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JFL Considering testosterone


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Today I was thinkin about this really hot chick and wanting to put my dick in her. I had a fantasy where I had a really masculine announcer voice like on a loudspeaker (like Alice Cooper or something). So I was thinkin about testosterone.

Then I was thinkin about what if I get a oneitus and the girl doesn't want me? Then the testosterone would be terrible for me. It would be like taking testosterone for nothing. Taking testosterone feels like taking a giant leap, such as across a large canyon.

Taking testosterone is like this
except there is a 100 foot tall glass dome.

take estrogen and be lesbian.
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Why you should not take estrogen:

you could become a total cuck
you might have less interest in gaming
you might view age 23 as pedo
if u are short and ugly it will fuse your bones to look short and ugly

its over tbh

new type of hormones r needed tbh
are you average facially ?
idk how I feel about taking test I don’t want to destroy collagen and age a shit ton
The tren twins are a great example of going too far with it
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  • #14
The tren twins are a great example of going too far with it
i have seen some videos, so far all the ones i've seen were uploaded by subhumans, giving an annoying strobe effect instead of giving a real comparison. Speaking of strobe effect I can't stand those cheap flashlights that give a strobe, makes me want to have a seizure. And theres no way to modify the flashlight to remove the strobe from what I've found
Join the club and never look back life on TRT changes you forever and there's a reason once your on never come off and every powerful man on earth who's billionaire takes trt. Jeff bazos is on. Mark zuck. Elon musk. Any powerful man is on TRT .
