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Discussion Casual sex>relationships ?

wouldn't i miss out
is there even hope of finding a good virgin woman who'll love me forever and will not cheat (attractive and smart too )
also i am indian if that matters
miss out on what , of hoes, stds, meaningless sex?
and yes there’s hope you’re looking in the wrong places, and in india it seems like the women respect themselves more than western counties anyway so is it that hard?
miss out on what , of hoes, stds, meaningless sex?
and yes there’s hope you’re looking in the wrong places, and in india it seems like the women respect themselves more than western counties anyway so is it that hard?
no probably most girls above 20 have been in a relationship in india

meaningless sexhavers have more smv and mog virgin losercucks in all ways
Fucking a different girl every week, having FWBs, ONS is so much better for you as a man than sticking to one girl.

The excitement of a new sexual partner, the thrill of adding yet another girl to your lay count, it boosts your testosterone and the validation you receive is like shooting heroin but with no side effects.

Unless you got to experience teen love with your jb oneitis, casual sex is the way to go. You won't ever feel as intense emotions for any girl except your HS crush so getting in relationship with anyone but her is cope.

Why dellude yourself that you love a girl when you don't? Just keep her around as a FWB and avoid the cringy and low T LTR shit. Just focus on boosting your ego and SMV, your shot at true love and happiness is forever gone. Narcissism and validation is the way to go.

. As soon as you leave HS, teen love is forever gone, all you can do now is cope
tell me you have low self esteem without telling me you have low self esteem:

Also "Teen Love" isn't actually love. It's a mixture of excitement, infatuation, and societal expectations. A great example of real love are those old couples you see holding hands on a park bench watching the sun set together. Love isn't that giddy feeling you get with a person. Love is the loyalty and care for the other's well-being that drives you to stay with them. You're partners, teammates, friends.

If you really think the only way to feel fulfilled in life is to triple your body count then you have allowed yourself to be controlled by your emotions. And you have destroyed any chance of a wholesome partner coming into your life. Because they don't deserve a ran-through emotional wreck looking for the next dopamine boost like a crack addict.

Come on man. You're better than this post.
nah you have self respect and they don’t that’s the difference
i think girls like fuckboys more
they have more friends
they are treated better
they are prolly happier
no cuz ur generalising a lot of women do it yeah especially nowadays but there’s plenty of women who respect themselves aswell aim to have one sexual partner in your life in my opinion
So did you have an explaination on why women has promiscuous past ?
It's pretty much the most majority of women, especially the most "feminist" ones, who portrays that as being "liberated" ?
Is it traumas or psychological issues ?
Peer pressure by the wrong women ?
Is it a mating strategy to test men sex quality before settle down ?

And why men should stay virgin or waiting for a serious thing while women seem to have fun ?

It looks like a lot of women regret their hook-ups too because they probably mistaken sex with pair-bonding, or deep down they hoped they wasn't just a quick pump&dump for a man
I was a fuck boy and I wasn't happier.
also fuck u fuckboy
i hate them
if i ever became one id hate myself but if won't matter cuz i will always hate myself no matter what
So did you have an explaination on why women has promiscuous past ?
It's pretty much the most majority of women, especially the most "feminist" ones, who portrays that as being "liberated" ?
Is it traumas or psychological issues ?
Peer pressure by the wrong women ?
Is it a mating strategy to test men sex quality before settle down ?

And why men should stay virgin or waiting for a serious thing while women seem to have fun ?

It looks like a lot of women regret their hook-ups too because they probably mistaken sex with pair-bonding, or deep down they hoped they wasn't just a quick pump&dump for a man
i don’t know what it is ask them because im not one of those and i think it’s ridiculous they claim is liberating because it’s disgusting 🤷‍♀️just because the crowd is doing something doesn’t mean you should, personally i’ve being with my boyfriend 5 years and he’s my first boyfriend i’d never even touched another male before him and if we broke up i never would again
u didn't enjoy making all the girls attached to you ??
It weighs on your conscience heavily. I've always been self-aware and what I experienced is that most fuck boys confuse "happiness" with a lack of unhappiness. Fuck boys tend to use women to extinguish negative emotions they are feeling at the time. But it always causes more problems in the end and you can't run from those feelings forever.

Here's a great principle that rings true every time: You only have enough energy to focus on either the exterior or the interior, never both.

If you focus on externalities like hookups, looks, and status, you sacrifice your inner development. I'm talking about your personality, character, and self-actualization. That's why I felt empty.

