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Experience Cultural behaviors of the internet


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Why do most of the people on discord seem weird and/or subhuman? Like I get the vibe we are not even the same species.

Genetics, culture, what exactly? Do they have xeno souls but masquerade as human?

They basically make me feel like Sheldon Cooper when I'm around them, I do not want to be around most of them or feel any desire to talk to them. And no I'm not as good at math as Sheldon is, I'm just saying the general vibe of being around them that I feel.
Why do most of the people on discord seem weird and/or subhuman? Like I get the vibe we are not even the same species.

Genetics, culture, what exactly? Do they have xeno souls but masquerade as human?

They basically make me feel like Sheldon Cooper when I'm around them, I do not want to be around most of them or feel any desire to talk to them. And no I'm not as good at math as Sheldon is, I'm just saying the general vibe of being around them that I feel.
chronically online + the culture
join our discord ?
oops, mb didnt realize you meant that

so, being chronically online. if you spend hours in specific servers, the prolonged exposure will have an effect on you. people there will also befriend you and send invites to more communities. it is like a domino effect. the servers are breeding grounds for subhumans. this constant exposure + validation from those members will cause you to sink deeper. also, people do not act the same in real life as they do online. people send images, gifs, videos, emojis, and overall dont seem to notice that the people they are talking to are real, and sit outside their own screens. there are also things that are more acceptable to do online. anonymity also causes people to do worse things, i read this thing called online dishibition effect, where people are less restrained due to the anonymity online. also trying to fit in ig
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oops, mb didnt realize you meant that

so, being chronically online. if you spend hours in specific servers, the prolonged exposure will have an effect on you. people there will also befriend you and send invites to more communities. it is like a domino effect. the servers are breeding grounds for subhumans. this constant exposure + validation from those members will cause you to sink deeper. also, people do not act the same in real life as they do online. people send images, gifs, videos, emojis, and overall dont seem to notice that the people they are talking to are real, and sit outside their own screens. there are also things that are more acceptable to do online. anonymity also causes people to do worse things, i read this thing called online dishibition effect, where people are less restrained due to the anonymity online. also trying to fit in ig
tru, i have autism irl but not online

i think theres more to it though, for instance im online alot but i scoff at a lot of the discord stuff and view it as worthless, a lot of the things just seem like fake copes for losers. i will give an example, for example if a discord server made a new years party i would view it as worthless, for losers, its like how some people would watch new years ball dropping events on television, very lame and for losers.

i feel the same about new mortal kombat fighting games, its for losers, gaurantee i could win a fight of 99% of them IRL, its just memorization of combos. i am a mortal kombat fan though i like the culture and music, i just dont like the modern games much
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