then started to call me incel, r****d and shit that i don't give a f**k. Saying then that i can't do anything about my looks, i'm at my top.

This destroys me. I really can't do anything? I'm doomed to stay a f*****g anonymous average dude? At this point i was thinking to get these f*****g braces (i will have another consultation, but with Ramieri this time), another surgeon said he could to fat transfer for my under eyes and zygos.. and i was thinking about making smaller my nose tip... but for real i wouldn't ascend by any means? It's just over?

Last pics show creases
I had a consultation with Raffaini about my lizard mouth, and he said that no invasive surgery is needed.
He said that i am the only one who sees the creases around my mouth, for then making a letter where he gave indications to the ortho (the one i will go) about my treatment, for then saying indeed that with invasilign I could fix the before-non-existent-creases.

What makes me crazy is that before this I argued on a discord surgery channel about how increasing my looks, with people calling me mental ill because I'm good looking. After an entire day of fighting about this, it turns out that, when they say "good looking", they meant that i'm average, which is the f*****g problem I was complaining about from the start..then started to call me incel, r****d and shit that i don't give a f**k. Saying then that i can't do anything about my looks, i'm at my top.

This destroys me. I really can't do anything? I'm doomed to stay a f*****g anonymous average dude? At this point i was thinking to get these f*****g braces (i will have another consultation, but with Ramieri this time), another surgeon said he could to fat transfer for my under eyes and zygos.. and i was thinking about making smaller my nose tip... but for real i wouldn't ascend by any means? It's just over?

Last pics show creases