I don't want to hurt or use people. I just wanted to be happy. and I found that there are better ways of being happy that last longer.
So did you have an explaination on why women has promiscuous past ?
It's pretty much the most majority of women, especially the most "feminist" ones, who portrays that as being "liberated" ?
Is it traumas or psychological issues ?
Peer pressure by the wrong women ?
Is it a mating strategy to test men sex quality before settle down ?

And why men should stay virgin or waiting for a serious thing while women seem to have fun ?

It looks like a lot of women regret their hook-ups too because they probably mistaken sex with pair-bonding, or deep down they hoped they wasn't just a quick pump&dump for a man
Social Media has twisted your perception of women. I want you to look at all the women you know in life and what their qualities actually are. Then compare it to how "women" are delivered to you on social media. Its polar opposites.

The media wants a gender war. It distracts from the shady crap that they are doing with our data and rights. Just look at the man vs bear trend. Social media does the same thing to women. Women are taught that all men are r@pists and predators.

Think critically please. It matters much more than you think.
i don’t know what it is ask them because im not one of those and i think it’s ridiculous they claim is liberating because it’s disgusting 🤷‍♀️just because the crowd is doing something doesn’t mean you should, personally i’ve being with my boyfriend 5 years and he’s my first boyfriend i’d never even touched another male before him and if we broke up i never would again
The problem is that i've asked my female friends about it and somehow, for them, sucking a guy's D they didn't even know is just fun for them... so idk

You're probably a rare gem to think like that
It weighs on your conscience heavily. I've always been self-aware and what I experienced is that most fuck boys confuse "happiness" with a lack of unhappiness. Fuck boys tend to use women to extinguish negative emotions they are feeling at the time. But it always causes more problems in the end and you can't run from those feelings forever.

Here's a great principle that rings true every time: You only have enough energy to focus on either the exterior or the interior, never both.

If you focus on externalities like hookups, looks, and status, you sacrifice your inner development. I'm talking about your personality, character, and self-actualization. That's why I felt empty.

I don't want to hurt or use people. I just wanted to be happy. and I found that there are better ways of being happy that last longer.
i get it

i ran 2 simulations in my mind

i was significantly more alive and happy when i had a cute smart gf compared to when i was fucking all the ltbs and mtbs

i was still full of hate and numbness and pain being a fuckboy cuz in the end no one actually loved me and i loved no one

having a cute smart gf gave me the will to live and work hard
Social Media has twisted your perception of women. I want you to look at all the women you know in life and what their qualities actually are. Then compare it to how "women" are delivered to you on social media. Its polar opposites.

The media wants a gender war. It distracts from the shady crap that they are doing with our data and rights. Just look at the man vs bear trend. Social media does the same thing to women. Women are taught that all men are r@pists and predators.

Think critically please. It matters much more than you think.
I'm not on social medias because this is pure brainrot. And i personally don't know the dating life of these women, just my female friends bragging about their hookups and being brutal with men on dating apps. That's it

I'm aware of the gender war. It looks like that women bite that bait well. But it's just the feminist agenda so idk
no n*****s be too narcy
they need to reflect and atone for being shitty people
Often times people with Narcissism can't do that. Their brains are wired differently. It's not their fault. Just treat them accordingly and try to be kind. Being kind tends to diffuse all conflict.
I'm not on social medias because this is pure brainrot. And i personally don't know the dating life of these women, just my female friends bragging about their hookups and being brutal with men on dating apps. That's it

I'm aware of the gender war. It looks like that women bite that bait well. But it's just the feminist agenda so idk
I agree with about 45% of what you said. But the narratives want you to blame feminism. I blame Satan. He is the epicenter of all conflict in this world. lustful and power hungry world leaders are influenced by satanic beliefs, even if they aren't taboo demon worshiping schitzos.

I would say get better friends. There are good people out there.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we believe in loyal long-lasting marriages and provide free resources and even facilitate dating pools and socialization with people who have the best morals and standards. I would encourage you to find your best partner via a religious institution.
i get it

i ran 2 simulations in my mind

i was significantly more alive and happy when i had a cute smart gf compared to when i was fucking all the ltbs and mtbs

i was still full of hate and numbness and pain being a fuckboy cuz in the end no one actually loved me and i loved no one

having a cute smart gf gave me the will to live and work hard
You got it bro. I'm happy for you.
its very terrifying and mind boggling
I dont know what to do
one sexhaver fuckboy says its worth it
and other sexhaver former fuckboy gymcel says it isn't worth
one super rare good female says its not
one indian bhai says its worth it and promotes it in op
I agree with about 45% of what you said. But the narratives want you to blame feminism. I blame Satan. He is the epicenter of all conflict in this world. lustful and power hungry world leaders are influenced by satanic beliefs, even if they aren't taboo demon worshiping schitzos.

