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Discussion Deep Sleep VS Banded Sleeping. GTFIH


Ϫ Sergeant of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Sep 2, 2023
I've been confused on this one either Deep Sleep VS Banded Sleeping which one increase more height?!?!

This is my setup on banded sleeping, I sleep on the floor with my matress and have nothing to hold the bands excepts for my weights

Need ur guys opinion and reason WHY.
just become crippled theory
I've been confused on this one either Deep Sleep VS Banded Sleeping which one increase more height?!?!

This is my setup on banded sleeping, I sleep on the floor with my matress and have nothing to hold the bands excepts for my weights
View attachment 30005

Need ur guys opinion and reason WHY.
Iv seen the user who came up with this before. Interesting posting of his .....hope it works out for you.............
I've been confused on this one either Deep Sleep VS Banded Sleeping which one increase more height?!?!

This is my setup on banded sleeping, I sleep on the floor with my matress and have nothing to hold the bands excepts for my weights
View attachment 30005

Need ur guys opinion and reason WHY.
Interesting set. I read that it takes 4 months for a fracture to heal, i recommend, therefore, to put a time limit to metric the result of such experiment. I, myself, did something similar but with only weight in my leg. I did grow a bit, but it took a lot of dedication and time. I may just learn to do something similar as your posting in the future.
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Why is that shit around your legs
No offense I don’t think it’ll work but you could try
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Interesting set. I read that it takes 4 months for a fracture to heal, i recommend, therefore, to put a time limit to metric the result of such experiment. I, myself, did something similar but with only weight in my leg. I did grow a bit, but it took a lot of dedication and time. I may just learn to do something similar as your posting in the future.
Some people just say that sleeping comfortably is better than this, idk what to do maybe im just gonna do this while im scrolling on my phone laying in bed probably not while sleeping, just to stretch it
I've been confused on this one either Deep Sleep VS Banded Sleeping which one increase more height?!?!

This is my setup on banded sleeping, I sleep on the floor with my matress and have nothing to hold the bands excepts for my weights
View attachment 30005

Need ur guys opinion and reason WHY.
honestly i just think the first one is bullshit, it justs extends the spine temporarely but then it all comes as it was first.
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