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Can you do mine?


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Never believed in that stuff, but the 2nd site said, that I am an egoistic liberal, so now I am into astrology. The first site is BS tho

Can you do mine?


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Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01

Birth Chart (D1)
View attachment 34381
Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 34382

For both D1 and D9:
View attachment 34383View attachment 34384View attachment 34385
fucj you and your cospiracy type shit
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #70
Go onto this link, enter your date of birth, time of birth and city of birth onto the calculator (do not give this information on this thread please), and post the D1 AND D9 CHARTS ONLY.


e.g. for Bob Smith, born 11/11/1996 in London, 00:01

Birth Chart (D1)
View attachment 34381
Navamsa Chart (D9)
View attachment 34382

For both D1 and D9:
View attachment 34383View attachment 34384View attachment 34385
@Genesyss lets see if you’ll get a chad
who wastes their time with this? just go outside and find a real wife instead of having a website tell you what she is
It's harmless fun
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #76

Summary of Genesyss's Predicted Husband:​

  • Height: Average, possibly on the shorter side.
  • Age: Likely older or more mature for his age.
  • Hair: Dark, possibly black, and slightly unkempt or wavy.
  • Eyes: Dark, intense, deep-set eyes.
  • Skin: Medium to darker, olive or tanned complexion.
  • Ethnicity: Likely from a neighboring region to Bulgaria, potentially Mediterranean, South Eastern European, or Middle Eastern.
  • Looks Level: MTN (Mid-Tier Normie), more rugged than attractive.
  • Body Type: Muscular and sturdy, well-built.
  • Personality: Diplomatic, intense, and passionate, with a secretive side.
  • Facial Hair: Likely to have dark, thick facial hair (beard or stubble).
  • Facial Dimorphism: High, with strong masculine features (sharp jawline, prominent cheekbones).
  • Cheating Risk: Possible temptation to cheat due to Scorpio influences.



  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1): Likely to be of average or slightly shorter height. Pisces is a dual sign, indicating someone who isn’t extremely tall.
  • Mars in Scorpio (D9 1st house): Adds intensity, but height remains in the average range, perhaps slightly more muscular.

Age Relative to the Native

  • Saturn conjunct Mars in D1 and present in the 12th house (D1) and 4th house (D9) suggests the husband may be older or mature for his age, as Saturn often indicates someone with life experience or responsibilities.

Hair Colour

  • Mars and Saturn (Pisces in D1, Scorpio in D9): Suggest dark hair, probably black or very dark brown, with a slightly rough or unkempt texture (Pisces can give an untidy, wavy style).

Eye Colour

  • Pluto in Scorpio (D9): Dark, intense eyes (likely deep brown or black).
  • Pisces influence (D1): Could also give watery, slightly dreamy eyes.

Skin Colour

  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1), Scorpio in D9: Medium to darker skin tone. He might not be extremely dark but will likely have a dusky complexion, leaning towards olive or tanned skin.

Possible Ethnicity

  • Pisces and Scorpio placements in both D1 and D9 point towards someone who could be of Middle Eastern, South Asian, Mediterranean, or even Latin origin. Pisces and Scorpio often denote someone from a place with spiritual or mystical connotations, so likely from regions associated with these cultures.

Looks Level (Compared to Model, Average Person, or Subhuman)

  • Venus in the 8th house in D9 and Gemini: This is not favorable for good looks, as the 8th house tends to distort the Venusian beauty influence, and Gemini can make someone appear more ordinary, even quirky in their looks.
  • Pluto in Scorpio (1st house, D9): He might have strong, even intense facial features, which could come across as slightly off-putting or harsh to some people.
  • Looks Level: He would likely fall under MTN (Mid-Tier Normie), somewhere in the middle of attractiveness, but leaning more toward average rather than model-tier due to the unfavorable Venus placement in D9.

Body Type

  • Mars in Scorpio in D9 (1st house): A muscular, well-built, or sturdy body type, likely more defined than soft. Mars gives a more rugged and athletic look.
  • Saturn in Pisces (D1): He could have a somewhat leaner frame, but still with noticeable strength due to Mars' influence.


  • Moon in Libra (D1, 7th house): Indicates a diplomatic, fair, and balanced personality, someone who values harmony and relationships.
  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): Adds intensity and passion, so while he is fair and balanced in relationships, he can also be quite driven and secretive.
  • Sun in Leo (D9, 10th house): He will have a commanding presence and a desire for status or recognition in his career or social standing. Confident, perhaps to a fault.

Facial Dimorphism

  • Mars and Saturn influences: He is likely to have more masculine and sharp features, with prominent cheekbones and a strong jawline. Pisces may add some softness, but overall, his face will look strongly masculine.

Bone Structure on Face

  • Saturn and Pluto influences: Prominent and well-defined bone structure. Likely high cheekbones, sharp jawline, and a strong brow.

Facial Features

  • Nose: Prominent, possibly hooked or aquiline, with a slight curve or sharpness (thanks to Mars and Pluto).
  • Eyes: Dark, intense, and penetrating (Pluto in Scorpio influence).
  • Lips: Thinner lips, not particularly full (Saturn’s influence dampens the Venusian softness).

Hair Type and Hairstyle

  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1): Likely to have slightly wavy or unkempt hair, dark in color.
  • Venus in Gemini (D9): The hairstyle could change frequently, as Gemini is a mutable sign, but the overall texture would remain slightly rough or wavy.

Youthful, to Age, or Older Looking?

  • Saturn's influence: He is likely to age more quickly, so he may look older than his actual age, especially as he grows older. The Pisces influence might make him look youthful when younger, but over time Saturn takes over and gives him a more aged appearance.

Sexual History

  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): He is likely to have had a somewhat active sexual history, though it might be kept secret. Scorpio often hides sexual experiences, but the intensity is there.

Attachment Style

  • Moon in Libra (D1): He seeks balance and harmony in relationships, so he might have a secure attachment style. However, the Scorpio influence in D9 could make him possessive or secretive at times.

Will They Cheat?

  • Venus in the 8th house (D9) and Mars in Scorpio: There is a risk of him being tempted to cheat, especially in situations where secrecy or emotional intensity is involved. However, this isn’t guaranteed, but the temptation is there due to the Scorpio and 8th house influences.

Overall Spouse Prediction for Genesyss:​

  • Looks Level: He falls in the MTN (Mid-Tier Normie) range. His face is more rugged and intense than beautiful or model-like.
  • Body Type: Muscular, well-built, but not overly tall.
  • Personality: Diplomatic and fair, with a passionate, secretive side.
  • Risk of Cheating: There's a possibility, especially with the Scorpio and 8th house influences.
  • General Appearance: Dark-haired, with intense eyes, prominent bone structure, and a slightly unkempt look.
Given that Genesyss is from Bulgaria, we can further analyze the potential ethnicity of her spouse based on the planetary placements:

  • Pisces and Scorpio influence (in both D1 and D9): These placements often indicate someone from a background that might be different or slightly more exotic relative to the native.
  • Rahu in Leo in the 5th house: Rahu often indicates foreign elements, which may suggest her spouse could be from a different ethnicity or at least from a background that isn’t exactly Bulgarian but potentially from a neighboring or culturally different region.

Ethnicity Prediction:​

  • He is likely to be from a region close to Bulgaria but possibly from a different ethnic group. This could point to Mediterranean, South Eastern European, or even Middle Eastern origins. For instance, someone from Greece, Turkey, the Balkans, or Southern Italy seems plausible.
  • Not fully Bulgarian: There are strong indicators that the spouse could be from a background with some spiritual or mystical connotations (e.g., Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Balkan), which aligns with the Pisces/Scorpio placements.
So, while he may have some similarities to her ethnicity, it’s quite likely that he comes from a background slightly different from Bulgarian.

