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Does mewing work?

Kid get out of here, you’re way too young to even know a little bit how you’re gonna look when you’re older

Sleep well, eat well, play sports, and mew

Come back when you’re older
since youre young yes place your tongue properly dont rest it on your teeth i made that mistake and then my teeth became raised and elevated and i had to wear rubber bands to correct it and make sure to nose breathe or else your face will not develop well, just place your tongue where it should be and you should be fine
it can also improve your undereyes but like everyone else said dont worry about these things too much and enjoy your childhood
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since youre young yes place your tongue properly dont rest it on your teeth i made that mistake and then my teeth became raised and elevated and i had to wear rubber bands to correct it and make sure to nose breathe or else your face will not develop well, just place your tongue where it should be and you should be fine
it can also improve your undereyes but like everyone else said dont worry about these things too much and enjoy your childhood
Nah man, i’ve been mewing for several years and no results. Just gym and protein is what you should do at your age.
Plus the potential of being young will get to his head. Look at fucking rodeblur lmao
its good to mew erlier than later. When you are still developing. ur mewing results will come with way less effort. Mewing works with adulthood but take years and years
Mewing does work, especially when started at such a young age where your bones and sutures are more malleable.


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L take. Teeth and jaw misalignment are mainly due to improper tongue posture + bad sleeping habits. If it can ruin the face, it can save it

Mewing is legit same thing as braces. It just takes effort, unlike braces
stfu dumbass
Anti aromatizing+ MK677

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