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Does beating affect gym gains

Hey bro who is hit you You turn it around and hit it A real man doesn't get hit Alright
yes. you need to beat at least 3 times a day to see sufficient gains. mewing also helps. make sure to mew or chew mastic gum whilst beating. this really worked for me.
If so please provide evidence! Thank you.
Yes and no, depends on who is doing it and how. If you mean beating yourself off, then it can be negative, can drop your testosterone and make you feel less energetic. However, having another man who, particularly a jacked man with higher test levels, flick your bean for you can actually do the opposite. The interaction between two men of high testosterone can actually mutually boost test. His hard callouses on your hard meatshaft can provide significant gains. Want proof? Well you don’t know til you try it yourself, and don’t worry, having another man stoke your artichoke solely for the test boost isn’t gay, if that bothers you(unless you enjoy it). Hope this helps.
Yes and no, depends on who is doing it and how. If you mean beating yourself off, then it can be negative, can drop your testosterone and make you feel less energetic. However, having another man who, particularly a jacked man with higher test levels, flick your bean for you can actually do the opposite. The interaction between two men of high testosterone can actually mutually boost test. His hard callouses on your hard meatshaft can provide significant gains. Want proof? Well you don’t know til you try it yourself, and don’t worry, having another man stoke your artichoke solely for the test boost isn’t gay, if that bothers you(unless you enjoy it). Hope this helps.
i think you're a homosexual.
Semen is your life force, ofc it affects your gains. I exchanged so much collagen with seamen forb a hit of dopamine i might get arthrithis
Yes and no, depends on who is doing it and how. If you mean beating yourself off, then it can be negative, can drop your testosterone and make you feel less energetic. However, having another man who, particularly a jacked man with higher test levels, flick your bean for you can actually do the opposite. The interaction between two men of high testosterone can actually mutually boost test. His hard callouses on your hard meatshaft can provide significant gains. Want proof? Well you don’t know til you try it yourself, and don’t worry, having another man stoke your artichoke solely for the test boost isn’t gay, if that bothers you(unless you enjoy it). Hope this helps.
when you nut you release a shit ton of proteins and nutrients, not good to lose allat since thats important for muscle gain
jacking off every 7 days causes a 150% boost from baseline T levels, testosterone is important in muscle building
jacking off every 7 days causes a 150% boost from baseline T levels, testosterone is important in muscle building

according to snopes its bogus lol. of course i take snopes with a grain of salt, but some of their articles might be on point imo

The second study reported a 45% increase in testosterone levels after seven days of abstinence. But this was a temporary peak which then returned to the same levels as before, even with continued abstinence, and stayed that way. Such transient alterations in testosterone levels are unlikely to have any lasting effects on men’s health and may primarily serve as a regulator of the creation of new sperm.

A few studies, on the other hand, have shown either no effect of abstinence on testosterone or that testosterone levels were actually higher after masturbation or sex. Measuring testosterone before and directly after masturbation in 34 healthy young men found that testosterone levels increased after self stimulation. But any longer term effects were not checked. At best, the evidence linking masturbation with changes in testosterone levels is limited and with mixed conclusions."

my gut instinct though says nofap boosting t is bogus, due to the "use it or lose it" principle
according to snopes its bogus lol. of course i take snopes with a grain of salt, but some of their articles might be on point imo

The second study reported a 45% increase in testosterone levels after seven days of abstinence. But this was a temporary peak which then returned to the same levels as before, even with continued abstinence, and stayed that way. Such transient alterations in testosterone levels are unlikely to have any lasting effects on men’s health and may primarily serve as a regulator of the creation of new sperm.

A few studies, on the other hand, have shown either no effect of abstinence on testosterone or that testosterone levels were actually higher after masturbation or sex. Measuring testosterone before and directly after masturbation in 34 healthy young men found that testosterone levels increased after self stimulation. But any longer term effects were not checked. At best, the evidence linking masturbation with changes in testosterone levels is limited and with mixed conclusions."

my gut instinct though says nofap boosting t is bogus, due to the "use it or lose it" principle
thats why i said fap every 7 days instead. it will peak temporarily (use that peak to your advantage), then fap again and wait 7 days, repeat. its better than fapping every day and losing nutrients
7 day cycle mogs
I would like to try no fap though to see the benefits
I don't think it does actually

Both use different systems
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