Facial Hair

  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): This placement often indicates the likelihood of facial hair, especially darker and thicker hair, which aligns with the intensity of Scorpio. Men with Mars in Scorpio usually have strong, well-defined facial features, including facial hair.
  • Saturn’s influence in Pisces (D1): Saturn often gives a more mature, rugged look, which can include a beard or some form of facial hair, especially with the strong Mars influence.
Conclusion: He is likely to have facial hair, probably a well-maintained beard or stubble. It will likely be dark and thick due to Scorpio and Mars' influence.

Dimorphism Level in the Face

  • Mars and Pluto in Scorpio (D9) give strong masculine features, with high levels of facial dimorphism. His facial structure will be notably masculine, especially with prominent cheekbones, a strong jawline, and sharp features.
  • Saturn’s influence: Adds more roughness and maturity, further intensifying the masculine aspects of his appearance.
Dimorphism Level: He will have a high level of facial dimorphism, leaning toward highly masculine traits. This means his facial features will be distinctly masculine, with sharp, well-defined bone structure. He won’t have soft or androgynous features—his look will be rugged and traditionally masculine.

Based on the chart placements, he will be rugged but not quite the "Vin Diesel" alpha-male type. Here's a more nuanced description:
  • Mars and Pluto in Scorpio (D9) definitely give him strong masculine traits, including sharp, chiseled features, but his look will be more intense and mysterious rather than overtly "alpha" like Vin Diesel.
  • Saturn and Pisces influence (D1): These soften the raw "alpha male" stereotype, making him more of a dark, brooding type rather than the hyper-masculine, muscular appearance of someone like Vin Diesel. He might come off as serious, introspective, and mysterious, with a look that's still masculine but less overtly aggressive.

In Short:​

He’ll be rugged, intense, and masculine but with a more refined, possibly intellectual or "mystic" edge rather than a full "alpha-male action hero" look. More like a brooding anti-hero than a brash, overly muscular type.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #78


  • Mars and Mercury in Virgo (D1 & D9): Virgo typically gives a more modest stature, so the spouse is likely to be average or slightly below average in height. Virgo’s practical and grounded nature tends to reflect in physical stature as well.

Age Relative to the Native

  • Saturn in Libra (D9): This suggests the spouse will be similar in age or slightly older. Saturn in Libra brings maturity and balance, indicating a spouse who may be more level-headed and responsible than the native, but not significantly older.

Hair Colour

  • Mars in Virgo (D9): Mars here points toward dark, straight hair—likely brown or black. Virgo gives neatness and a sense of order, meaning the spouse will likely keep his hair well-maintained and simple.
  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Taurus, an earthy sign, supports the possibility of dark brown or black hair, further reinforcing a natural, grounded look.

Eye Colour

  • Moon in Taurus (D9): The eyes are likely to be warm brown, as Taurus gives an earthy, steady appearance, and the Moon governs the eyes, giving depth and warmth.
  • Pluto in Taurus (D9): This adds intensity to the eye color, suggesting deep, penetrating brown eyes with an almost magnetic quality, although not necessarily extraordinary.

Skin Colour

  • Mars and Mercury in Virgo (D9): This points to a medium complexion, likely fair to olive-toned. Virgo and Taurus combined suggest someone who has a practical and grounded appearance, with no extreme light or dark tones.

Possible Ethnicity

  • Strong Earth Sign Influence (Virgo, Taurus): The spouse is likely to come from a European, Mediterranean, or Western/Central European background, given the grounding, earthy nature of these signs. There’s no strong indication of a dramatically foreign ethnicity, but he may come from a region with a practical, earthy culture.

Looks Level

  • Venus in Scorpio (D9): Venus in Scorpio in the D9 chart does not favor conventional attractiveness. Scorpio’s intensity may make him appear more serious or brooding than classically good-looking.
  • Mars in Virgo (D9): Adds a rugged, but still grounded appearance. Mars in Virgo is often more about neatness and practicality, not striking beauty.
  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Offers some natural, earthy charm, but not enough to raise his looks level significantly.
  • Aspects:
    • Moon Conjunct Pluto (D9): Adds intensity, but can make the face look serious or intense rather than conventionally attractive.
    • Mercury Conjunct Mars (D9): Enhances sharpness in facial features but more in a practical sense than a glamorous one.
Conclusion: The spouse is likely in the MTN (Mid-Tier Normie) range. He may have a solid, rugged charm, but nothing stands out as exceptionally attractive or model-like.

Body Type

  • Mars and Mercury in Virgo (D9): Lean and fit, with a disciplined, healthy body type. He is likely to take care of his body through routine or practical exercise, but without excessive musculature.
  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Adds some solidness to the build, so the body might be strong and grounded, but not overly bulky.


  • Mercury and Mars in Virgo (D9): Highly detail-oriented, practical, and hardworking. This person will focus on efficiency and discipline, likely to be responsible and organized in day-to-day life.
  • Venus in Scorpio (D9): He may have an intense, passionate side when it comes to close relationships, and may harbor deep emotions or a secretive nature. Scorpio often brings complexity to one’s personality.
  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Suggests a calm, stable, and reliable nature. He will be emotionally grounded, slow to anger, and dependable in relationships.
  • Aspects:
    • Moon Trine Neptune (D9): Adds a creative and somewhat dreamy side to his personality. He may be in touch with his emotions in a subtle way, and Neptune’s influence can make him spiritually inclined.
    • Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (D9): Enhances intellect and optimism, making him both pragmatic and optimistic—a rare combination of being practical yet open-minded.

Facial Dimorphism

  • Mars and Mercury in Virgo (D9): The face is likely to be well-structured, sharp, and masculine, but not strongly dimorphic. Virgo tends to keep things modest, so his masculine features will be present but not overly exaggerated.

Bone Structure on Face

  • Mars and Pluto in Taurus (D9): Strong, well-defined bone structure, especially in the jawline and cheekbones. The Taurus influence gives strength and durability to the appearance, while Virgo adds sharpness and refinement.

Facial Features

  • Nose: Sharp, possibly slightly long or well-defined, due to Mercury and Mars in Virgo.
  • Eyes: Deep-set and intense, with warm brown coloring (Pluto and Moon influence).
  • Lips: Thin to medium, with no particular fullness due to Virgo’s influence dampening Venusian traits.
  • Aspects:
    • Venus Sextile Mars (D9): Slight harmony between beauty and masculinity, though not enough to make the features extremely attractive.

Hair Type and Hairstyle

  • Mars in Virgo (D9): His hair will likely be straight, neat, and well-maintained. Virgo’s influence on the hair suggests simplicity and order, so there won’t be anything flashy or wild about it.
  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Reinforces a natural look, probably dark, straight hair kept in a tidy style.

Youthful, to Age, or Older Looking?

  • Saturn in Libra (D9): This placement can make him look mature beyond his years. He may have a graceful aging process, but his appearance will lean toward looking older or more responsible due to Saturn’s influence.

Sexual History

  • Venus in Scorpio (D9): Indicates a passionate and possibly secretive sexual history. Scorpio tends to hide personal matters, but there may be depth and intensity in his past relationships. He is likely to be emotionally driven in relationships but may keep his history private.

Attachment Style

  • Moon in Taurus (D9): Suggests a secure attachment style, as Taurus is grounded and steady in relationships. He will likely be loyal and dependable, seeking stability and comfort.

