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View attachment 40058 said my husband will have a small member..hmmm
Long version


  • Average to slightly taller than average due to the Jupiter influence in sextile with the Sun. Expect him to be around 5'9" to 6'0" (175-183 cm).

Age Relative to Native:​

  • Likely older by 2-5 years, based on the Sun-Saturn conjunction. This aspect typically indicates a more mature partner, possibly someone who has experienced life with a more serious outlook.

Hair Color:​

  • Based on the overall grounded and stable influences (Moon in Taurus, Saturn), he’s likely to have dark brown or black hair, probably with a thick, well-maintained appearance.

Eye Color:​

  • With the Venus trine Neptune aspect, his eyes may have a soft, hazel, or light brown tint, with a dreamy or slightly mysterious quality. The Moon-Neptune square could give him reflective, emotional eyes.

Skin Color:​

  • Likely a medium to fair complexion, possibly with a slightly tanned or olive undertone due to the Taurus and Saturn influences. His skin will be smooth and well-maintained.

Possible Ethnicity Relative to the Native:​

  • Western European, possibly with a hint of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern ancestry due to the Pisces and Taurus influences. He will likely come from a similar or related ethnic background to RainbowDash, with a slightly exotic or foreign twist.

Looks Level Compared to a Professional Model:​

  • MTN (Mid-Tier Normie): He will have average to slightly above-average looks but not in the top 5%. His beauty is subtle and understated, thanks to the Venus trine Neptune, which enhances his charm and romantic appeal. However, his attractiveness will not be striking or dramatically handsome—just enough to make him appealing in an everyday way.

Body Type:​

  • His body type will be average to slightly athletic, thanks to the Mars-Cancer and Jupiter-Saturn influences. He’s likely to be lean and well-proportioned without being overly muscular or bulky.


  • Grounded, responsible, and serious (Sun conjunct Saturn), with a soft and romantic side (Venus trine Neptune). He may struggle with internal conflicts in his romantic life (Venus square Mars), but overall, he is likely to be a stable, mature partner with a philosophical or spiritual streak (7th house lord in Pisces).

Facial Dimorphism:​

  • Balanced facial dimorphism, leaning slightly more toward masculine features due to the Saturn and Mars aspects, but softened by the Venus-Neptune influence. He will likely have well-proportioned features that are neither too rugged nor overly delicate.

Bone Structure on Face:​

  • His bone structure will be moderate, with medium to high cheekbones and a square or oval face shape. Saturn’s influence gives him a more defined jawline, but the overall appearance will still have some softness due to the Venus-Neptune trine.

Facial Features:​

  • Nose: Likely medium-sized, slightly sharp but well-proportioned.
  • Eyes: Dreamy, expressive eyes that reflect his emotional world, likely light brown or hazel.
  • Lips: Soft and medium-sized, not overly full but well-shaped and attractive.
  • Cheekbones: Moderate to high, adding some definition to his face.

Hair Type and Hairstyle:​

  • His hair is likely to be dark and thick, possibly wavy or slightly curly, giving him a healthy, well-maintained appearance. He might keep it in a neat, classic style.

Youthful, To Age, or Older Looking?:​

  • Due to the Sun-Saturn conjunction, he is likely to appear older or more mature than his actual age, with a serious demeanor and an aged appearance that makes him seem responsible and grounded.

Sexual History:​

  • The Mars opposition Neptune suggests some confusion or complications in his romantic or sexual life. He may have had fewer sexual partners and could be more cautious or reserved about intimate relationships. He’s more likely to be selective about his partners.

Attachment Style:​

  • His attachment style will likely be secure with some anxiety due to the Moon-Neptune square and Saturn influence. He values emotional closeness but might be cautious or take time to fully open up.

Will He Cheat?:​

  • Unlikely to cheat, especially with the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which points to loyalty and responsibility. However, the Venus square Mars and Neptune aspects suggest that he might experience some romantic confusion, but not enough to lead to infidelity.
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View attachment 40058 said my husband will have a small member..hmmm
Re: small member

While the chart shows some psychological indicators (like Mars in Cancer, Venus square Mars, and Mars-Neptune opposition) that could lead to sexual insecurities or conflicts, these do not directly indicate a small penis. They suggest that he may not express his masculinity in a traditional, dominant way, and there might be some emotional or psychological complexities surrounding his sexual energy.

