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does anybody else like 90s alternative rock

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  • #4
like Weezer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Creed
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  • #12
Just listen to say it ain't so by Weezer this is Banger man added to my Playlist aswell
ik my friend put me on it and I thought it was pretty good, currently one of my favorites in the genre
dad music if you know what I mean
Can't stand it. Spent my childhood in the 90's listening to that garbage on the radio whenever riding in the car with my mother. Whenever I hear that crap now it lingers in my head for days. I hate the Goo Goo Dolls in particular. Gotta leave the room immediately whenever I'm in a place where they're playing.
Can't stand it. Spent my childhood in the 90's listening to that garbage on the radio whenever riding in the car with my mother. Whenever I hear that crap now it lingers in my head for days. I hate the Goo Goo Dolls in particular. Gotta leave the room immediately whenever I'm in a place where they're playing.
On second thought I do love this song.


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