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Discussion Casual sex>relationships ?

ur a former fuckboy aren't u 🧐🧐🧐
I don't know what that means these days. When the term "fuckboy" first came out about 15 years ago it meant you were a sissy/loser. Now a days I believe it means your a player, right?

I've got enough experience with different types of women under my belt. Different types of relationships. Was never really into banging a different girls every week except for just about a year during my early 20's. Not really my thing because I really don't enjoy being around women enough to put much effort into trying to get in their pants.
Wtf , you are the one who was like is this is ( my name)
I knew your identity but I didn’t even wanna bring it up.
is he indian too ?
and do u both know each other 😦?
ntchads are people who have chad smv cuz 9f being giga nt

women don't orbit men who have low smv
men orbit women who have low smv
correction: women, high or low smv, are always orbited by men. The quality increases with their SMV. But higher males don't cancel out the low tier males. So women in general are orbited by both low tier and high tier, with the ratio always being more low tier to high tier.

A good quote to remember is that: "Dating for a man is like finding a drop of water in the Sahara Desert. Dating for a woman is like finding a drop of clean water in a swamp."