Conclusion: Masculine vs. Feminine Appearance

Overall, RainbowDash’s potential spouse will have a mix of masculine and feminine traits but will likely lean slightly toward a more feminine appearance, especially in facial features like his eyes and lips. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Masculine Traits:
    • Stoic, serious demeanor (Sun conjunct Saturn).
    • Quiet strength and calm masculinity (Jupiter sextile Saturn).
    • Soft masculinity with nurturing tendencies (Mars in Cancer).
  • Feminine Traits:
    • Soft facial features, particularly around the eyes and lips (Venus trine Neptune, Moon square Neptune).
    • Emotional, gentle expression, especially in his eyes (Moon-Neptune aspects).
    • Delicate, sensitive appearance (Venus-Neptune aspect).
  • Balanced Traits:
    • His demeanor will be more masculine due to the Sun-Saturn influence, but his facial features will be softer due to the Venus and Neptune aspects.
    • His body language and presence will lean toward masculinity, but his face will have soft, feminine undertones.
On a scale from feminine to masculine, he would fall somewhere in the middle but slightly closer to feminine in terms of appearance, particularly due to the Venus-Neptune influence. His masculinity will be internal—coming through his personality, behavior, and sense of responsibility—while his physical appearance and facial features will likely be soft and gentle.

So, expect him to appear as a gentle, nurturing type with a calm masculine presence, but with softer facial features and a more emotional expression.

Conclusion: Masculine vs. Feminine Appearance

Overall, RainbowDash’s potential spouse will have a mix of masculine and feminine traits but will likely lean slightly toward a more feminine appearance, especially in facial features like his eyes and lips. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Masculine Traits:
    • Stoic, serious demeanor (Sun conjunct Saturn).
    • Quiet strength and calm masculinity (Jupiter sextile Saturn).
    • Soft masculinity with nurturing tendencies (Mars in Cancer).
  • Feminine Traits:
    • Soft facial features, particularly around the eyes and lips (Venus trine Neptune, Moon square Neptune).
    • Emotional, gentle expression, especially in his eyes (Moon-Neptune aspects).
    • Delicate, sensitive appearance (Venus-Neptune aspect).
  • Balanced Traits:
    • His demeanor will be more masculine due to the Sun-Saturn influence, but his facial features will be softer due to the Venus and Neptune aspects.
    • His body language and presence will lean toward masculinity, but his face will have soft, feminine undertones.
On a scale from feminine to masculine, he would fall somewhere in the middle but slightly closer to feminine in terms of appearance, particularly due to the Venus-Neptune influence. His masculinity will be internal—coming through his personality, behavior, and sense of responsibility—while his physical appearance and facial features will likely be soft and gentle.

So, expect him to appear as a gentle, nurturing type with a calm masculine presence, but with softer facial features and a more emotional expression.
Awww...Already in love~ (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)Thanks you Milenyo!!
Can you do mine?

Summary with Backup:​

  • Height: Around 5'5" to 5'8".
  • Age: Likely same age or slightly older than Yaqub.
  • Hair Color: Dark brown or black, thick and well-maintained.
  • Eye Color: Brown or hazel.
  • Skin Tone: Light to medium, likely with warm undertones.
  • Ethnicity: possibly Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or South Asian.
  • Looks Level: HTB (High-Tier Becky) due to strong aspects for facial harmony and balanced features.
  • Body Type: Athletic, slim, with a toned physique.
  • Personality: Grounded, nurturing, with emotional complexity but loyal and committed.
  • Facial Features: Well-balanced, symmetrical, with feminine dimorphism.
Can you do mine?

