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Guide Chronic tiredness and what does that indicate?

ObLaDi ObLaDa

New member
Mar 24, 2024
Hello guys, I wanted to create this guide because I feel like this topic is underrated, and there's not much info about this topic.
Do you feel tired all the time? Chronic brain fog that doesn't go away? well here is what it may be:

1. Sleep - The most simple reason yet is still very complicated
Well as you may know to function properly we need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, and if you don't get it you will be tired during the day.
its fine if you don't sleep properly one night, no biggie, BUT DO NOT MAKE IT A HABIT GETTING BARELY ANY SLEEP!
do you get your 7 to 9 hours and still feel tired? well maybe stop looking at your phone at least a hour before sleep because it breaks the regulation of your sleep cycle.

2. Underlying health condition - Let's say you are tired all the time and start improving your sleep, you get your 7 to 9 hours of sleep, you don't look at any screens at least 1 hour before going to sleep, but still you have this strange brain fog during the day, you don't feel as energetic as you used to, and you are still young which is odd.
It may be an underlying health condition, Anemia, Thyroid disorders, Diabetes even a Deviated Septum, and you don't no till you get diagnosed with it.
I suggest you to try and get some clues of what you have before going to the doctor, so you have at least some idea of what you have.

3. Bed bugs - Nasty little parasites and hard to get rid off, they may be the reason. if you wake up in the middle of the night and get bites over your body and they are super itchy, THEY ARE NOT MOSQUITOES.
These little monsters destroy households, in my opinion we should work on eradicating them completely.
What should you do if you get them? if they are at their tens you can try to kill them with steam and diatomaceous earth.

4. Unhealthy lifestyle - not exercising enough or having a shitty diet, you can solve this on your own.
1. carbs
2. boring videos
3. if someone would need a looksmax thread to get enough motivation to remove bed bugs then idk. DE will stop the bugs for sure
4. exercise seemed to help at first but not sure if its as effective the more u do it

2. for example i didnt eat any carbs before watching a boring video and it put me to sleep anyway. same applies to boring lectures also

also, stress causes energy loss