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Direction of Looksmaxxing

Ned Kelly
Jul 5, 2019
Looksmaxxing is a long and tiring journey. Any mistakes along the way can set you back quite a bit, further delaying your journey making your efforts futile and limiting the ripe time you have left.

Looksmaxxing is a journey of improvement, meaning it is the act of improving oneself via mentally, physically and spiritually (JFL @Neo) . A good example of improvement is through, unironically, owning your body. Take David Gandy for instance:
Fun Fact, David Gandy was a virgin at the age of 21.

As seen here, Gandy has clearly plummeted in PSL Points, despite this being a younger version of himself. Gandy is known for his rugged and masculine look and for good reason.

Gandy, as seen here, is an absolute mogging machine piercing straight through the heart of foids, causing them to orgasm uncontrollably. Gandy is of the phenotype of ruggedness and masculinity. Attempting to branch into another phenotype can cost you time, effort and your looks, which could further delay your journey or lead you down an undesirable path. Another great example of this case is Francisco Lachowski:

A huge difference in terms of looks. One could say against is that Chico has aged and has gained a higher percentage of bodyfat, and I would honestly have no rebuttal because that's probably true lmao. That, however, does not defer the fact that Chico's attempt of looking more mature is wack. Twink Chico is ultimate pretty boy phenotype.

In other words, the lesson to take away from here is to own your body xD
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Good post.I disagree with the last bit tbh.
I think Lachowski looks even better in 2019
He still looks really pretty but at the same time somewhat manly now.
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i guess its kinda subjective, aged chico to me is probably a 7 or 8, whereas young prime chico was very close to 10.

He still looks really pretty but at the same time somewhat manly now.
its that massive schlonger of his isnt it
A very clear example of someone who looksminned is Kenan İmirzalıoğlu
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These pics are from early 2000s
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And these are early to mid 2010's

Edit:Just noticed that he also has a shit hairline like me.
If he was balding it would have somewhat advanced in 10 years but it didn't.I guess it's a Turkish genetic thing


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listen you catholic fanatic, no shit they had solid foundation, they merely improved on it and that was why i used them as examples you fucking two digit iq sped hed
n***a calm tf down, i just stated the obvious, for anyone who'd think they could be like them lol. Plus i'm not catholic, i'm protestant.
n***a calm tf down, i just stated the obvious, for anyone who'd think they could be like them lol. Plus i'm not catholic, i'm protestant.
yes ik you were joking thats why i called you a catholic fanatic despite your very subtle love for jesus

also used your comment to explain the reason i chose the pics and not lose legitimacy of my post
looks more like the result of poor grooming and a higher percentage of bodyfat. probably because he doesnt have an agent taking care of him
and who knows how his lifestyle is maybe he doesn't sleep well, he drinks or smoke, do drugs, there's a lot of factors that make chico age bad
looks more like the result of poor grooming and a higher percentage of bodyfat. probably because he doesnt have an agent taking care of him
Could be that.
He was the biggest name in the male model industry for a very long while and still he's very big.
He's one of the tallest male models in the country and he looked great in his youth too.
He made a thousand fortunes because of that and acting in tens of TV shows.
He was even chosen the best male model of the world in 1997

So he doesn't really need to take good care of himself at this point.
and who knows how his lifestyle is maybe he doesn't sleep well, he drinks or smoke, do drugs, there's a lot of factors that make chico age bad
yes ik that, thats why i chose a very frauded pic of him with perfect skin
yes ik you were joking thats why i called you a catholic fanatic despite your very subtle love for jesus

also used your comment to explain the reason i chose the pics and not lose legitimacy of my post
I don't have subtle love for him, I have great love for him, cause he's my onenitis :love:.
I don't have subtle love for him, I have great love for him, cause he's my onenitis :love:.
me too bro but ya gotta refrain from shitposting on my srs thread
Crying Sobbing GIF - Crying Sobbing - Discover & Share GIFs

David Gandy was a virgin at the age of 21.
I no longer want to go ER anymore.
Crying Sobbing GIF - Crying Sobbing - Discover & Share GIFs

I no longer want to go ER anymore.
ik ay apparently its cos he was too NT jfl nah im pre sure he could of got laid it was just cos he was a loner
i guess its kinda subjective, aged chico to me is probably a 7 or 8, whereas young prime chico was very close to 10.

its that massive schlonger of his isnt it
View attachment 3600
It may not be that big.....models are known for tucking their penis and stuffing their underwear for professional pics.
I don't have subtle love for him, I have great love for him, cause he's my onenitis :love:.
jfl he will never be masc. I HATE chico. He ruined perfection. What a shame.
I agree, there are models with better bone structure and look high T than him.