Will They Cheat?

  • Venus in Scorpio (D9): There’s a slight potential for secretive behavior, but earth sign influences (Taurus and Virgo) suggest that he is more likely to remain faithful in the long term, particularly if the relationship provides the security he craves.

Nakshatra Analysis (D9)

  • Sun in Purva Bhadra (Pada 4): Indicates a spouse who is deeply spiritual, possibly philosophical, with an intense desire for knowledge and meaning in life. This nakshatra brings a more profound, inward-facing personality.
  • Moon in Krittika (Pada 4): Practical, protective, and nurturing. The spouse is likely to take on a provider or protector role within the relationship.
  • Venus in Jyeshtha (Pada 1): Adds to the spouse’s intensity and depth in relationships, making him passionate but possibly prone to control or emotional intensity.
  • Mars in Hasta (Pada 3): A hard worker with a hands-on, practical approach to life. Hasta gives him a natural dexterity and skill with practical tasks.

Aspects Breakdown

  • Mercury Conjunct Mars (D9): The spouse will be intellectually sharp, but this also gives him a competitive or fiery side in communication.
  • Moon Trine Pluto (D9): Deep emotional intensity, giving him the ability to transform through emotional experiences.
  • Moon Trine Neptune (D9): Adds spiritual depth and empathy, making him intuitive and possibly artistic.

Summary for Cake’s Predicted Husband:​

  • Height: Average or slightly below.
  • Age: Close in age, with a mature outlook.
  • Hair: Dark, neat, well-maintained.
  • Eyes: Warm brown, deep-set, and intense.
  • Skin: Fair to medium, possibly tanned or olive.
  • Ethnicity: Likely European or Mediterranean.
  • Looks Level: MTN (Mid-Tier Normie)—rugged but not strikingly handsome.
  • Body Type: Lean, fit, with some solidness.
  • Personality: Practical, disciplined, emotionally intense but grounded.
  • Facial Hair: Likely well-maintained, possibly clean-shaven.
  • Facial Dimorphism: Moderate; sharp features but not overly exaggerated.
  • Attachment Style: Secure, loyal, and dependable.
  • Cheating Risk: Slight, but unlikely in a stable relationship.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #79
check ur pms bro 😭

Physical Appearance:​

  1. Height:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) and Mars in Mrigashira (D9) point to a slightly shorter to average height. Saturn often gives a lean, slender build, and Mrigashira’s influence keeps the body type practical and well-proportioned, but not tall.
  2. Hair:
    • Venus in Leo (D1, 8th house) suggests that the spouse will have thick, voluminous, possibly reddish-brown or golden hair. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and with Venus here, it gives her hair radiance and an attractive appearance.
    • Venus in Mula (D9, Pada 2) reinforces this by giving her a more earthy yet vibrant look, as Mula is associated with rooted, natural energy.
  3. Eyes:
    • Moon in Virgo (D1) and Mrigashira (D9): Likely brown or hazel eyes, with deep emotional intensity. Virgo can give an earthy, calm, and grounded look to the eyes, while Mrigashira makes them expressive, curious, and slightly mysterious.
    • Venus trine Pluto (D9) adds to this with a sense of magnetism. Her eyes will have an alluring and deep quality, which makes them stand out.
  4. Skin:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) and Venus in Leo: She will likely have a fair to medium complexion. Saturn often gives a slightly more mature, grounded look, while Leo adds warmth and radiance, possibly with a healthy glow.
  5. Body Type:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) gives her a slender, lean, and slightly sturdy frame. Saturn often adds maturity and a grounded presence to the physical body, while Mars in Taurus (D9) adds some stability and groundedness, giving her a firm but not overly muscular build.

Facial Features:​

  1. Dimorphism:
    • Mars in Mrigashira (D9) and Venus in Mula: She will have a high level of facial dimorphism, leaning towards femininity, but with sharp features like a well-defined jawline and cheekbones. Mrigashira’s influence sharpens facial features, while Venus softens them, giving her a unique blend of soft and strong traits.
  2. Specific Features:
    • Nose: Likely sharp or well-defined due to Mars and Saturn’s influence, possibly long and straight.
    • Eyes: Deep and expressive, likely a rich brown or hazel, with a mysterious undertone (Pluto influence).
    • Lips: Medium to full lips, softened by Venus but with an element of sharpness from Mrigashira.
    • Cheekbones: Prominent, thanks to Saturn’s influence in the 7th house and Mrigashira, which sharpens the facial structure.

Personality and Emotional Traits:​

  1. Core Personality:
    • Sun Conjunct Venus and Mars (D1): The spouse is likely to have a radiant, charming, and passionate personality. The Sun-Venus conjunction makes her attractive and socially warm, while the Mars conjunction adds energy, assertiveness, and a willful nature.
    • Venus in Mula (D9): She may have deep emotional intensity and a profound nature, having gone through significant transformations in life. Mula represents being rooted, so she’ll be grounded in her beliefs and approach to life, with an emotional depth.
    • Moon in Mrigashira (D9): Her emotional core is driven by curiosity, learning, and adaptability. She is likely to be inquisitive, open-minded, and emotionally resilient, but may sometimes seem restless or always seeking more knowledge and experiences.
  2. Emotional Stability:
    • Moon in Taurus (D9) and Saturn Sextile Jupiter (D9): These placements give her emotional stability and maturity. Moon in Taurus makes her emotionally grounded, valuing loyalty and security in relationships. The Saturn-Jupiter sextile further adds a balanced outlook—she knows how to balance optimism with pragmatism.
    • Moon Square Venus (D9) and Moon Opposition Venus (D9): These aspects add some emotional tension, suggesting that she might struggle to balance her emotional needs with her desires. This can manifest as internal conflict between seeking emotional security and wanting freedom or pleasure in relationships, leading to occasional mood swings or emotional unpredictability.
  3. Spiritual and Philosophical Nature:
    • Sun in Purva Bhadra (D9): She is likely to have a deep spiritual or philosophical side, seeking meaning beyond the mundane. Purva Bhadra is a nakshatra that blends spiritual wisdom with worldly success, so she may be an insightful, wise figure in Vexnaut’s life, offering guidance and deeper understanding.
    • Jupiter in Krittika (D9): This adds a sharp, decisive nature to her personality. She will be someone who is strong in her convictions and can lead with clarity, especially when it comes to matters of morality and growth.
  4. Attachment Style:
    • Moon in Taurus (D9): The spouse is likely to have a secure attachment style, as Taurus values stability and security in emotional relationships. She will be committed and loyal, seeking consistency and long-term connections.
    • Venus Square Uranus (D9): Despite her overall secure attachment style, there may be moments where she craves independence or tries to break from the norm, as Uranus injects some unpredictability into her desires. However, this is not a dominant trait, as her grounded nature (Saturn and Moon) balances out this impulsiveness.

Looks Level:​

  • HTN (High-Tier Normie): The combination of Venus in Leo (D1) and Venus trine Pluto (D9) gives her above-average looks, with an intense, magnetic charm. She’s not in the model-tier category (Chad or Stacie), but she’s solidly attractive, with a mysterious allure and warm, radiant energy that make her stand out. Her looks will draw attention due to Venus-Pluto magnetism and Sun-Venus radiance, but the intensity added by the 8th house placement of Venus will give her a more private, reserved allure.

Sexual History:​

  • Venus in the 8th house (D1) and Venus Square Uranus (D9): Her sexual history might be intense or transformative, as the 8th house suggests hidden depths or secrets. The Uranus aspect hints at a possible unconventional streak, perhaps in terms of her experiences or desires, but this will not be extreme, as her grounded nature (Taurus Moon and Saturn) keeps things stable overall.

