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Deleted member 128

I chew equally on both sides but I can't feel it at all in my left masseter muscle and it's giving me asymmetries.
Tongue chew or go ER idk

but dont listen to the fags above me. if anything mike mews been saying is legit its about chewing. and this is actually proven to change your bones too
Tongue chew or go ER idk

but dont listen to the fags above me. if anything mike mews been saying is legit its about chewing. and this is actually proven to change your bones too
tongue is OP but it wont fix masster asymmetries
tongue is OP but it wont fix masster asymmetries
i also have an assymetry tbh from chewing

not very noticeable cos ive only been chewing consistently for 1 month but its there and i literally cannot target my right masseter no matter what i do

my advice: LDAR
i also have an assymetry tbh from chewing

not very noticeable cos ive only been chewing consistently for 1 month but its there and i literally cannot target my right masseter no matter what i do

my advice: LDAR
chewing is probably cope. I chewed 24hr for 1yr it made my jaw wider but my temporalis muscles where huge.
chewing is probably cope. I chewed 24hr for 1yr it made my jaw wider but my temporalis muscles where huge.
it depends on ur genes tbh.

1. some people are blessed with more of the type of muscle fiber that hyperthrophies easily in the masseters, so it grows much much faster
2. depending on how long or short your face is, the muscles will look very different
3. shape of muscle/muscle insertions whatever
it depends on ur genes tbh.

1. some people are blessed with more of the type of muscle fiber that hyperthrophies easily in the masseters, so it grows much much faster
2. depending on how long or short your face is, the muscles will look very different
3. shape of muscle/muscle insertions whatever
so what to do for the masseter?

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