I would say get better friends. There are good people out there.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we believe in loyal long-lasting marriages and provide free resources and even facilitate dating pools and socialization with people who have the best morals and standards. I would encourage you to find your best partner via a religious institution.
stfu blaming satan wouldn't give a clear answer
my chigga bhais
ur pajeet bhai looks forward to ur opinions
plz read my posts if u can before replying (read all if u can plz)
Fucking a different girl every week, having FWBs, ONS is so much better for you as a man than sticking to one girl.

The excitement of a new sexual partner, the thrill of adding yet another girl to your lay count, it boosts your testosterone and the validation you receive is like shooting heroin but with no side effects.

Unless you got to experience teen love with your jb oneitis, casual sex is the way to go. You won't ever feel as intense emotions for any girl except your HS crush so getting in relationship with anyone but her is cope.

Why dellude yourself that you love a girl when you don't? Just keep her around as a FWB and avoid the cringy and low T LTR shit. Just focus on boosting your ego and SMV, your shot at true love and happiness is forever gone. Narcissism and validation is the way to go.

. As soon as you leave HS, teen love is forever gone, all you can do now is cope
"You won't ever feel as intense emotions for any girl except your HS crush so getting in relationship with anyone but her is cope.", lol.

Dude, how can you be talking about other people being "Low-T" then go on to say how much you value validation? Validation is for girls. I've never given a damn about how anyone, including girls, has felt about me. My masculinity comes from myself and has never been based on the approval of anyone else. Validation is about as useful to me as a bucket of piss.

None of what you're saying is true man. I had a oneitis in highschool but the thought of going back in time being with her now makes me want to puke. I didn't know dick about women back then and even thought she was my entire world at the time I've had so much better girls since, both aesthetically and personality wise.

Anyways, if you want to fuck girls just do so for pleasure. Don't be a cuck. Don't seek validation from anywhere but from within yourself.
No , even an average looking guy can cheat

Stop with the cope.
Men are more yucky than women.
I have had enough with all the blackpill bullshit.
Umm AkShUaLlY young women cheat more.


So cope :dance::rainbowpls:
Nah Not Like That I am Just Visualizing my goals of the near future
bhaiya u r more social and outgoing
what do u think
are there pretty , smart, virgin,attractive girls in india
who will date and marry someone like me

i have always preferred to be at home so I don't really know about the real outside world
"You won't ever feel as intense emotions for any girl except your HS crush so getting in relationship with anyone but her is cope.", lol.

Dude, how can you be talking about other people being "Low-T" then go on to say how much you value validation? Validation is for girls. I've never given a damn about how anyone, including girls, has felt about me. My masculinity comes from myself and has never been based on the approval of anyone else. Validation is about as useful to me as a bucket of piss.

None of what you're saying is true man. I had a oneitis in highschool but the thought of going back in time being with her now makes me want to puke. I didn't know dick about women back then and even thought she was my entire world at the time I've had so much better girls since, both aesthetically and personality wise.

Anyways, if you want to fuck girls just do so for pleasure. Don't be a cuck. Don't seek validation from anywhere but from within yourself.
ur a former fuckboy aren't u 🧐🧐🧐
Why you fighting over who cheats more it doesn't matter just don't cheat and if you have the chance of having a partner don't choose someone that was promiscuous
bhaiya u r more social and outgoing
what do u think
are there pretty , smart, virgin,attractive girls in india
who will date and marry someone like me

i have always preferred to be at home so I don't really know about the real outside world
Yup Bhai-n***a there are many lightskin HTB's in India Slight rare but they exist
Who Are willing to Date HTN's
Getting A white-passing lightskin indian girl is the best u can get there
Not Sure Bout Smart All These narcy good looking girls have dumb-fuck iq

But Still At the end of the day looks matters
Yup Bhai-n***a there are many lightskin HTB's in India Slight rare but they exist
Who Are willing to Date HTN's
Getting A white-passing lightskin indian girl is the best u can get there
Not Sure Bout Smart All These narcy good looking girls have dumb-fuck iq

But Still At the end of the day looks matters
are they virgin in all ways?