Will They Cheat?

  • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house): Saturn in the 7th house brings a commitment to long-term relationships and suggests loyalty. She values stability and responsibility in relationships, meaning she is unlikely to cheat.
  • Venus Square Uranus (D9): There may be moments where she feels restless or seeks excitement, but her strong sense of loyalty and grounded nature (Saturn, Moon in Taurus) will prevent her from acting impulsively in relationships. The risk of cheating is low, but she may need emotional and intellectual stimulation to keep the relationship engaging.

Overall Energy and Influence in Vexnaut’s Life:​

  • Transformative: With Venus trine Pluto and Sun in Purva Bhadra, she will be a deeply transformative figure in Vexnaut’s life. She is likely to bring wisdom, intense emotions, and philosophical insight into their relationship.
  • Practical and Grounded: Her Moon in Taurus (D9) and Saturn’s influence suggest that she will also bring practicality and stability into the relationship, balancing out her intense emotional nature with grounded wisdom.
  • Charming but Mysterious: Her Venus in Leo (D1) makes her charming and warm, but the 8th house placement gives her a layer of mystery. She will be a magnetic, captivating partner, with a strong emotional and intellectual presence.

In Summary for Vexnaut’s Wife:​

  • Height: Average to slightly shorter.
  • Hair: Thick, possibly reddish-brown or golden.
  • Eyes: Deep, brown or hazel, with magnetic intensity.
  • Looks Level: HTN (High-Tier Normie)—radiant with an intense charm, a combination of beauty and depth.
  • Body Type: Lean but strong, possibly sturdy.
  • Personality: Philosophical, deep-thinking, emotionally intense but grounded. She will be a guiding figure for Vexnaut, with a mix of warmth, practicality, and wisdom.
  • Attachment Style: Secure but with moments of needing independence.
  • Will They Cheat?: Very low risk due to strong Saturnian loyalty.
  • Sexual History: Intense, possibly private, with moments of unconventionality.
This analysis ties together all the elements of Vexnaut’s predicted spouse, providing an autistically detailed and thorough understanding of her appearance, personality, and role in his life.

Assuming an age difference of approximately 3-7 years, the estimated birth year of his spouse would be between 1999 and 2003. This would place his spouse’s birth year around 2000-2003, most likely in the early 2000s.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #80

Physical Appearance:​

  1. Height:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) and Mars in Mrigashira (D9) point to a slightly shorter to average height. Saturn often gives a lean, slender build, and Mrigashira’s influence keeps the body type practical and well-proportioned, but not tall.
  2. Hair:
    • Venus in Leo (D1, 8th house) suggests that the spouse will have thick, voluminous, possibly reddish-brown or golden hair. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and with Venus here, it gives her hair radiance and an attractive appearance.
    • Venus in Mula (D9, Pada 2) reinforces this by giving her a more earthy yet vibrant look, as Mula is associated with rooted, natural energy.
  3. Eyes:
    • Moon in Virgo (D1) and Mrigashira (D9): Likely brown or hazel eyes, with deep emotional intensity. Virgo can give an earthy, calm, and grounded look to the eyes, while Mrigashira makes them expressive, curious, and slightly mysterious.
    • Venus trine Pluto (D9) adds to this with a sense of magnetism. Her eyes will have an alluring and deep quality, which makes them stand out.
  4. Skin:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) and Venus in Leo: She will likely have a fair to medium complexion. Saturn often gives a slightly more mature, grounded look, while Leo adds warmth and radiance, possibly with a healthy glow.
  5. Body Type:
    • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) gives her a slender, lean, and slightly sturdy frame. Saturn often adds maturity and a grounded presence to the physical body, while Mars in Taurus (D9) adds some stability and groundedness, giving her a firm but not overly muscular build.

Facial Features:​

  1. Dimorphism:
    • Mars in Mrigashira (D9) and Venus in Mula: She will have a high level of facial dimorphism, leaning towards femininity, but with sharp features like a well-defined jawline and cheekbones. Mrigashira’s influence sharpens facial features, while Venus softens them, giving her a unique blend of soft and strong traits.
  2. Specific Features:
    • Nose: Likely sharp or well-defined due to Mars and Saturn’s influence, possibly long and straight.
    • Eyes: Deep and expressive, likely a rich brown or hazel, with a mysterious undertone (Pluto influence).
    • Lips: Medium to full lips, softened by Venus but with an element of sharpness from Mrigashira.
    • Cheekbones: Prominent, thanks to Saturn’s influence in the 7th house and Mrigashira, which sharpens the facial structure.

Personality and Emotional Traits:​

  1. Core Personality:
    • Sun Conjunct Venus and Mars (D1): The spouse is likely to have a radiant, charming, and passionate personality. The Sun-Venus conjunction makes her attractive and socially warm, while the Mars conjunction adds energy, assertiveness, and a willful nature.
    • Venus in Mula (D9): She may have deep emotional intensity and a profound nature, having gone through significant transformations in life. Mula represents being rooted, so she’ll be grounded in her beliefs and approach to life, with an emotional depth.
    • Moon in Mrigashira (D9): Her emotional core is driven by curiosity, learning, and adaptability. She is likely to be inquisitive, open-minded, and emotionally resilient, but may sometimes seem restless or always seeking more knowledge and experiences.
  2. Emotional Stability:
    • Moon in Taurus (D9) and Saturn Sextile Jupiter (D9): These placements give her emotional stability and maturity. Moon in Taurus makes her emotionally grounded, valuing loyalty and security in relationships. The Saturn-Jupiter sextile further adds a balanced outlook—she knows how to balance optimism with pragmatism.
    • Moon Square Venus (D9) and Moon Opposition Venus (D9): These aspects add some emotional tension, suggesting that she might struggle to balance her emotional needs with her desires. This can manifest as internal conflict between seeking emotional security and wanting freedom or pleasure in relationships, leading to occasional mood swings or emotional unpredictability.
  3. Spiritual and Philosophical Nature:
    • Sun in Purva Bhadra (D9): She is likely to have a deep spiritual or philosophical side, seeking meaning beyond the mundane. Purva Bhadra is a nakshatra that blends spiritual wisdom with worldly success, so she may be an insightful, wise figure in Vexnaut’s life, offering guidance and deeper understanding.
    • Jupiter in Krittika (D9): This adds a sharp, decisive nature to her personality. She will be someone who is strong in her convictions and can lead with clarity, especially when it comes to matters of morality and growth.
  4. Attachment Style:
    • Moon in Taurus (D9): The spouse is likely to have a secure attachment style, as Taurus values stability and security in emotional relationships. She will be committed and loyal, seeking consistency and long-term connections.
    • Venus Square Uranus (D9): Despite her overall secure attachment style, there may be moments where she craves independence or tries to break from the norm, as Uranus injects some unpredictability into her desires. However, this is not a dominant trait, as her grounded nature (Saturn and Moon) balances out this impulsiveness.

Looks Level:​

  • HTN (High-Tier Normie): The combination of Venus in Leo (D1) and Venus trine Pluto (D9) gives her above-average looks, with an intense, magnetic charm. She’s not in the model-tier category (Chad or Stacie), but she’s solidly attractive, with a mysterious allure and warm, radiant energy that make her stand out. Her looks will draw attention due to Venus-Pluto magnetism and Sun-Venus radiance, but the intensity added by the 8th house placement of Venus will give her a more private, reserved allure.