Physical Appearance & Facial Harmony:​

  1. Height:
    • Likely average to slightly above average in height, around 5'5" to 5'8" (165-173 cm). This is supported by the Venus in Aries and Jupiter aspects, which tend to indicate someone with a confident, upright posture, contributing to a taller appearance.
    • Backup: Sun trine Jupiter often suggests a robust and healthy physique, and Venus in Aries can give a more athletic build and posture, leading to the perception of greater height.
  2. Age Relative to Yaqub:
    • Likely around the same age or slightly older. The Sun-Saturn trine suggests that while she may be youthful in age, she will appear mature or carry herself in a more responsible manner.
    • Backup: Saturn aspects tend to mature a person’s appearance or demeanor, even if they aren’t physically older. This implies she will have a more grounded and stable aura, adding maturity.
  3. Hair Color:
    • Dark brown or black hair. Given the strong Taurus and Scorpio influence, her hair will likely be thick, dark, and well-maintained, possibly with wavy or slightly curly textures.
    • Backup: Moon in Taurus (which is ruled by Venus) combined with Venus in Aries often points to someone with dark, healthy hair. Aries influence can also bring an energetic and well-maintained look.
  4. Eye Color:
    • Likely brown or hazel, with a deep, intense gaze. Scorpio influence in her chart, through Jupiter in Scorpio, adds a more mysterious, alluring quality to her eyes.
    • Backup: Scorpio’s presence gives depth and intensity to the eyes, often resulting in darker shades such as brown or hazel. The Taurus Moon can contribute to a steady, calm gaze.
  5. Skin Color:
    • Light to medium skin tone, possibly with warm undertones. Her skin will likely be clear and well-maintained, reflecting her Venusian qualities from the Moon in Taurus.
    • Backup: Taurus Moon often indicates a healthy, glowing complexion, and Venusian influence contributes to well-cared-for skin.
  6. Looks Level Compared to a Model:
    • High-Tier Becky (HTB): She will likely have above-average looks, falling within the top 10-20% of attractiveness. There are enough indicators of facial harmony and appeal to place her in this category, though not at the Stacy or Chadlite level.
    • Backup:
      • Mercury sextile Venus is a very favorable aspect for facial harmony, ensuring that her features are well-balanced and symmetrical.
      • Moon trine Mercury adds softness and enhances her facial expression, making her more approachable and attractive.
      • However, Venus square Saturn and Moon opposite Venus introduce emotional complexity that could prevent her from consistently reaching the top-tier of beauty, keeping her in the HTB range.
  7. Facial Dimorphism:
    • She will have strong feminine features due to the Venus in Aries and Moon in Taurus influences, with softness and roundness in the face. Her facial dimorphism will lean toward a more traditionally feminine look, likely with rounded cheekbones and soft eyes.
    • Backup: Moon in Taurus often gives softer, more rounded facial features, and Venus in Aries ensures these are balanced by some strength and definition.
  8. Bone Structure on Face:
    • Her bone structure will be moderate to softly defined, with medium cheekbones and a gentle jawline. Expect an oval or rounded face shape that aligns with the feminine energy in her chart.
    • Backup: Venus in Aries gives some definition to the face, but the Moon in Taurus balances this with softness. Overall, her bone structure will be neither too angular nor too soft, contributing to her balanced looks.
  9. Facial Features:
    • Nose: Likely medium-sized and proportional, with a slight sharpness from Aries but still balanced.
    • Eyes: Brown or hazel, with an emotionally intense, deep-set gaze due to the Scorpio and Taurus influences.
    • Lips: Full and well-shaped, a defining feature due to the strong Venus influence in her chart.
    • Backup: Mercury sextile Venus enhances the balance and harmony of facial features, giving her a pleasing, symmetrical face with attractive proportions.

Personality & Behavior:​

  1. Personality:
    • Grounded, nurturing, emotionally stable due to the Moon in Taurus.
    • Dynamic, bold, and assertive, with a strong sense of self from the Venus in Aries influence.
    • Emotionally complex and may have some insecurities in relationships (indicated by Venus square Saturn), but overall she will be loyal and committed.
    • Backup: The Sun trine Jupiter and Saturn aspects point to someone with a mature, confident, and responsible personality, while the Venus aspects highlight her emotional depth.
  2. Body Type:
    • Athletic to slim, with a likely toned physique. She will have a well-proportioned body, thanks to Venus in Aries, which often gives an active and healthy body type.
    • Backup: Mars in Aquarius adds a leaner, more athletic frame, while Venus in Aries ensures that she stays physically active and energetic.
  3. Facial Harmony:
    • Strong evidence for facial harmony, with Mercury sextile Venus and Moon trine Mercury supporting balanced, proportional facial features. This is why she qualifies as HTB, as her face is likely to be pleasant and balanced even if not at the top 1% level (Stacy or Chadlite).
    • Backup: These aspects ensure that her face is symmetrical and attractive, contributing to her being in the higher tiers of attractiveness.

