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do I look like a slut be honest

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If that's your definition of slut, fair enough.

Your pic looks like you're at least good for sex

Show me a different pic and I might learn you're also good for other things
This pic makes me think you're also good for parading around town to show off with

And for gym dates

And maybe for spiritual stuff but I can't be sure without a conversation
TBH yes, a "slutty" mix between madison Beer and Transformers Megan Fox. Stacy/Stacylite easy, with the bimbo cliche, the stereotype. No offense tho, i didn't mean to insult you

It will be depending on what your goals are in life and dating, can be positive or negative

You look like you can become a *famous* instagram influencer, launching an OF or any erotic/porn business, make simps pay for you (it seems you have a potential customer in the comments bruh), and cumulating money, short term relationships, and addiction(s)

But like marrying Chad ? Good luck, if it's your goal and you can do it young, you can play Lotto with that luck

Edit : You're still an extremely attractive woman, even with that madison beer look, so don't worry about it
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TBH yes, a "slutty" mix between madison Beer and Transformers Megan Fox. Stacy/Stacylite easy, with the bimbo cliche, the stereotype. No offense tho, i didn't mean to insult you

It will be depending on what your goals are in life and dating, can be positive or negative

You look like you can become a *famous* instagram influencer, launching an OF or any erotic/porn business, make simps pay for you (it seems you have a potential customer in the comments bruh), and cumulating money, short term relationships, and addiction(s)

But like marrying Chad ? Good luck, if it's your goal and you can do it young, you can play Lotto with that luck
wait did u say transformers megan fox?? tyyy damn i’m fine with just being that tbh 😭😭😭😭 but no I don‘t really care about dating a „chad“ i’m more concerned about guys actually wanting to marry me and stuff bc I always felt like i’m getting treated like an object by most men which is not really what I want yk
wait did u say transformers megan fox?? tyyy damn i’m fine with just being that tbh 😭😭😭😭 but no I don‘t really care about dating a „chad“ i’m more concerned about guys actually wanting to marry me and stuff bc I always felt like i’m getting treated like an object by most men which is not really what I want yk
Yeah because past 2010 she goes through face surgeries, so now she looks horrible. She looks way more natural in 2007.
i'm affraid you'll be considered as a one night stand by most men... a pump&dump, just a sexual object. So keep your dating standards high but don't fold at the first attractive man haha
Same here. So many girls dump makeup on by the pound and look like clowns, when they fail to realize that the natural look is what's really beautiful in nearly every case.
tbh it comes from insecurity most grils cover their faces to look prtty for themselves or sometime boys
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but to be fair she still looks good now for her age but she shouldn’t have done all the fillers
pump&dump is insane 💀💀
Unfortunately this is how most men will treat you, sadly

but to be fair she still looks good now for her age but she shouldn’t have done all the fillers
All the stars who became rich & famous because of their looks tend to go through multiple surgeries to keep that youth
if you take photos like that then ofc, just dress a little LESS revealing and dont put that much of make up on, oh and take those bitch earrings off
i agree on everything but the earrings part
100% depends on who you ask at this point.

People who look at you with sexual interest might call you that

I look at you like a person also I have zero desire for you so no.
Damn guys your all worked up some girl could possibly be into self improvement. Be glad girls even wanna do this and be apart of these types of communities. The perspective they can bring to your goals could be very useful from a progess standpoint. My girl is a looksmaxxer mostly because I helped her understand what even means. Man or women can. I understand us men sometimes feel like we got the short end of the stick but women feel that way too with their weight and makeup all the time. I'm not a simp except for my girl of course but let's not discredit the insecurity girls also have about wanting to be the thinnest or the most beautiful. We all feel short of where we wish to be from time to time.
wait did u say transformers megan fox?? tyyy damn i’m fine with just being that tbh 😭😭😭😭 but no I don‘t really care about dating a „chad“ i’m more concerned about guys actually wanting to marry me and stuff bc I always felt like i’m getting treated like an object by most men which is not really what I want yk
And do you have a high laycount
Yeah because past 2010 she goes through face surgeries, so now she looks horrible. She looks way more natural in 2007.
i'm affraid you'll be considered as a one night stand by most men... a pump&dump, just a sexual object. So keep your dating standards high but don't fold at the first attractive man haha
Why is she seen as a P and D by most men?
100% depends on who you ask at this point.

