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Can you guys show me some examples of Tyrone’s (no psl gods)

it’s jus the under eye support but the bones aren’t bad cmon now
Bro most black people look like speed and overall almost no one achieves chadlite stop complaining you mog everyone
@Nairod ill send Pic in pm let me know what you would rate me
Bro most black people look like speed and overall almost no one achieves chadlite stop complaining you mog everyone
I’m sorry for that it’s jus never enough and I felt like I should jus get the Tyrone rating since I mog the shit out of 98% of my pheno
I’m sorry for that it’s jus never enough and I felt like I should jus get the Tyrone rating since I mog the shit out of 98% of pheno
eye is law buddy sorry🤷‍♀️ (ignore how i just said jaw is law i was possesed)
I’m sorry for that it’s jus never enough and I felt like I should jus get the Tyrone rating since I mog the shit out of 98% of pheno
Most people says chad/tyrone/Stacy rating is impossible since perfection is impossible. Don't worry you mog
Most people says chad/tyrone/Stacy rating is impossible since perfection is impossible. Don't worry you mog
Wait a damn minute isn’t that the psl god rating I throught Tyrone was not perfection
Wait a damn minute isn’t that the psl god rating I throught Tyrone was not perfection
Wait is Chadlite the level under perfection cause I thought it went lite to Chad to perfection
Wait is Chadlite the level under perfection cause I thought it went lite to Chad to perfection
Idk maybe I'm wrong but I thought Chad is perfection.
DM sigma to get the best advice. Or tag him in a new thread he will not read all this one
only tips i have is surgery, but you dont need it bhai u mog hard plus ur tall
True I’m sorry as I ascended I started loosing my mind n wanted to become perfect
Idk maybe I'm wrong but I thought Chad is perfection.
DM sigma to get the best advice. Or tag him in a new thread he will not read all this one
Oh wait this forum does rate differently nvm I see it now