Additional Traits:​

  1. Youthful, To Age, or Older Looking?:
    • She may appear more mature or older due to the Saturn influence in her chart, especially in her demeanor, but the Jupiter influence adds some youthful vibrancy. Overall, she will have a balanced, mature appearance with subtle youthful energy.
    • Backup: Sun trine Saturn and Jupiter influence provide a balance between maturity and vitality.
  2. Sexual History:
    • Reserved in her sexual history, likely with fewer partners. Venus square Saturn often makes someone more cautious and selective in love, meaning she may value emotional connections over casual encounters.
    • Backup: Saturn’s influence on Venus can make a person more reserved and committed in relationships, indicating a preference for meaningful bonds.
  3. Attachment Style:
    • Likely to have a secure attachment style, although there may be some insecurity or anxiety in expressing love due to the Venus-Saturn square. Once in a relationship, she will be loyal and supportive.
    • Backup: Moon in Taurus and Venus in Aries contribute to her being emotionally stable, but the Saturn square could introduce some hesitation in opening up fully.
  4. Will She Cheat?:
    • Unlikely to cheat. Her chart shows strong loyalty and a preference for emotional stability in relationships.
    • Backup: Taurus Moon and Saturn’s influence make her highly committed and responsible in relationships.

D1 (Rasi Chart) Analysis:​

  1. Venus in Cancer (11th House):
    • Venus in Cancer suggests that his spouse will have a nurturing, empathetic, and caring personality. Physically, Cancerian Venus often manifests as someone with soft, round features, possibly a voluptuous or curvy body type. She may have a warm, motherly aura that makes her emotionally attractive rather than classically beautiful.
    • Backup: Cancer’s energy here makes her more likely to care about emotional bonds and relationship security, which may reflect in a more approachable and soft appearance.
  2. Moon in Libra (2nd House):
    • Moon in Libra enhances her feminine, balanced appearance. Libra is ruled by Venus, so this placement suggests that she will have refined and harmonious features. Physically, this makes her appear more elegant and socially graceful. She will likely have charming, balanced facial features, with good symmetry.
    • Backup: Libra Moons tend to emphasize social skills and diplomatic energy, which may also affect her style and appearance, making her look well-dressed and socially aware.
  3. Mars in Taurus (9th House):
    • Mars in Taurus indicates that his spouse will be steady, reliable, and have a calm demeanor. Physically, this placement often gives a solid or curvy body type, with an emphasis on natural beauty. Taurus energy enhances the likelihood that she has a sensual appearance, with earthy, grounded beauty.
    • Backup: Taurus Mars is known for giving fuller, more voluptuous body types, and her personality will be calm and patient. She might favor a natural look over extravagant beauty.
  4. 7th House (Pisces):
    • Pisces ruling the 7th house indicates that his spouse may have an ethereal, dreamy quality to her appearance. She may seem otherworldly or have a certain delicateness to her physical presence. Pisces spouses often have sensitive and compassionate personalities, which adds to their overall attractiveness.
    • Backup: Pisces in the 7th gives a more spiritual, soft quality to the spouse, often making them emotionally appealing in a non-materialistic way.
  5. Jupiter in Scorpio (3rd House):
    • Jupiter in Scorpio enhances the possibility that his spouse will have an intense, magnetic personality. While Scorpio is known for giving a mysterious, magnetic appearance, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are extremely attractive in the classic sense. This could indicate strong sexual energy or a sensual aura rather than traditional beauty.
    • Backup: Scorpio Jupiter gives the spouse depth and intensity, making her more attractive in an unconventional, magnetic way.

D9 (Navamsa Chart) Analysis:​

  1. Venus in Aquarius (2nd House):
    • In the D9 chart, Venus in Aquarius suggests that his spouse will have an unconventional beauty. She may appear unique or eccentric in her looks, favoring a more individualistic style. Aquarius Venus can also indicate someone who doesn’t follow traditional beauty norms, possibly being more experimental or quirky in her appearance.
    • Backup: Venus in Aquarius often brings innovation and individuality in appearance, so she may not conform to traditional standards of beauty but still be attractive due to her uniqueness.
  2. Moon and Sun in Sagittarius (12th House):
    • Moon and Sun in Sagittarius in the 12th house suggest that his spouse may be philosophically inclined, independent, and possibly a bit detached from material concerns. Physically, she may have a more athletic or toned build, with adventurous or free-spirited energy. She may have a more relaxed, bohemian look, reflecting her Sagittarius influence.
    • Backup: Sagittarius energy brings adventurousness and a natural, free-spirited appearance, likely contributing to an active lifestyle and an athletic build.
  3. Mars in Virgo (9th House):
    • Mars in Virgo indicates that his spouse may be particular about health and appearance, keeping a fit and slim figure. Virgo’s influence suggests she will pay attention to details, possibly maintaining a clean, polished look.
    • Backup: Virgo Mars points toward a meticulous approach to fitness, meaning she will likely have a more refined and toned appearance.
  4. Mercury in Cancer (7th House):
    • Mercury in Cancer suggests that his spouse will be emotionally intelligent, with a strong ability to communicate feelings and understand the needs of others. This could give her a more sensitive, empathetic demeanor, making her emotionally appealing.
    • Backup: Mercury in Cancer enhances emotional depth, likely making her more emotionally connected in the relationship, which adds to her appeal.

