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Do I need jaw implants?

Just wondering what is trimax
IIRC it’s Bimax and Genioplasty. Also, he’s right but maybe you only need bimax since your face shortness doesn’t seem too bad.
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  • #13
Get a trimax +genio and rhino when u are older. And if after if u still feel uncanny ull probably need fillers for undereye+chin( if u feel like it since its not permanent) and implants on ur cheekbones
Btw is my jaw actually wide enough? Is it worth to make it wider using implants
Btw is my jaw actually wide enough? Is it worth to make it wider using implants
get an expander and it will widen your jaw/cheekbones. If u get implants i would go for a custom implant along your jaw and cheekbones
View attachment 31952(Mandible angle implants) Or is it better to do rhino+ train neck
I mean no one really needs jaw implants but I feel like training the neck, if you mean through exercise, might be a good place to start because its invasive. I personally like to edit my photos in photoshop to see how I might look with the surgical changes I want, to help get an idea. Maybe if your old enough you could get a consultation with a surgeon and talk about your goals
I mean no one really needs jaw implants but I feel like training the neck, if you mean through exercise, might be a good place to start because its invasive. I personally like to edit my photos in photoshop to see how I might look with the surgical changes I want, to help get an idea. Maybe if your old enough you could get a consultation with a surgeon and talk about your goals
Meant to type noninvasive
I mean no one really needs jaw implants but I feel like training the neck, if you mean through exercise, might be a good place to start because its invasive. I personally like to edit my photos in photoshop to see how I might look with the surgical changes I want, to help get an idea. Maybe if your old enough you could get a consultation with a surgeon and talk about your goals
All three
You already have infinite SMV though, I don’t think you need any of those.
Oh What does smv mean? My philtrum is actually super long but cause of the way I do my makeup its not noticeable, my nose also has a dorsal hump but u cant tell from the front
Oh What does smv mean? My philtrum is actually super long but cause of the way I do my makeup its not noticeable, my nose also has a dorsal hump but u cant tell from the front
😆SMV means Sexual Market Value, it’s how much actual appeal you have to the opposite sex. So for example, an average looking guy who’s 5/10 facially might have a 7/10 SMV if he’s 6’6, 5% bodyfat, and has an insane frame and physique. Since you’re a decent looking female your smv is automatically like 8/10. I don’t think your philtrum or nose matter that much, those are very small individual features that barely add any looks rating.
😆SMV means Sexual Market Value, it’s how much actual appeal you have to the opposite sex. So for example, an average looking guy who’s 5/10 facially might have a 7/10 SMV if he’s 6’6, 5% bodyfat, and has an insane frame and physique. Since you’re a decent looking female your smv is automatically like 8/10. I don’t think your philtrum or nose matter that much, those are very small individual features that barely add any looks rating.
Philtrum and nose can make a difference but in her case probably not.
