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Does facial contouring work?


Jul 13, 2024
I'm saving up to have my entire face contoured. I'm sick of not being enough for people.
hell no not if you aren’t already lean and debloated
What does this mean?
most of the before and afters I have seen are of guys like 20% body fat, and the results are either negligible or could be achieved by losing weight and thus face fat. If you are not at a low bodyfat% and debloated, then do that before you get a pointless procedure.
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most of the before and afters I have seen are of guys like 20% body fat, and the results are either negligible or could be achieved by losing weight and thus face fat. If you are not at a low bodyfat% and debloated, then do that before you get a pointless procedure.
I am a girl and have a low bodyfat percentage
I just described them and you're not reading
I am reading, I’m just trying to better understand why you chose facial contouring to try and change them. Am I confusing it with something else or is facial contouring a procedure to make your face appear leaner and more defined?
if you want to look mixed you’ll need to use a skin lightening stack, look on .org

you will also likely need rhinoplasty

you can also fraud eye color with colored contacts

I am sure there’s a thread on .org about how to do all this
if you want to look mixed you’ll need to use a skin lightening stack, look on .org

you will also likely need rhinoplasty

you can also fraud eye color with colored contacts

I am sure there’s a thread on .org about how to do all this
Think there is but please be careful not to go too far because you could risk looking uncanny.
Think there is but please be careful not to go too far because you could risk looking uncanny.
funky flamingo has a pretty good transformation

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