Main Aspects (D1 and D9 Chart):​

  1. Venus Opposition Neptune (D1):
    • This aspect suggests that his spouse may have some illusions or confusion about her beauty or how she presents herself. While Neptune can give a more mystical or dreamy quality, the opposition to Venus may create fluctuations in self-image, which could affect how she sees her attractiveness.
    • Backup: Venus-Neptune oppositions are often associated with an idealized view of beauty, which might make her feel more insecure about her appearance, even if she is attractive.
  2. Venus Trine Jupiter (D1):
    • This is a positive aspect that enhances her overall charm, beauty, and social grace. Venus trine Jupiter gives someone a warm, inviting personality, which naturally makes them more attractive and likeable. Physically, this contributes to good facial harmony and a pleasant demeanor.
    • Backup: Venus-Jupiter trine supports a more pleasant and socially graceful appearance, often contributing to above-average beauty.
  3. Moon Square Venus (D9):
    • This aspect indicates some conflict between emotions and how she presents herself in relationships. She may struggle with how she expresses love and beauty, feeling like she doesn’t always match societal standards, which could lead to insecurities.
    • Backup: Moon-Venus square often introduces emotional complexity and some struggles with self-worth related to appearance.

Physical Traits:​

  1. Height:
    • Likely average to slightly above average. Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus suggest someone with a balanced, grounded physicality, possibly around 5'4" to 5'7" (163-170 cm).
    • Backup: Taurus and Cancer placements tend to favor more average height with a solid, earthy build.
  2. Hair Color:
    • Likely dark brown to black hair, with a possibility of a natural texture. Venus in Cancer suggests a more traditional, classic appearance, likely with dark, flowing hair.
    • Backup: Cancer Venus often correlates with thick, dark hair, reflecting a natural, feminine beauty.
  3. Eye Color:
    • Likely dark brown or hazel eyes. Pisces influence (7th house) often gives a more soft, watery gaze, while Libra Moon ensures that her eyes will be balanced and harmonious in shape.
    • Backup: Libra Moon and Pisces 7th house typically give calm, expressive eyes that reflect emotional depth.
  4. Skin Color:
    • Likely light to medium skin tone, possibly with warm or neutral undertones. Cancer placements often give a healthy, glowing complexion.
    • Backup: Cancer Venus suggests someone with a clear, glowing skin tone, often reflecting good care and nurturing.
  5. Facial Features:
    • Soft, round features, with balanced proportions. Her eyes and lips will likely be her defining features, with rounded cheeks and a soft jawline.
    • Backup: Venus in Cancer and Moon in Libra emphasize softness and harmony in facial features, giving her a more traditionally feminine look.

Personality & Relationship Style:​

  1. Personality:
    • She will be nurturing, empathetic, and likely to value emotional connection. Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Cancer show someone who is deeply in touch with her emotions and will care about maintaining strong bonds.
    • Backup: Cancer placements often indicate a caring, maternal personality, making her emotionally appealing.
  2. Attachment Style:
    • Likely to have a secure attachment style, although she may have moments of emotional vulnerability due to the Venus-Neptune opposition. She will seek emotional stability in the relationship.
    • Backup: Pisces in the 7th house and Cancer Venus ensure a focus on security and emotional depth, while Neptune aspects may create some insecurities.
  3. Will She Cheat?:
    • Unlikely to cheat. The Cancer Venus and Pisces 7th house indicate someone who values emotional fidelity and seeks a deep, lasting connection.
    • Backup: Venus in Cancer is emotionally loyal, and her focus will be on creating a nurturing, stable environment in the relationship.


