Well the drop in insulin levels begin to happen 3 hours after eating and after 6 hours HGH production starts to increase and it gets more and more significant as hours progress.It starts to get significant at around 12 hour mark and becomes maximally effective at 18-20 hours.One study demonstrated a 2000% increase in HGH levels by just 24 hours of fasting.So I don't know where you got the idea you'd have to be fasting at least two days from
Yea I know that it's there as protection but it's not like we can't use it to our advantage.
So I mean it's not impossible to fulfill your daily calorie intake with a 20/4 intermittent fasting routine.
And if 24 hours of fasting results in 2000% increase 20 hours should also be quite significant.
And as long as you're taking in enough nutrients in your two meals (in case you do a 20/4) you should be fine
tbh we re going into territory where 1) idk much about 2) can only be hypothesized about since i doubt anyone did any studies about this cause why would they
when fasting, you go catabolic. adrenaline and cortisol are being released in order to:
- release glycogen from muscles/liver
- break down muscle fibers to be converted to glucose trough gluconeogenesis
- release fat from fat cells
if your GH were to be high, youd favorize the fat as opposed to the muscle for energy, yes
also all minerals you ingested with your meal will be gone. your body regulates how much is being absorbed by how much is needed. the rest is pissed out
for growth to happen you must be anabolic. you need minerals and you need some vitamins (why do you think people are going insane megadosing k2? its retarded but small doses are required tbh..)
also IF increases albumin and SHBG, lowering free hormones. longer fasts break your balls, no matter what you hear cucks on youtube say ((((dr.))) ericuck bergenstein, (((thomas degoldberg)))

also the (((studies))) i read showed basically nothing before 2 days
last points i want to make:
- its not GH thats important, its IGF-1, and IGF-1 downregulates GH secretion
- theres more factors that lead to bone growth other than GH. androgens, estrogens, insulin, leptin, all are involved in growth.
it would make no sense for you to be able to grow after not eating for days, that makes no sense. you get hungry when going trough a growth spurt, no? what makes sense is that you'd want your muscles to not go to shit if you cant find food for a few days