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do I look like a slut be honest

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The word "slut" indicates immoral sexual behavior. I try not to judge based off looks because there's more depth in character. You have a Madison beer phenotype, like a 10/10 baddie. On top of that you're ethnically ambiguous. AKA you ain't a slut unless you're a slut.
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  • #32
The word "slut" indicates immoral sexual behavior. I try not to judge based off looks because there's more depth in character. You have a Madison beer phenotype, like a 10/10 baddie. On top of that you're ethnically ambiguous. AKA you ain't a slut unless you're a slut.
ty that's so sweet :peeposhy:
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  • #33
The word "slut" indicates immoral sexual behavior. I try not to judge based off looks because there's more depth in character. You have a Madison beer phenotype, like a 10/10 baddie. On top of that you're ethnically ambiguous. AKA you ain't a slut unless you're a slut.
and no im actually not a slut but just scared of looking like one
being as nice as possible yeah u do legit just change the camera angle no finger by mouth either oh and PLS less makeup youll look much better too natural buety is better in my opinion
Same here. So many girls dump makeup on by the pound and look like clowns, when they fail to realize that the natural look is what's really beautiful in nearly every case.
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