Sexual History:​

  • Venus in the 8th house (D1) and Venus Square Uranus (D9): Her sexual history might be intense or transformative, as the 8th house suggests hidden depths or secrets. The Uranus aspect hints at a possible unconventional streak, perhaps in terms of her experiences or desires, but this will not be extreme, as her grounded nature (Taurus Moon and Saturn) keeps things stable overall.

Will They Cheat?

  • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house): Saturn in the 7th house brings a commitment to long-term relationships and suggests loyalty. She values stability and responsibility in relationships, meaning she is unlikely to cheat.
  • Venus Square Uranus (D9): There may be moments where she feels restless or seeks excitement, but her strong sense of loyalty and grounded nature (Saturn, Moon in Taurus) will prevent her from acting impulsively in relationships. The risk of cheating is low, but she may need emotional and intellectual stimulation to keep the relationship engaging.

Overall Energy and Influence in Vexnaut’s Life:​

  • Transformative: With Venus trine Pluto and Sun in Purva Bhadra, she will be a deeply transformative figure in Vexnaut’s life. She is likely to bring wisdom, intense emotions, and philosophical insight into their relationship.
  • Practical and Grounded: Her Moon in Taurus (D9) and Saturn’s influence suggest that she will also bring practicality and stability into the relationship, balancing out her intense emotional nature with grounded wisdom.
  • Charming but Mysterious: Her Venus in Leo (D1) makes her charming and warm, but the 8th house placement gives her a layer of mystery. She will be a magnetic, captivating partner, with a strong emotional and intellectual presence.

In Summary for Vexnaut’s Wife:​

  • Height: Average to slightly shorter.
  • Hair: Thick, possibly reddish-brown or golden.
  • Eyes: Deep, brown or hazel, with magnetic intensity.
  • Looks Level: HTN (High-Tier Normie)—radiant with an intense charm, a combination of beauty and depth.
  • Body Type: Lean but strong, possibly sturdy.
  • Personality: Philosophical, deep-thinking, emotionally intense but grounded. She will be a guiding figure for Vexnaut, with a mix of warmth, practicality, and wisdom.
  • Attachment Style: Secure but with moments of needing independence.
  • Will They Cheat?: Very low risk due to strong Saturnian loyalty.
  • Sexual History: Intense, possibly private, with moments of unconventionality.
This analysis ties together all the elements of Vexnaut’s predicted spouse, providing an autistically detailed and thorough understanding of her appearance, personality, and role in his life.

Assuming an age difference of approximately 3-7 years, the estimated birth year of his spouse would be between 1999 and 2003. This would place his spouse’s birth year around 2000-2003, most likely in the early 2000s.

Revised Ethnicity of Spouse:​

Given Vexnaut’s location, the spouse's ethnicity will most likely reflect either Indian or mixed South Asian heritage, with certain planetary influences suggesting refinement and possible ethnic ambiguity.

  • Venus in Leo (D1, 8th house) and Jupiter in Aries (D9) point toward a spouse with Indian or South Asian roots but with possibly lighter skin or features that could be mixed or ethnically ambiguous. This suggests that the spouse will likely belong to an upper caste or well-to-do family, with a refined, elegant appearance typical of Venusian influences.
  • Saturn in Cancer (D1, 7th house) gives her a more traditional or conservative background, suggesting that she might come from a culturally rich and historically significant family. This points to a spouse who fits into the upper-middle class or higher social strata of Indian society.
  • Venus in Sagittarius (D9, 7th house) suggests that while the spouse is most likely South Asian, she may have some physical characteristics that reflect refinement, height, and grace. She may stand out as more elegant compared to the average due to her placement in a wealthy or well-educated family.

Spouse’s Physical Appearance:​

  1. Height:
    • Venus in Leo (D1, 8th house) and Mars in Taurus (D9) suggest that the spouse will be average to slightly taller than average, with a height around 5'4" to 5'7" (162-170 cm). She will likely have a graceful, balanced figure.
  2. Hair Color:
    • Venus in Leo (D1) and Sagittarius Venus (D9) suggest that the spouse’s hair will be dark brown or black, typical of South Asian features, but well-maintained and possibly thick or voluminous, adding to her overall elegance.
  3. Skin Tone:
    • Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Aries suggest a medium to lighter complexion for South Asian standards. This is consistent with a refined, polished look, possibly leaning towards fairer skin due to the Leo influence in the 8th house, which adds an element of shine or radiance to her appearance.
  4. Facial Features:
    • Venus in Sagittarius (D9) gives her well-defined, symmetrical features, such as a sharp nose and prominent cheekbones. Sagittarius adds a touch of classical beauty with a balanced face shape.
    • Eyes: Likely brown, expressive, and warm, adding to her attractiveness.
    • Lips: Well-shaped, medium to full, contributing to her Venusian charm.
  5. Body Type:
    • Mars in Taurus (D9, 12th house) and Venus in Leo suggest a slender, well-proportioned body. The spouse will likely be fit, maintaining a balanced and healthy appearance, without being overly muscular or skinny. She may have curves but will remain elegant, with a graceful posture and presence.
  6. Ethnic Look:
    • The spouse will have refined South Asian features, with possible mixed ethnic influences in her appearance. Her looks will be more polished and elegant compared to typical South Asian standards, giving her an upper-class vibe. Her features will likely stand out as classically beautiful, with a balanced combination of traditional South Asian and possibly European or lighter South Asian traits.

Overall Looks Level:​

  • HTN (High-Tier Normie): In terms of beauty, she falls in the upper 5%, with refined, elegant looks that stand out in her cultural and social background. While she may not reach full model status, she’s attractive and well above average for her region and ethnicity.


  • Ethnicity: The spouse will most likely be Indian (South Asian), possibly with refined or lighter features, reflecting an upper-middle-class or upper-class background in India.
  • Appearance: Elegant, refined, with well-defined features, average to slightly taller height, and a graceful, well-maintained body. Her beauty will reflect a combination of traditional South Asian charm with some refined, mixed ethnic traits, particularly in terms of skin tone and overall elegance.
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  • #81
Never believed in that stuff, but the 2nd site said, that I am an egoistic liberal, so now I am into astrology. The first site is BS tho

Can you do mine?

1. Looks Level:​

  • Venus in Pisces is exalted, which brings about strong physical attractiveness, grace, and a feminine beauty that stands out. However, Saturn in Cancer (7th house) adds a conservative and grounded nature to her beauty, possibly toning down the otherwise glamorous influence of Venus.
  • Venus conjunct Sun in Taurus (5th house) enhances beauty, giving a soft glow and feminine grace, but it also suggests more balanced and approachable beauty.
  • Saturn opposition Ascendant can tone down some of the glamour, but the exalted Venus balances this.
  • Final Rating: Based on all these influences, she would fall into the High MTB (Mid-Tier Becky) or low HTB (High-Tier Becky) range. She has strong feminine appeal with refined and soft beauty but not enough planetary support to push her into the Stacylite/Stacy range. She’s above average in attractiveness but more subtle in her charm.

2. Height:​

  • Saturn in the 7th house often indicates a taller-than-average spouse. With Mars in Gemini (6th house) and Venus exalted, she’s likely to be around 5'5" to 5'8" (165-172 cm). She’ll have a well-proportioned height, leaning toward the taller side of the average range.

3. Age Relative to Native:​

  • Saturn in Cancer (7th house) often indicates a spouse who may be slightly older or more mature. She is likely to be 1-3 years older than Snowskinned. Saturn’s presence typically adds maturity and wisdom to the partner.