  • Height: Likely average to slightly above average (around 5'4" to 5'7").
  • Hair Color: Dark brown to black, possibly with a natural, flowing texture.
  • Eye Color: Brown or hazel eyes, with a soft, watery gaze.
  • Skin Tone: Light to medium skin, likely with warm or neutral undertones.
  • Looks Level: MTB (Mid-Tier Becky)—she will likely have above-average looks, with a feminine softness due to Venus in Cancer and Libra Moon, but no compelling evidence suggests HTB or higher.
  • Body Type: Likely curvy or full-figured, reflecting Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus influences.
  • Personality: Nurturing, empathetic, and focused on emotional connections.
  • Attachment Style: Likely secure, but with some moments of emotional vulnerability due to Neptune aspects.
Be honest are you happy with it or did you want HTN/chadlite/chad?

WTF is a Milenyo?
Looks wise I truly have nothing to complain about all sound good some even slightly above average. Personality wise I would be lucky to end up with this so yes.

"Typhoon Xangsane, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Milenyo"
Looks wise I truly have nothing to complain about all sound good some even slightly above average.
Yeah but still within the MTN bracket
Personality wise I would be lucky to end up with this so yes.
Why do you think you'd be lucky to end up with this?
And are you grateful for MTN or did you want higher?
"Typhoon Xangsane, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Milenyo"
Caged hard at this JFL
Yeah but still within the MTN bracket

Why do you think you'd be lucky to end up with this?
And are you grateful for MTN or did you want higher?

Caged hard at this JFL
MTN is pretty good.I prefer to meet someone in a more organic way so either by friends,maybe a crush in a friend group / school/job so a MTN would end up looking very charming to me overtime.

Higher looks are great , but anything above htn is just a bonus not a requirement.

D1 (Rasi) Chart Analysis:​

  1. Venus in Capricorn (6th House):
    • Venus in Capricorn indicates that his spouse will likely be practical, reserved, and focused on long-term stability in relationships. Physically, this placement often suggests someone with structured, sharp features—perhaps high cheekbones and a more serious demeanor. Capricorn Venus often shows a person who has a classic beauty, leaning toward a more minimalist, elegant style.
    • Backup: Venus in Capricorn suggests someone with a grounded, realistic approach to relationships, and while she may not be overly flamboyant in appearance, her beauty lies in her timeless and classic style.
  2. Moon in Leo (1st House):
    • Moon in Leo gives his spouse a dramatic, radiant presence. She is likely to be physically attractive, with a confident, bold demeanor. People with Leo Moon often have thick, lustrous hair and striking facial features, with an innate magnetism that draws attention.
    • Backup: Leo Moons are typically known for their confidence and bold presence, and this often translates into physical beauty that commands attention. Her personality will be lively, energetic, and warm.
  3. Mars in Gemini (11th House):
    • Mars in Gemini suggests that his spouse will have a versatile, dynamic personality, possibly with a slimmer build. Gemini Mars often manifests in someone who is quick-witted, adaptable, and mentally sharp, and she may be more lean or agile in her physical appearance.
    • Backup: Mars in Gemini adds physical agility and mental alertness, often leading to a slender or fit build, as Gemini is a sign associated with movement and flexibility.
  4. 7th House (Aquarius):
    • With Aquarius ruling the 7th house, his spouse will likely have an unconventional, independent streak. She may have a unique style or approach to life, favoring a more individualistic approach rather than following traditional norms. This could translate into a more unusual or quirky appearance, with a strong sense of personal freedom.
    • Backup: Aquarius 7th house brings someone who may not conform to traditional expectations of beauty but instead has a more original, eclectic appearance, which can make her more appealing in her own unique way.
  5. Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius (5th House):
    • Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius in the 5th house suggests that his spouse will have a passionate, adventurous nature. She will likely be philosophical, enthusiastic, and someone who values personal growth and exploration. Physically, Sagittarius energy often gives a more athletic build, with strong, striking features.
    • Backup: Jupiter and Pluto together can add depth and intensity to her personality, with a strong sense of passion and purpose. This combination in Sagittarius may give her a more athletic and driven appearance.

