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Dick pill

Not masturbating can cause shrinkage as well.
But sexual exhaustion is a very real thing.
The thing about your penis is it will shrink if you don't use it (erections count as using)
But if you abuse the damn thing it will get damaged and continuing that behaviour will prevent it from healing.
Wow that's a bit much....vid says max a day should be 2 times. I would try space it out once or twice every other day.
yeah youre right better off with just 2 else my dick starts to get sore
Ever tried kegel exercises? Might make a thread about it. It helps performance in bed and helps last longer.....well you have to get a girl in bed first lol 😂
idk how it works and how to tell if youre actually exercising them so i gave up doing them, thread about kegel exercises would be high iq ty
Kegels are great.You can have multiple orgasms with kegels.I can like have 3-4 orgasms till I can't hold it anymore.
But you must be very careful doing them and you should have muscle relaxants nearby because sometimes they just get hypertronic and not only cause you to come early but also cause pain.
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  • #12
Kegels are great.You can have multiple orgasms with kegels.I can like have 3-4 orgasms till I can't hold it anymore.
But you must be very careful doing them and you should have muscle relaxants nearby because sometimes they just get hypertronic and not only cause you to come early but also cause pain.
Good info
If you check out Dr Sam Robbins' other videos on masturbation, he says that you should try to fap without watching porn. Makes sense to me. I try not to fap as much. I fap only once a week, which i don't regret at all.
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  • #14
If you check out Dr Sam Robbins' other videos on masturbation, he says that you should try to fap without watching porn. Makes sense to me. I try not to fap as much. I fap only once a week, which i don't regret at all.
Same fapping with just imagination has helped greatly
🍌 Warning: Masturbation Shrinks Your Penis - by Dr Sam Robbins

hes full of shit and i dont even need to watch this video JFL

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