4. Hair Color:​

  • Venus in Pisces suggests soft, wavy hair, while Taurus influences give darker shades, likely dark brown or black. Her hair will have a natural shine and look well-maintained, possibly with some waviness or curls.

5. Eye Color:​

  • Venus in Pisces with Neptune influences often gives soft, dreamlike eyes. She could have light brown or hazel eyes, with a certain reflective quality, making her gaze appear gentle and expressive.

6. Skin Color:​

  • The combination of Pisces and Venus influences often points to light to medium skin tone with a soft and glowing complexion. Her skin may have an ethereal glow, with clear, smooth skin being a significant feature of her beauty.

7. Ethnicity:​

  • Pisces and Venus exalted with Saturn in the 7th house suggest that she may be from a background that blends European or Middle Eastern ethnicity. She could be from a foreign or different cultural background relative to Snowskinned (especially with Venus in Pisces and Rahu in Virgo, D9).
  • Likely, she’ll have a mixed or exotic look, blending Mediterranean or Middle Eastern traits, but with a refined, classical beauty.

8. Looks Level Compared to a Professional Model:​

  • High MTB/Low HTB: She is attractive by everyday standards, above average but likely wouldn’t be classified as model-level or in the high percentiles of beauty. She will be seen as highly attractive, but her beauty leans more toward refined and soft than dramatic or striking.

9. Body Type:​

  • Venus exalted in Pisces gives a soft, feminine figure. She will likely have a slender but curvy body, balanced and proportionate. Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house suggests she may have delicate features, with a body type that is graceful and not overly athletic but maintains a healthy, natural appearance.

10. Personality:​

  • Venus in Pisces suggests that she will be compassionate, artistic, and sensitive, with a nurturing and gentle side. She might be emotionally attuned and romantic.
  • Mars in Gemini gives her intellectual energy, making her curious and communicative. She’ll likely enjoy engaging in discussions and exploring new ideas.
  • Saturn in the 7th house adds maturity and responsibility, so she’s likely to be serious about commitments and somewhat traditional in her values.

11. Facial Dimorphism:​

  • Venus in Pisces strongly suggests high facial dimorphism. Her features will be soft and feminine, with big, expressive eyes, delicate lips, and a graceful face shape.

12. Bone Structure on Face:​

  • Venus in Pisces and Taurus influences suggest rounded cheekbones with a soft jawline. She’s unlikely to have sharp or harsh features—her face will likely have delicate, symmetrical, and refined features.

13. Facial Features (Nose, Eyes, Lips, etc.):​

  • Nose: Likely small to medium in size, well-shaped, and delicate due to Venus in Pisces.
  • Eyes: Soft, large, and expressive, likely with a gentle, reflective quality. Her eyes are a key feature of her face.
  • Lips: Medium to full lips, soft and well-proportioned, with a natural, feminine shape.

14. Hair Type and Hairstyle:​

  • Likely wavy or slightly curly, dark in color. She may prefer natural, flowing hairstyles that enhance her gentle, feminine look.

15. Youthful, To Age, or Older Looking?:​

  • She may appear slightly older or mature for her age due to Saturn in Cancer (7th house), giving her a more responsible and grounded aura. However, Venus in Pisces ensures that she maintains a graceful, timeless beauty.

16. Sexual History:​

  • Saturn in the 7th house suggests that she’s likely to have a conservative or reserved approach to relationships, possibly having fewer past relationships or being more cautious in matters of intimacy.
  • She’s unlikely to be highly promiscuous but instead prefers serious and meaningful connections.

17. Attachment Style:​

  • Venus in Pisces suggests she may have a secure attachment style, though she could have a slightly anxious or sensitive side. She will be affectionate and value emotional closeness but might need reassurance at times due to her sensitive nature.

18. Will She Cheat?:​

  • Saturn in the 7th house emphasizes loyalty and commitment, so she is unlikely to cheat. Her approach to relationships is serious and grounded, and she values long-term commitment.


  • Beauty Level: High MTB to Low HTB—soft, feminine beauty with a refined charm, but not striking or dramatic.
  • Height: Likely 5'5" to 5'8".
  • Age: Slightly older than the native (1-3 years).
  • Hair Color: Dark brown or black, soft and wavy.
  • Eye Color: Likely light brown or hazel.
  • Ethnicity: Likely Middle Eastern or Mediterranean roots, with a refined, slightly exotic look.
  • Body Type: Slender with gentle curves, feminine and graceful.
  • Personality: Compassionate, intellectual, and responsible, with a gentle and nurturing nature.
  • Facial Features: Soft and symmetrical with high dimorphism.
  • Attachment Style: Secure but slightly sensitive.
  • Loyalty: She is unlikely to cheat due to Saturn’s strong influence.
Sample report

View attachment 34386

Appearance Assessment:​

  1. Face Attractiveness:
    • Venus Darakaraka: Venus as the Darakaraka does typically suggest attractiveness and charm. In Capricorn (D1) and Aquarius (D9), this can translate to a unique and unconventional beauty.
    • Aspects:
      • Positive Aspects:
        • Moon Conjunction Venus and Jupiter (D1): This is a strong indicator of facial beauty, adding harmony and pleasantness to features.
        • Sun Trine Neptune (D1): Adds a compassionate and empathetic aura, which can enhance attractiveness.
      • Challenging Aspects:
        • Venus Square Ascendant (D1): Can create challenges in conventional attractiveness, leading to features that might not be universally appealing.
  2. Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure:
    • D1 Mars in Aries: Suggests a strong and well-defined bone structure.
    • D9 Saturn in Sagittarius: Adds maturity and seriousness, which can sometimes detract from a youthful or delicate look.
  3. Hair:
    • Likely to have thick, strong hair, potentially dark brown to black. However, there may be a tendency for changes in hair quality with age due to Saturn's influence.
  4. Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age:
    • D1 Moon in Taurus: Generally good skin quality, maintaining a youthful appearance longer.
    • D9 Saturn in Sagittarius: Could age faster, giving a mature look early on.
  5. Body Type:
    • Athletic and muscular build, fit and toned due to Mars in Aries (D1) and Mars in Leo (D9).

Overall Attractiveness:​

Considering the Venus Darakaraka and the aspects:

  • Facial Features:
    • Average to slightly above-average attractiveness, with unique and unconventional elements.
    • PSL Rating: 4.0 - 4.5: This places her in the high-tier normie (HTN) range, which is above average but not at the supermodel or high-tier influencer level.

Final Thoughts:​

  • Strengths:
    • Venus Darakaraka: Adds charm and a pleasant appearance.
    • Positive Aspects: Enhance facial attractiveness and harmonious features.
    • Athletic Build: Adds to physical appeal with a fit and toned body.
  • Challenges:
    • Saturn's Influence: Adds maturity and seriousness, which can detract from youthful beauty.
    • Square Aspects: Create challenges in achieving conventional beauty standards.

Honest Summary:​

Given the detailed analysis and considering the Venus Darakaraka:

  • FBI's future spouse is likely to be attractive in a unique and distinctive way. She may not fit the high-end model standards but has an appealing and charming appearance.
  • Her attractiveness rating is honest and balanced, reflecting both strengths and challenges indicated by the chart.