People who look at you with sexual interest might call you that

I look at you like a person also I have zero desire for you so no. You’re just a girl.
Why do you have 0 desire for her and what’s your type?
Damn guys your all worked up some girl could possibly be into self improvement. Be glad girls even wanna do this and be apart of these types of communities. The perspective they can bring to your goals could be very useful from a progess standpoint. My girl is a looksmaxxer mostly because I helped her understand what even means. Man or women can. I understand us men sometimes feel like we got the short end of the stick but women feel that way too with their weight and makeup all the time. I'm not a simp except for my girl of course but let's not discredit the insecurity girls also have about wanting to be the thinnest or the most beautiful. We all feel short of where we wish to be from time to time.
Lemme guess your girl is a Stacy and is blonde
Lemme guess your girl is a Stacy and is blonde
It's extremely odd that people can't look at women and have zero interest in them and just see them as people. Even before i had "sex' when I was younger I felt this way. Is it really so hard to go against your desires and make friends with out needing sex lol?
It's extremely odd that people can't look at women and have zero interest in them and just see them as people. Even before i had "sex' when I was younger I felt this way. Is it really so hard to go against your desires and make friends with out needing sex lol?
going against ur desires is not hard, but that initial desire will always be there if ur attracted to a woman. Unless ur gay or a monk
going against ur desires is not hard, but that initial desire will always be there if ur attracted to a woman. Unless ur gay or a monk
I have zero initial desire to any women online or in person UNLESS I gave gotten to know them and feel some type of connection. This is not true at all for me and for you to assume as such shows that there is serious lack of depth for some men. Idk and I can never relate to this. There is no initial primal desire. I have been on ultra high doses of testosterone. I have been on tren. Thar desire did not increase. I'm very much into women but I'm only into women I feel like I can love and be in love with. A pretty face is just a pretty face. A pretty soul is much more rare and what gets me sexually going so to speak. Im very sexual person and only those who have been close to me can experience that.
I have zero initial desire to any women online or in person UNLESS I gave gotten to know them and feel some type of connection. This is not true at all for me and for you to assume as such shows that there is serious lack of depth for some men. Idk and I can never relate to this. There is no initial primal desire. I have been on ultra high doses of testosterone. I have been on tren. Thar desire did not increase. I'm very much into women but I'm only into women I feel like I can love and be in love with. A pretty face is just a pretty face. A pretty soul is much more rare and what gets me sexually going so to speak. Im very sexual person and only those who have been close to me can experience that.
yea cope tbh. ur biological desires are always there. Obviously u can connect and be attracted to women in other deeper ways to, but to say men have serious lack of depth for looking at women and getting attracted to them initially based on how they look is kinda wild considering its in our biology and its completely natural. Liking/loving women for their personalities and who they are as a person is different from that initial primal desire we all have as animals. Both are normal and shouldn't be criticized. What should be criticized is judging ppl only on looks and not who they are, but acting like looks means nothing to u is different from saying u don't have an instintual reaction to seeing a person u are attracted toward as its not possible. So u can deny it but u denying it doesn't mean it isn't there in ur subconscious brain or ur body as its embedded into our biology mate.
yea cope tbh. ur biological desires are always there. Obviously u can connect and be attracted to women in other deeper ways to, but to say men have serious lack of depth for looking at women and getting attracted to them initially based on how they look is kinda wild considering its in our biology and its completely natural. Liking/loving women for their personalities and who they are as a person is different from that initial primal desire we all have as animals. Both are normal and shouldn't be criticized. What should be criticized is judging ppl only on looks and not who they are, but acting like looks means nothing to u is different from saying u don't have an instintual reaction to seeing a person u are attracted toward as its not possible. So u can deny it but u denying it doesn't mean it isn't there in ur subconscious brain or ur body as its embedded into our biology mate.
You can cope your way out of this all you want. We built different is my only conclusion. Fuck even my genetics say i have high aptitude for empathy and connection. I have desire but it's not a response to someone's looks. It's always been this way. I have never been a simp for someone's looks and I never will. I won't agree with you and it's because I am right FOR ME. I know what I experience.28c0c633a9f95f7acdd70a94064e4bc6_0.jpeg
You can cope your way out of this all you want. We built different is my only conclusion. Fuck even my genetics say i have high aptitude for empathy and connection. I have desire but it's not a response to someone's looks. It's always been this way. I have never been a simp for someone's looks and I never will. View attachment 38819
Ni**a what the heck do u not understand about me saying there is a primal urge and there is how u respond and act on it there's a difference. Ur basically saying u have no primal urgers like bro ur just yapping tbh. No man or women is exempt from their biology but of course u can control it and act on it in different ways so congrats on being able to channel ur urges but its funny ur trying to act like they arent there. Its basic science and biology don't be pretentious. Im not saying ur inferior or anything only saying ur body has arousal to stimuli and then ur consciousness and perception which u voluntarily control helps u act and channel that arousal from the stimuli (the arousal can be good or bad). So arousal=involuntary bodily response and conscious thought/perception and behavior=voluntary and this cant be argued its scientific facts not some bs I'm making up.
You can cope your way out of this all you want. We built different is my only conclusion. Fuck even my genetics say i have high aptitude for empathy and connection. I have desire but it's not a response to someone's looks. It's always been this way. I have never been a simp for someone's looks and I never will. I won't agree with you and it's because I am right FOR ME. I know what I experience.View attachment 38819
different theories of emotions this is general and not pertaining to looks specifically but its saying the same shit the arousal (in our case for what we are talking about, looks) leads to the emotions and beaviors
You can cope your way out of this all you want. We built different is my only conclusion. Fuck even my genetics say i have high aptitude for empathy and connection. I have desire but it's not a response to someone's looks. It's always been this way. I have never been a simp for someone's looks and I never will. I won't agree with you and it's because I am right FOR ME. I know what I experience.View attachment 38819
How is he coping? All people have superficial attraction to some point
How is he coping? All people have superficial attraction to some point
At some point I'm sure I did too but iv been in this mindset for so long it makes me feel better that I'm past that bullshit. You guys need to ascend mentally ASAP. Women like you better when your a prince charming and strong. Not a sex hungry dog. It's fucking facts bro
How is he coping? All people have superficial attraction to some point
At some point I'm sure I did too but iv been in this mindset for so long it makes me feel better that I'm past that bullshit. You guys need to ascend mentally ASAP. Women like you better when your a prince charming and strong. Not a sex hungry dog. It's fucking facts bro
This n*kka ignored everything i said about involuntary and voluntary responses. I give up
At some point I'm sure I did too but iv been in this mindset for so long it makes me feel better that I'm past that bullshit. You guys need to ascend mentally ASAP. Women like you better when your a prince charming and strong. Not a sex hungry dog. It's fucking facts bro
Sex hungry dog? Jfl just cuck your attraction to girls intentionally to be muh Prince Charming
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