D9 (Navamsa Chart) Analysis:​

  1. Venus in Aries (4th House):
    • In the Navamsa chart, Venus in Aries suggests that his spouse will be bold, energetic, and physically active. She may have a more direct and independent attitude in relationships, and her beauty will likely be fiery and attention-grabbing. Aries Venus often gives sharp, distinct features, with a dynamic and assertive presence.
    • Backup: Venus in Aries tends to bring high energy and confidence in relationships, and her appearance may reflect that with sharp, angular features and a vibrant personality.
  2. Saturn in Cancer (7th House):
    • Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house suggests that his spouse will have a more mature, responsible approach to relationships. This may also reflect in her appearance, making her seem more serious or mature for her age. Saturn in Cancer can give her a protective, nurturing personality, but she may be more reserved when it comes to expressing her emotions.
    • Backup: Saturn in Cancer often indicates someone who is emotionally guarded, preferring long-term stability and emotional security over fleeting relationships. This can also make her seem older or more mature than her peers.
  3. Mars in Virgo (9th House):
    • Mars in Virgo in the D9 chart indicates that she may be meticulous, health-conscious, and focused on self-improvement. She will likely have a slimmer, more refined build, reflecting her attention to detail and physical fitness.
    • Backup: Virgo Mars contributes to a more disciplined approach to health and appearance, likely making her more conscious of her body and possibly giving her a lean, fit physique.

Aspects (D1):​

  1. Sun Sextile Pluto (D1):
    • This aspect indicates that his spouse will have a magnetic, transformative presence. Pluto aspects often give someone an intense, captivating energy, which can make them more mysterious and alluring. This could indicate that his spouse has strong sexual energy and a powerful physical presence.
    • Backup: Sun sextile Pluto supports the idea that his spouse has a commanding, intense presence, which can make her attractive in a deeper, more magnetic way.
  2. Moon Trine Jupiter (D1):
    • Moon trine Jupiter indicates that his spouse will be optimistic, warm, and emotionally generous. She will likely have a positive, radiant personality, which can enhance her overall attractiveness. Jupiter’s energy tends to give people a larger-than-life appeal, making her someone who draws others in.
    • Backup: Moon trine Jupiter adds a radiant warmth to her personality, making her more appealing emotionally and physically. This could also give her a more open, expressive face.
  3. Venus Conjunct Mercury (D1):
    • Venus conjunct Mercury suggests that his spouse will be articulate, charming, and likely have beautiful, harmonious facial features. This is a favorable aspect for someone who is socially graceful and physically attractive, with a focus on well-proportioned features.
    • Backup: Venus-Mercury conjunctions are often seen in charts of people who have attractive, symmetrical faces, as Mercury brings balance and clarity to Venusian beauty.

Physical Traits:​

  1. Height:
    • Likely average to slightly above average height. Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Gemini suggest a slimmer build, possibly around 5'5" to 5'8" (165-173 cm).
    • Backup: Capricorn and Gemini placements point to someone who is moderate in height, with an emphasis on lean physicality.
  2. Hair Color:
    • Likely dark brown or black, with a natural texture. The Leo Moon could give her thick, lustrous hair, which will be one of her standout features.
    • Backup: Leo Moons often have thick, voluminous hair, and Venus in Capricorn gives a more natural, classic appearance.
  3. Eye Color:
    • Likely dark brown or hazel, with a warm, expressive gaze. Leo Moon and Aquarius 7th house influence will give her dramatic, bright eyes that capture attention.
    • Backup: Leo energy often gives dramatic, expressive eyes, while Venus in Capricorn ensures her gaze is grounded and steady.
  4. Skin Color:
    • Likely light to medium skin tone, with warm undertones. The Leo and Capricorn influence suggests a healthy, glowing complexion.
    • Backup: Leo and Capricorn placements often give people a clear, glowing complexion, reflecting vitality and care.
  5. Facial Features:
    • Well-defined cheekbones and sharp, structured features. Venus in Capricorn gives a more structured, angular look, while the Leo Moon adds expressiveness to her face.
    • Backup: Capricorn Venus and Leo Moon contribute to a combination of sharpness and expressiveness, with a balanced and appealing appearance.