Detailed Analysis of Factors Influencing Attractiveness​

  1. Positive Influences:
    • Venus Darakaraka:
      • Venus as the Darakaraka in Capricorn (D1) and Aquarius (D9) suggests a naturally charming and pleasant appearance.
      • Venus conjunct Moon and Jupiter (D1) enhances facial attractiveness and brings harmony to the features.
  2. Challenging Influences:
    • Square Aspects:
      • Venus Square Ascendant: This aspect can create some challenges in achieving conventional beauty standards. It might lead to features that are unique but not universally appealing.
      • Moon Square Saturn: Can add a serious or stern look, which may detract from a more youthful or delicate appearance.
  3. Saturn's Influence:
    • Saturn in 8th House (D9):
      • Adds a level of maturity and seriousness to the appearance, which can make the features appear more aged or less delicate.
      • The presence of Saturn can also introduce a tendency for the skin to age faster, potentially leading to a less youthful appearance over time.
  4. Lack of Strong Venus/Moon Aspects in D9:
    • While Venus is strong in D1, the lack of similarly strong, supportive aspects in D9 can limit the extent of attractiveness. The D9 chart is crucial for understanding long-term partnership and beauty, and here, the aspects are more mixed.
  5. Mars and Saturn Influences on Bone Structure:
    • Mars in Aries (D1) and Mars in Leo (D9):
      • Suggests a strong and well-defined bone structure, which can be attractive but may also lend a more rugged appearance.
    • Saturn's Placement:
      • Adds maturity and can sometimes make features appear more austere or stern.
  6. Overall Facial Harmony:
    • The combination of these factors creates a balance of attractive and challenging features, resulting in an overall appearance that is average to slightly above average.


Key Factors Keeping Her from Being Above Average or Higher:

  1. Challenging Aspects: Venus square Ascendant and Moon square Saturn introduce elements that detract from achieving universally appealing features.
  2. Saturn's Influence: Adds maturity and seriousness, which can make the appearance seem more aged or less youthful.
  3. Mixed Support in D9: Lack of strong Venus and Moon aspects in the D9 chart, which are crucial for long-term attractiveness in partnerships.
Attractiveness Rating:

  • PSL Rating: 4.0 - 4.5
    • Reflects a high-tier normie (HTN) level, which is above average but not at the high-tier influencer or supermodel level.
Positive Traits:

  • Natural charm and pleasant appearance from Venus Darakaraka.
  • Harmonious features from positive aspects in D1.
Negative Traits:

  • Stern or serious look due to Saturn's influence.
  • Unique but not universally appealing features from challenging aspects.

Explanation of Malefic Influences in FBI's Spouse's Chart​

In Vedic astrology, certain planets and aspects are considered malefic, which can create challenges or bring certain difficulties. Here's a detailed breakdown of the malefic influences and how they impact the appearance and overall attractiveness of FBI's spouse:

  1. Saturn:
    • D1 Chart:
      • Saturn in Cancer (H11):
        • Saturn's placement in Cancer can create a more reserved and serious demeanor, impacting the overall warmth and approachability of the spouse's appearance.
        • Moon Square Saturn: This aspect can add a stern look to the facial features, making the spouse appear more serious or aged. It can also contribute to a lack of softness or youthful appeal.
    • D9 Chart:
      • Saturn in Sagittarius (H8):
        • Adds maturity and a potentially austere look. This can lead to a more rugged or less delicate appearance.
  2. Mars:
    • D1 Chart:
      • Mars in Aries (H8):
        • Mars in its own sign can indicate strong and well-defined features. While this can be attractive, it can also create a more rugged and less refined look.
        • Sun Conjunct Mars: Adds energy and vitality to the appearance but can also create a more intense or aggressive look.
    • D9 Chart:
      • Mars in Leo (H4):
        • Suggests a strong and dynamic presence. This placement can add to physical fitness but may also contribute to a more imposing or less approachable appearance.
  3. Rahu and Ketu:
    • D1 Chart:
      • Rahu in Pisces (H7) and Ketu in Virgo (H1):
        • Rahu in the 7th house can bring unconventional or unique features, which might not align with traditional beauty standards.
        • Ketu in the 1st house can make the overall appearance more mystical or less grounded in conventional attractiveness.
    • D9 Chart:
      • Rahu in Capricorn (H5) and Ketu in Cancer (H11):
        • These placements can introduce an element of unpredictability and fluctuation in appearance, potentially leading to features that are less harmonious.
  4. Square Aspects:
    • Venus Square Ascendant(D1):
      • Creates challenges in achieving a conventionally attractive appearance. This aspect can lead to unique features that might not be universally appealing.
    • Moon Square Saturn(D1):
      • Adds a stern or aged look, which can detract from youthful attractiveness.
    • Venus Square Neptune(D9):
      • Can introduce an element of illusion or confusion about the spouse's appearance, making it less consistent or reliable.

Summary of Malefic Influences​

Key Malefic Influences:

  1. Saturn:
    • Adds maturity and seriousness, which can detract from youthful or delicate features.
    • Creates a stern or aged look through aspects with the Moon and other planets.
  2. Mars:
    • Contributes to a strong, well-defined, and potentially rugged appearance.
    • Adds intensity and potentially an aggressive look through conjunctions and placements.
  3. Rahu and Ketu:
    • Introduce unconventional and unique features that might not align with traditional beauty standards.
    • Create unpredictability and fluctuation in appearance.
  4. Square Aspects:
    • Venus square Ascendant and Moon square Saturn create challenges in achieving harmonious and universally appealing features.
    • Venus square Neptune in D9 can make the appearance less consistent.

Final Assessment​

Attractiveness Rating:

  • PSL Rating: 4.0 - 4.5:
    • Reflects a high-tier normie (HTN) level, which is above average but not at the high-tier influencer or supermodel level.
Positive Traits:

  • Natural charm and pleasant appearance from Venus Darakaraka.
  • Harmonious features from positive aspects in D1.
Negative Traits:

  • Stern or serious look due to Saturn's influence.
  • Unique but not universally appealing features from challenging aspects.
Damnnn this is like level 100 loneliness

Summary of Genesyss's Predicted Husband:​

  • Height: Average, possibly on the shorter side.
  • Age: Likely older or more mature for his age.
  • Hair: Dark, possibly black, and slightly unkempt or wavy.
  • Eyes: Dark, intense, deep-set eyes.
  • Skin: Medium to darker, olive or tanned complexion.
  • Ethnicity: Likely from a neighboring region to Bulgaria, potentially Mediterranean, South Eastern European, or Middle Eastern.
  • Looks Level: MTN (Mid-Tier Normie), more rugged than attractive.
  • Body Type: Muscular and sturdy, well-built.
  • Personality: Diplomatic, intense, and passionate, with a secretive side.
  • Facial Hair: Likely to have dark, thick facial hair (beard or stubble).
  • Facial Dimorphism: High, with strong masculine features (sharp jawline, prominent cheekbones).
  • Cheating Risk: Possible temptation to cheat due to Scorpio influences.



  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1): Likely to be of average or slightly shorter height. Pisces is a dual sign, indicating someone who isn’t extremely tall.
  • Mars in Scorpio (D9 1st house): Adds intensity, but height remains in the average range, perhaps slightly more muscular.

Age Relative to the Native

  • Saturn conjunct Mars in D1 and present in the 12th house (D1) and 4th house (D9) suggests the husband may be older or mature for his age, as Saturn often indicates someone with life experience or responsibilities.

Hair Colour

  • Mars and Saturn (Pisces in D1, Scorpio in D9): Suggest dark hair, probably black or very dark brown, with a slightly rough or unkempt texture (Pisces can give an untidy, wavy style).

Eye Colour

  • Pluto in Scorpio (D9): Dark, intense eyes (likely deep brown or black).
  • Pisces influence (D1): Could also give watery, slightly dreamy eyes.

Skin Colour

  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1), Scorpio in D9: Medium to darker skin tone. He might not be extremely dark but will likely have a dusky complexion, leaning towards olive or tanned skin.

