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Does face change a lot in our 20s?


New member
Jan 29, 2024
I often look back at past photos of when I was in highschool, or teenage years, around 18-19 years old, maybe even 20 and I look way different compared to now at around 22. I also checked in on my old friends from school and they look unrecognizable, their face became puffy, bloated and bigger, it makes me wonder why that is?

I checked an old photo of 19 years old, and I had very healthy hair, like a jungle, nice skinny chiseled elastic face, very young looking. Makes sense right? Just 3 years later at 22, I look like I'm in my 30s, and no longer the same, how does that work? Is there some science behind the drastic changes to the face that occur in our 20s? Lower GH? It's only 3 years difference, no way natural aging can do that much change...
your looks may get worse a bit after your 20s
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your looks may get worse a bit after your 20s
I know girls who looked 10x better while in high school, like 16-18, and then now at early-mid 20s, they look like they went through menopause...
I thought our 20s is supposed to be the age where we do a lot of fukin and partying and finding a partner? Why do we lose our looks in this age range? And why do we peak at highschool years?

Is there anyways to retain the peak look from highschool years to our 20s?
I know girls who looked 10x better while in high school, like 16-18, and then now at early-mid 20s, they look like they went through menopause...
I thought our 20s is supposed to be the age where we do a lot of fukin and partying and finding a partner? Why do we lose our looks in this age range? And why do we peak at highschool years?

Is there anyways to retain the peak look from highschool years to our 20s?

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