Personality & Relationship Style:​

  1. Personality:
    • She will be nurturing, loyal, and likely to be a bit reserved in emotional matters. Venus in Capricorn and Leo Moon suggest someone who is confident yet cautious in relationships, seeking long-term stability.
    • Backup: Venus in Capricorn makes her practical in relationships, while Leo Moon gives her the warmth and energy needed to form emotional connections.
  2. Attachment Style:
    • Likely to have a secure attachment style, though there may be moments of emotional reserve due to Venus in Capricorn. She will likely be loyal and committed once in a relationship.
    • Backup: Capricorn placements often create a need for emotional security, while Leo Moon ensures warmth and affection.
  3. Will She Cheat?:
    • Unlikely to cheat. Venus in Capricorn indicates someone who values commitment and long-term security in relationships.
    • Backup: Capricorn energy is traditionally loyal and focused on stability, making it unlikely she will stray.


  • Height: Likely average to slightly above average, around 5'5" to 5'8".
  • Hair Color: Dark brown to black, thick and natural.
  • Eye Color: Brown or hazel, with an expressive, dramatic gaze.
  • Skin Tone: Light to medium, with warm undertones.
  • Looks Level: MTB (Mid-Tier Becky). While she will have slightly above-average looks, there is no compelling evidence suggesting HTB or higher.
  • Body Type: Likely slim or fit, with an emphasis on natural, healthy beauty.
  • Personality: Loyal, nurturing, and focused on emotional stability.
  • Attachment Style: Likely secure, but with a slight emotional reserve.
  • Facial Features: Sharp, well-defined cheekbones with a balanced face.
Let me know if you’d like to explore any other specific aspects or details!
MTN is pretty good.I prefer to meet someone in a more organic way so either by friends,maybe a crush in a friend group / school/job so a MTN would end up looking very charming to me overtime.
At least you're down to earth compared to some other women I've spoken to. There are women who are legit Chad only. I analyzed their charts and they won't get chad.
Higher looks are great , but anything above htn is just a bonus not a requirement.
What would you rate yourself + do you prefer more masculine or prettyboy men?
At least you're down to earth compared to some other women I've spoken to. There are women who are legit Chad only. I analyzed their charts and they won't get chad.

What would you rate yourself + do you prefer more masculine or prettyboy men?
ehh I would say I'm pretty average ..Realistically my body probably carries me but whatever. Prettyboys>>

I don't know about other women and their preference I have a pretty gl friend that ended up finding even a jawcel cute , and another ex friend prob around 4/10 waiting for a nichemaxxed chadlite to hit on her.It's so random.
I like dark eyes and hair and she's fit
Anything else?
ehh I would say I'm pretty average ..Realistically my body probably carries me but whatever. Prettyboys>>
Why prettyboys?
I don't know about other women and their preference I have a pretty gl friend that ended up finding even a jawcel cute , and another ex friend prob around 4/10 waiting for a nichemaxxed chadlite to hit on her.It's so random.
What niche is he?
Why prettyboys?

What niche is he?
I just like them more aesthetically..By masculine I imagine someone like Hernán Drago and Tho yes he's like majestic I'm not that excited by it

He was because a wannabe artist e-boy.
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Why aren't you into the masc look?

WDYM artist?
Probably because they look wayy older

He would draw ..or at least try.But he made it a huge part of his personality even tho it was shit
Who do you prefer
View attachment 40789View attachment 40790

And foids fell for it?
Oh yess ..he felt brave enough to upload those scribbles.My then friend even listed it as a good quality about him.

Honestly first guy from the second row is the best looking one.But they top ones have very similar qualities to him. Third body from the top is similar to the first one from the second row.. anyways I might go with Guy 2 actually.
Oh yess ..he felt brave enough to upload those scribbles.My then friend even listed it as a good quality about him.

Honestly first guy from the second row is the best looking one.But they top ones have very similar qualities to him. Third body from the top is similar to the first one from the second row.. anyways I might go with Guy 2 actually.
Why would you switch to 2 instead of 1 last minute?
Why does the top scream fuckboy?

Yes, is that Nessman?

Idk man he just does.. should I not trust my woman brain? Would you agree with my statement ? doesn't he look like a fuckboy to you?
I've seen more stacysexual/fuckboy prettyboys than maesthetic guys.
Shave his jaw down and he's a Stacy himself.. do you have any examples tho? Cause I feel like it varies
So the prettyboy GL guys that I knew would get lots of foid attention but were transient and often had so many girls on their radar
the more maesthetic guys had a girlfriend or were LTR hunting
masc and tatted were slayers
Couldn't the maesthetic guys also slay? Why are they more drawn to LTR?