Possible Ethnicity

  • Pisces and Scorpio placements in both D1 and D9 point towards someone who could be of Middle Eastern, South Asian, Mediterranean, or even Latin origin. Pisces and Scorpio often denote someone from a place with spiritual or mystical connotations, so likely from regions associated with these cultures.

Looks Level (Compared to Model, Average Person, or Subhuman)

  • Venus in the 8th house in D9 and Gemini: This is not favorable for good looks, as the 8th house tends to distort the Venusian beauty influence, and Gemini can make someone appear more ordinary, even quirky in their looks.
  • Pluto in Scorpio (1st house, D9): He might have strong, even intense facial features, which could come across as slightly off-putting or harsh to some people.
  • Looks Level: He would likely fall under MTN (Mid-Tier Normie), somewhere in the middle of attractiveness, but leaning more toward average rather than model-tier due to the unfavorable Venus placement in D9.

Body Type

  • Mars in Scorpio in D9 (1st house): A muscular, well-built, or sturdy body type, likely more defined than soft. Mars gives a more rugged and athletic look.
  • Saturn in Pisces (D1): He could have a somewhat leaner frame, but still with noticeable strength due to Mars' influence.


  • Moon in Libra (D1, 7th house): Indicates a diplomatic, fair, and balanced personality, someone who values harmony and relationships.
  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): Adds intensity and passion, so while he is fair and balanced in relationships, he can also be quite driven and secretive.
  • Sun in Leo (D9, 10th house): He will have a commanding presence and a desire for status or recognition in his career or social standing. Confident, perhaps to a fault.

Facial Dimorphism

  • Mars and Saturn influences: He is likely to have more masculine and sharp features, with prominent cheekbones and a strong jawline. Pisces may add some softness, but overall, his face will look strongly masculine.

Bone Structure on Face

  • Saturn and Pluto influences: Prominent and well-defined bone structure. Likely high cheekbones, sharp jawline, and a strong brow.

Facial Features

  • Nose: Prominent, possibly hooked or aquiline, with a slight curve or sharpness (thanks to Mars and Pluto).
  • Eyes: Dark, intense, and penetrating (Pluto in Scorpio influence).
  • Lips: Thinner lips, not particularly full (Saturn’s influence dampens the Venusian softness).

Hair Type and Hairstyle

  • Saturn and Mars in Pisces (D1): Likely to have slightly wavy or unkempt hair, dark in color.
  • Venus in Gemini (D9): The hairstyle could change frequently, as Gemini is a mutable sign, but the overall texture would remain slightly rough or wavy.

Youthful, to Age, or Older Looking?

  • Saturn's influence: He is likely to age more quickly, so he may look older than his actual age, especially as he grows older. The Pisces influence might make him look youthful when younger, but over time Saturn takes over and gives him a more aged appearance.

Sexual History

  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): He is likely to have had a somewhat active sexual history, though it might be kept secret. Scorpio often hides sexual experiences, but the intensity is there.

Attachment Style

  • Moon in Libra (D1): He seeks balance and harmony in relationships, so he might have a secure attachment style. However, the Scorpio influence in D9 could make him possessive or secretive at times.

Will They Cheat?

  • Venus in the 8th house (D9) and Mars in Scorpio: There is a risk of him being tempted to cheat, especially in situations where secrecy or emotional intensity is involved. However, this isn’t guaranteed, but the temptation is there due to the Scorpio and 8th house influences.

Overall Spouse Prediction for Genesyss:​

  • Looks Level: He falls in the MTN (Mid-Tier Normie) range. His face is more rugged and intense than beautiful or model-like.
  • Body Type: Muscular, well-built, but not overly tall.
  • Personality: Diplomatic and fair, with a passionate, secretive side.
  • Risk of Cheating: There's a possibility, especially with the Scorpio and 8th house influences.
  • General Appearance: Dark-haired, with intense eyes, prominent bone structure, and a slightly unkempt look.
Given that Genesyss is from Bulgaria, we can further analyze the potential ethnicity of her spouse based on the planetary placements:

  • Pisces and Scorpio influence (in both D1 and D9): These placements often indicate someone from a background that might be different or slightly more exotic relative to the native.
  • Rahu in Leo in the 5th house: Rahu often indicates foreign elements, which may suggest her spouse could be from a different ethnicity or at least from a background that isn’t exactly Bulgarian but potentially from a neighboring or culturally different region.

Ethnicity Prediction:​

  • He is likely to be from a region close to Bulgaria but possibly from a different ethnic group. This could point to Mediterranean, South Eastern European, or even Middle Eastern origins. For instance, someone from Greece, Turkey, the Balkans, or Southern Italy seems plausible.
  • Not fully Bulgarian: There are strong indicators that the spouse could be from a background with some spiritual or mystical connotations (e.g., Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Balkan), which aligns with the Pisces/Scorpio placements.
So, while he may have some similarities to her ethnicity, it’s quite likely that he comes from a background slightly different from Bulgarian.

Facial Hair

  • Mars in Scorpio (D9): This placement often indicates the likelihood of facial hair, especially darker and thicker hair, which aligns with the intensity of Scorpio. Men with Mars in Scorpio usually have strong, well-defined facial features, including facial hair.
  • Saturn’s influence in Pisces (D1): Saturn often gives a more mature, rugged look, which can include a beard or some form of facial hair, especially with the strong Mars influence.
Conclusion: He is likely to have facial hair, probably a well-maintained beard or stubble. It will likely be dark and thick due to Scorpio and Mars' influence.

Dimorphism Level in the Face

  • Mars and Pluto in Scorpio (D9) give strong masculine features, with high levels of facial dimorphism. His facial structure will be notably masculine, especially with prominent cheekbones, a strong jawline, and sharp features.
  • Saturn’s influence: Adds more roughness and maturity, further intensifying the masculine aspects of his appearance.
Dimorphism Level: He will have a high level of facial dimorphism, leaning toward highly masculine traits. This means his facial features will be distinctly masculine, with sharp, well-defined bone structure. He won’t have soft or androgynous features—his look will be rugged and traditionally masculine.

Based on the chart placements, he will be rugged but not quite the "Vin Diesel" alpha-male type. Here's a more nuanced description:
  • Mars and Pluto in Scorpio (D9) definitely give him strong masculine traits, including sharp, chiseled features, but his look will be more intense and mysterious rather than overtly "alpha" like Vin Diesel.
  • Saturn and Pisces influence (D1): These soften the raw "alpha male" stereotype, making him more of a dark, brooding type rather than the hyper-masculine, muscular appearance of someone like Vin Diesel. He might come off as serious, introspective, and mysterious, with a look that's still masculine but less overtly aggressive.

In Short:​

He’ll be rugged, intense, and masculine but with a more refined, possibly intellectual or "mystic" edge rather than a full "alpha-male action hero" look. More like a brooding anti-hero than a brash, overly muscular type.
Im not even married who knows if this is actually accurate or not. I`ll only believe it if I see it with my own eyes.
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Im not even married who knows if this is actually accurate or not. I`ll only believe it if I see it with my own eyes.
It's based on fate. What you want doesn't always translate to what you'll get. And this is based on what you'll get. Not what you want.
So therefore who you settle down with.
do you find his looks description appealing?
It's based on fate. What you want doesn't always translate to what you'll get. And this is based on what you'll get. Not what you want.
So therefore who you settle down with.
do you find his looks description appealing?
I dont believe in fate. I`m not settling down bcs I hardly care if I gonna marry or not bcs its not something I care that much about.

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