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do I look like a slut be honest

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  • #55
of course!!😊
honestly id love to do makeup like yours, im still such a noob😭 what products do you use?
i use the gorgio armani foundation, maybelline concealer (with that little hairy thing at the tip), fenty beauty moscow mule as blush and some random bronzer idk 😭😭 mascara ofc and kohl pencil
U look like a total sl*t but in a good way tbh. Ur lips and cleavage make me very horny I want to respectfully put my Benis in that beautiful mouth of yours. Outside that ur ideal pump and dump material but not LTR material. Recreational use only. Hot tho
Astronomically down bad bro i cant stop laughing at this post
you can’t pick and choose while looking like this. settle for what u can get
I can pick and choose whoever I want lady. tbh ur not bad looking but u rub me the wrong way with how harshly u treat other users and face no repercussions. Like i said I'm not gonna lash out anymore as i don't wanna get banned.
yes u do
also only thing u have similar with madison beer is lip filler
just take normal pics with normal angles and do normal makeup
and u won't
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