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Can you guys show me some examples of Tyrone’s (no psl gods)

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  • #4
The top guy I get but I lowk mog the guy on the bottom not by appeal but def by psl
Just saw your recent photos I think you are Chadlite but I'm still leaning rating so don't fully trust
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  • #6
Just saw your recent photos I think you are Chadlite but I'm still leaning rating so don't fully trust
I don’t wanna sound narcissistic but I feel underrated sometimes cause compared to most alleged Tyrone’s I easily scale to them or at least the ones in the pictures above
Yeah idk you could poat yourself on those websites were normies rate you according to prepare your best photos for tinder
Or if you want to be a model start booking now until someone accepts you.
Bet this might be a little difficult since I’m a 17 yr old about to get into college
If your parents give you legal permission nobody minds. Modeling is a career were you need to have a long booking. Start working with photographers without portfolio and start escalating
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  • #13
If your parents give you legal permission nobody minds. Modeling is a career were you need to have a long booking. Start working with photographers without portfolio and start escalating
Good advice you think it might get in the way of school?
Good advice you think it might get in the way of school?
It can. Depends how you organizate yourself. It will be harder for u if you choose a carreer that has nothing to do with modelling but its also wiser to have a plan b.
Ltg not high psl but irl tyrone 6'5 gymmaxxed
What exactly do you mean by social maxing. Like personality maxing? Or talking to people maxing?
Talk with everyone. Known them. Make them feel you as a chill guy. I am in a media making career and I am in contact with models and actors all the time, working for free or exchanging things.
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  • #18
It can. Depends how you organizate yourself. It will be harder for u if you choose a carreer that has nothing to do with modelling but it’s also wiser to have a plan b.
Fair enough. Man tbh I just always wanted to talk the run way at least one time in my life just to see how it feels. I always loved watching models do that.
Fair enough. Man tbh I just always wanted to talk the run way at least one time in my life just to see how it feels. I always loved watching models do that.
Get to action asado bro. Chico started modelling at 18 so you can too. Wish you good luck
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